An Oakland "Only One" demonstrates why he's an "Only One"... and also why he's an Oakland "Only One."
[Via "Anonymous at "View from the Porch]
Notes from the Resistance...
The fears of man are many. He fears the shadow of death and the closed doors of the future. He is afraid for his friends and for his sons and of the specter of tomorrow. All his life's journey he walks in the lonely corridors of his controlled fears, if he is a man. For only fools will strut, and only cowards dare cringe. -- James Warner Bellah, "Spanish Man's Grave" in Reveille, Curtis Publishing, 1947.Sweet Home, Alabama
Well, I'm gratified to see calmness, confidence and optimism breaking out all over in response to my essay. Why don't some of you guys just go ahead and slit your wrists and get it over with? Or better yet, throw some cold water on your faces, wake up and start acting like AMERICANS used to, fer cryin' out loud. No wonder the ATF thinks they can get away with what they do. If you'll stop worrying about what the enemy can do to you and start thinking about what you can do to them, you'll have made a start at winning the fight. Crap, you outnumber them a hundred to one, despite your fears. If you acted like you had the power that you actually have -- the power that your own timidity is stripping you of -- we wouldn't have to fight at all! Sheesh. Quit moaning, b...tching and "woe-is-me-ing" and start ACTING like free people. You're sure you wanted this blog and not the "surrender before inconvenience" one?"Only Cowards Dare Cringe"
I have found over the years that modern day so-called liberals (who bear little resemblance intellectually to their claimed classical liberal ancestors)lack the courage of their convictions. There is no principle so dear that they are willing to personally suffer for, let alone die for. Government, blessed government, is their idol. If they are aggrieved, oppressed, or merely imagine that they are oppressed, it is to government that they turn. There hasn't been a liberal willing to die for his principles since the Civil Rights movement. They are more than willing to dispatch the men and women of government to die in their place, however. But, and I think this is more dangerous to the country, they also extrapolate from their own cowardice and believe that all people (even those who disagree with them) will, in the end, do what they're told by Government. (Emphasis supplied.)
Hold to the course, though the storms are about you;They are quiet fellows, mostly. But it is not the smartest thing in the world to make them mad, as British Colonel Patrick Ferguson found out when he called their ancestors in North Carolina "backwater men," "barbarians" and "mongrels" in 1780. He miscalculated his audience. The Scotch Irish pioneers came down out of the "backwaters," tracked Ferguson and his Tories to King's Mountain and killed him in a fight that proved THE turning point of the Revolution. One of my friends, a maintenance man at a local nursing home, a humble fellow who never went to college, a son of a coal miner and the descendant of men who fought Ferguson (and others who fought the Creeks, Abe Lincoln AND Jefferson Davis, and the Kaiser and Hitler and Hirohito) can tell you the story as if it happened yesterday with a comprehensive knowledge of the subject and an eye for detail that would put a professional historian to shame. One of the defeatist critics of Awkward headlined his piece "the revolution has been canceled." Try telling that to my friend. It lives within his soul. As another great Southerner once said, "The past isn't dead. It isn't even past."
Stick to the road where the banner still flies;
Fate and his legions are ready to rout you--
Give 'em both barrels--and aim for their eyes.
Life's not a rose bed, a dream or a bubble,
A living in clover beneath cloudless skies;
And Fate hates a fighter who's looking for trouble,
So give 'im both barrels--and shoot for the eyes.
Fame never comes to the loafers and sitters,
Life's full of knots in a shifting disguise;
Fate only picks on the cowards and quitters,
So give 'em both barrels--and aim for the eyes.
Although extraordinary valor was displayed by the entire corps of Spartans and Thespians, yet bravest of all was declared the Spartan Dienekes. It is said that on the eve of battle, he was told by a native of Trachis that the Persian archers were so numerous that, when they fired their volleys, the mass of arrows blocked out the sun. Dienekes, however, quite undaunted by this prospect, remarked with a laugh, "Good. Then we'll have our battle in the shade." -- Herodotus, The Histories.And that brings me to my final point. Discouragement and defeatism come from isolation and the fear that it breeds. In "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield, the Spartan Dienekes says:
"All my life . . . one question has haunted me. What is the opposite of fear? . . .To call it aphobia, fearlessness, is without meaning. This is just a name, thesis expressed as antithesis. To call the opposite of fear fearlessness is to say nothing. I want to know its true obverse, as day of night and heaven of earth. . . How does one conquer fear of death, that most primordial of terrors, which resides in our very blood, as in all life, beasts as well as men? . . . Dogs in a pack find courage to take on a lion. Each hound knows his place. He fears the dog ranked above and feeds off the fear of the dog below. Fear conquers fear. This is how we Spartans do it, counterpoising to fear of death a greater fear: that of dishonor. Of exclusion from the pack. . . But is that courage? Is not acting out of fear of dishonor still, in essence, acting out of fear?" Alexandros asked (Dienekes) what he was seeking. "Something nobler. A higher form of the mystery. Pure. Infallible. . . You young men imagine that we veterans, with our long experience of war, have mastered fear. But we feel it as keenly as you. More keenly, for we have more intimate experience of it. Fear lives within us twenty-four hours a day, in our sinews and our bones. . . We cobble our courage together on the spot, of rags and remnants . . . I know all the tricks . . . I know how to close with my man, how to convince myself that his terror is greater than my own. Perhap it is. I employ care for the men-at-arms serving beneath me and seek to forget my own fear in concern for their survival. But it's always there. The closest I've come is to act despite terror. But that's not it either. Not the kind of courage I'm talking about. Nor is beast-like fury or panic-spawned self-preservation. These are katalepsis, possession. A rat owns as much of them as a man.". . . Ariston asked if this higher courage in fact existed. "It is no phantom," Dienekes declared with conviction. "I have seen it. . . Do you know who owns it, this pure form of courage, more than any other I have ever known?" No one around the fire answered. "My wife."In Pressfield's novel, the answer to Dienekes' question was wrapped up in the secret of how the 300 were chosen for what all knew was certain death at Thermopylae. I will not ruin the ending of the book for you if you have not read it, but I think I can summarize and answer without danger: Love. Love is the opposite of fear. Love, faith, duty. If you take counsel of your fears, if you believe in something so little that you can be discouraged before even trying to defend it, then I say boldly that you do not love it enough. You do not have faith in what you profess to believe. For this lack of love, you shirk your duty -- to yourself, your family and your country. The wonder of it to me is that you feel comfortable in telling the world of your own failure to love, of your lack of faith and your pitiful excuses for why you cannot do your duty without apparent embarrassment.
You can see it in their flushed-face smiles and hear it in their screams. They say the phenomenon is difficult to describe, but once they experience it they tell their friends, sisters, mothers and daughters, and they come back for more if they can.
Ms. RAND. Well, I mean, there are many jurisdictions, and I think the District of Columbia is one that has a process in place in its interaction between ATF and local law enforcement. If you apply for a dealer’s license in the District, you get a visit from an ATF inspector and from—and you have to notify the local law enforcement and you have to meet all zoning requirements, you have to be in compliance with all business license laws, et cetera, et cetera. And the combination of those two things have worked inD.C. and other jurisdictions——
Over 1,000 guns were bought back by Oakland officials over the weekend in one of the largest ever buy-back events on record; nevertheless six people have been murdered in the city since Friday.Oh my.
A suspended North Providence police detective has been convicted of nine criminal counts, including burglary and trying to steal money from a stolen ATM.I guess "using a firearm in the commission of a crime of violence" doesn't get a pass for freelance work...
The land board's chairman, General Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, somehow interpreted this as a debate about the Second Amendment right to bear arms. He favored selling the property to private bidders who would guarantee access to hunters. Anyone else who couldn't make that guarantee would be disqualified, Mr. Patterson said, including the National Park Service, which bans firearms on federal parkland.
So naturally, we judge Patterson's position as "ridiculously skewed," because we're "Authorized Journalists" and it's our job to bring our intellectual enlightenment to those of you with "embarrassingly distorted" expectations that your lives are worth defending in wilderness areas.
As for the game harvesting issue, leave it to the opinion manipulators at The Dallas Morning News to perpetuate the Second Amendment = hunting sleight of mind.
I can't recall the last reported incident of a shootout or police death during a raid on a B.C. grow-op.Because when it comes to drug-related criminal activity in Canada, we're "The Only Ones."
And yet coroner statistics show that, since 1992, 267 citizens have lost their lives in B.C. during police-related incidents.
Rapex - dubbed the 'rape trap' - is a product worn internally by women. The hollow inside is lined with rows of razor-sharp hooks, which are designed to latch on to a rapist's penis during penetration. They can only be removed by a doctor. [More]Well this is going to get someone killed. I wonder if they indemnify against a violent revenge reaction?
Not sure I would want some sub saharan dude bleeding all over my vaginal cavity...there's a good bet his blood will transmit any number of diseases that will result in a slower death. A well placed shot assists in avoiding bodily fluid contact.Figure: if one in five South African adults are HIV infected, we can assume the odds will be even higher for someone engaged in violent criminal activity ( a high risk subculture in itself) like rape, where contact is generally "unprotected" (in more ways than one).
STATEN ISLAND February 12, 1780
Inhabitants from Spanktown make excursion to Staten Island and bring off a Tory captain and seven loyal inhabitants.