This is not Hudson’s first attempt at passing such a bill. A similar effort from 2015 was introduced and died without being enacted. With Republicans enjoying majorities in the House and Senate, and with Donald Trump ready to assume the presidency, all strongly enabled by gun owner support, all excuses for not passing the bill this time will ring hollow. [More]But your help is needed.
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Rep. Hudson Introduces National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill
The Ultimate Czechs and Balances
Despite the E.U.’s concerns, the latest Czech proposal argues that armed citizens would be the best defense against terror attacks. [More]Kind'a like "being necessary to the security of a free State" 'n all that...?
[Via Larry Pratt]
Ending ‘Gun-Free School Zones’ Not as Easy as Trump Just Issuing an Order
As a result of that “out,” finding lawmakers willing to put forth a radical departure from business as usual, something new, something that turns the status quo in its head, can be like pulling teeth. And that shows how the relative term “conservative” can also be an indication of supposed “leaders” who really prefer things remain just the way they are, infringements and all. [More]It's bigger than one man. Conversely, all it takes is one man to take advantage of those damnable signs and put the focus back on gun bans.
The Greatest Danger
Paul Ryan calls WikiLeaks chief a Putin 'sycophant' [More]This guy, along with Grahmnesty, McConnell, McCain and the usual GOP suspects, is going to prove much more dangerous and insidious an obstacle than any Democrat.
Ring in the New
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UPDATE: Assigned H.R. 38.
Another Take
In his last days as president, he’s bidding to strip millions of seniors of their Second Amendment rights. [More]It would be interesting to see how he would respond to the insights of a former SSA adudicator who left extensive clairfying comments and objections under my piece...
[Via Michael G]
A Mistake or a Feature?
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest gun rights organization) is opposed to some of the regulatory recommendations from the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection that pertain to Olympic Competition Pistols. The firearms in question fell under the State’s definition of assault weapons when amended language was passed under Public Act 13-3 and 13-220. [More]Anybody see an emergency justifying regulation in order to protect the public?
This is what happens when Democrats are in charge. And that's why I maintain anyone who supports giving them political power cannot truly be "pro-gun."
Tit for Tat
Schumer promises to block Trump’s Supreme Court pick [More]So "the American people [no longer] deserve a fully functioning court”?
This would be just noise were it not for certain Republican traitors equally interested in helping engineer failure to reestablish their dominance.
Well This Should End Well.
Where, of where have all the Democrat anti-war protesters gone? [More]
I wonder what crisis for assuming emergency powers is being cooked up...
Movements like this have been known to start avalanches.
I wonder what crisis for assuming emergency powers is being cooked up...
Movements like this have been known to start avalanches.
Exclusive: Turkish Bloodbath
Curiously, again at this writing, self-styled “common sense gun safety law” groups, never shy about leaping to conclusions and blood-dancing for more infringements every time there’s a criminal shooting to exploit, have been strangely silent about the Istanbul killings. So far the story is being ignored on their web pages and social media accounts, with the groups preferring instead to focus on warning everyone against Donald Trump and the NRA—that and blaming Indiana for Chicago’s record homicides. Perhaps it’s because they realize Turkey already imposes a “wish list” of gun owner control infringements the gun-grabber groups want to see enacted here. Perhaps it’s because an examination of that will show how useless such edicts are at stopping the evil in our midst. [More]So much for all those policies and controls the antis say will make life better and safer for everyone...
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online.
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