I’m also endorsing Stamboulieh, with the disclosure that we have been colleagues and, though our communications have been limited to emails and telephone calls, I consider him a trusted advisor and friend. Even so, that’s not enough to earn my endorsement. It’s also been my longstanding policy that any director candidate who receives my vote first needs to give unequivocal answers to questions that leave no wiggle room for weasel-wording your way out. After all, even Dianne Feinstein has claimed to be “a supporter of the Second Amendment BUT…” [More]He's the only candidate I know of who says "if it in any way affects the 2A, then it should be a graded vote."
Friday, January 27, 2017
NRA Board Candidate Stamboulieh Has Earned This Member’s Vote
The Enemy Within
Leading immigration experts say Sen. Thom Tillis’ (R-NC) latest push for amnesty ignores President Donald Trump’s mandate for cracking down on illegal immigration. [More]OK, Tillis, you get the same challenge no one else has been able to answer:
In addition to explaining the California experience, produce credible data – something that can be independently validated – that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and even legally, with current culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners. Show us your sources and methodologies for determining this WILL NOT result in supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will be able to pass all kinds of anti-gun edicts.
Show us how this WILL NOT result in nominations and confirmations of judges to the Supreme and federal courts who will uphold those edicts, and reverse gains made to date. The sudden passing of Justice Scalia, and the precarious balances of the Heller and McDonald decisions, ought to drive home for all how dangerously critical that is.
Notice I didn’t ask you for platitudes, or for anecdotes about exceptions to the rule, or about who is turning up in increasing numbers at gun stores and ranges – that doesn’t matter if you can’t point to a corresponding overriding shift in voting trends. I didn’t ask for wishful speculation about how education and outreach programs MIGHT help bring more over to the NRA side.
I asked you to show how all credible estimates putting the disparity at over 70% Democrat and anti-gun are wrong (and how the needle barely moves in the right direction after 20 years). If you think that can be changed, you’re going to need to be specific about how (assuming it can be done, which you’ll also need to spell out), and how by then the damage won’t be irreversible, beyond any kind of beltway insider political “solution.”
How about some verifiable numbers to refute my concerns?
Thank goodness none of this has anything to do with that "single issue," right, NRA?
Show us how his "good votes" now won't be erased and reversed by his support for Norquist/Bloomberg cultural and political terraforming.
Kate Brown Doubling Down on Oregon Infringements Leaves Gun Owners Choice to Obey or Defy
There’s no doubt Brown and her fellow gun-grabbing collectivists will stay on their present course, passing in-your-face infringements because the “progressive” blue counties from which they gain their political power are more heavily populated. They would do well to note the total map, and to ask themselves if they’re really prepared to issue a “Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated” Borg mandate to the rest of the state. [More]There comes a time when the only correct response is "No. Your move."
Mr. Zuckerberg, Tear Down This Wall
Protesters set to gather at border wall — of Mark Zuckerberg’s Hawaiian estate [More]What a goddam hypocrite.
The "private property" excuse doesn't wash when he's relying on the force of the state to acquire it and then enforce against border violations via trespassing charges that will be prosecutable once he does.
And he's making noises about running for president in 2016?
What is it with these "progressive" billionaires thinking they're god?
For all the money it generates, Facebook is an exceptionally crappy product.
Takin' It To the Streets
Iowa bill: 5 years in prison for highway protesters [More]Mixed feelings here -- impeding people who have to get somewhere is one of the better ways to get average Americans totally honked off at 'em...
[Via Florida Guy]
Killing the Competition
German Newspaper Editor: Assassination Easiest Way To End "Trump Catastrophe" [More]Those making such noises ought to consider what unleashing opponents from the rule of law might look like for them personally.
[Via Jeet]
'A Practical Guide'?
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Hey, wasn't he a Republican...? |
You "community organizers" don't have the grassroots to be able to do all this in a mature, dedicated, disciplined and sustained manner -- and certainly not in the "red" states. Your "indivisible" theme is too obviously similar to headcase Shia La Poof's "He will not divide us" rants, and all the other mass street insanity and destruction that actually defines what your ground troops are about.
In true Opposite Day "progressive" fashion, your theme is belied by the alienation and polarization that is your ugly M.O.
By all means keep that up. More and more Americans are starting to realize what you people are about. And it hardly helps your game plan that the unions are starting to divide.
In the Thicke of Things Now
Robin Thicke 'loses custody' of son Julian as judge issues 'restraining order blocking him from going near his child, ex Paula Patton and her mother' [More]And we know what that means in terms of being able to have a gun. No "Blurred Lines" there.
I'll bet he's extra-special glad he supported "feminist" gun-grabber Hillary.
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