Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tripping Traps and Other News
I've posted another Gun Rights Examiner column to deal with developments from Gun Owners of America, Oregon Firearms Federation and Montana Shooting Sports Association. [More]
Dreams of Obama

So what are Obama and Biden going to do that fits any objective definition of "commonsense"? Make things more illegal for the above list? Or come up with more foolishness that won't work, but will infringe on the right of the people from Chicago to Cheyenne to keep and bear arms...? You know, that Second Amendment he respects so much... [More]
This is the second in this week's Gun Rights Examiner series on what the new President has in mind for us. If you missed the first article, it's here.
I need extra help today to spread the word on this--I think I missed a deadline last night on a site I get good traffic referrals from.
Tell a friend? Post on forums? Etc.?
Gary, We Hardly Knew Ye
The mayor of Racine, Wis., resigned on Tuesday, days after being accused of trying to arrange a sexual encounter with someone he thought was an underage girl. [More]Yes, another one. What is it about these degenerates who will not control themselves, yet want so desperately to control those of us who do not share in their despicable weaknesses?
And thus goes ever unanswered the age-old question...
[Via The Drawn Cutlass, which notices something missing...]
A Cabana Kiboshes Rum
The return of Burka Abeam?
Hey, I was just looking to see if I could find any hidden Satanic messages...[More]
Hey, I was just looking to see if I could find any hidden Satanic messages...[More]
The Hireling
From Plug Nickel Times, via email:
I submit this is the difference between a hireling, a mere employee with no vested interests other than his own, and an engaged sovereign citizen.
Too bad the manager didn't hear the exchange. The clerk deserved to be fired.
A lot of hirelings do. But somehow, I don't think the new management expects them to be all that customer-friendly.
Hello David,
No big deal - I just thought you might find this telling and even funny (in a sense).
I'd written you earlier about a visit of mine to a Walmart a couple weeks ago where they were pretty low on common caliber ammo. Today in a different store and different town I was at another Walmart. This time the shelves were almost bare. Apart from some 50rd boxes of .22 - there weren't more than a few dozen boxes of ammo on the whole shelving unit! (none in common calibers)
I asked him with a straight face if they planned on restocking. He assured me that they did - but he wasn't sure when. He seemed to think that in a month or so they'd be back up to full stock.
He went into a rant from there - saying that it was all the fault of people being fearful of the latest regime - panic buying, etc. I thought it was kinda' funny and encouraged him to take a more optimistic view of the matter but he'd have none of it!
I didn't decide to use the title "Plug Nickel Times" for nothing - but from a certain perspective it is kinda' funny to see all that ammo and armament flying off the shelves. It's a helluva' message - restless peasants and all.
What would Ceausescu do? What would Machiavelli have advised?
(was it?)Mel Brooks - "gads - those peasants _are_ revolting!"
I submit this is the difference between a hireling, a mere employee with no vested interests other than his own, and an engaged sovereign citizen.
Too bad the manager didn't hear the exchange. The clerk deserved to be fired.
A lot of hirelings do. But somehow, I don't think the new management expects them to be all that customer-friendly.
Number One Salesman
Since November 4, one of the interesting trends we've seen is a sharp increase in the purchase of firearms. People who would have probably NEVER have considered owning firearms before the election are now full-fledged gun-owners.Beginning immediately after the election, gun shops across the country noted increases in sales by 42% over the previous November. December numbers increased further after the announcement of Eric Holder as nominee for Attorney General.The writer of this piece is new to guns, but as you can see, open-minded.
Now, again, in January, we are seeing a further increase in sales of firearms. [More]
Here's a great chance to encourage that and approach his "outside the choir" readers. Here's a chance to be ambassadors, so that a whole new set of minds might want to learn more...
Here's a chance to be Number One Salesmen and Saleswomen.
We're the Only Ones Not Excessive Enough
Lund says he was feeding ducks at the park on Nov. 25, 2006 when officers with their guns drawn surrounded him and ordered him to raise his hands over his head. The suit claims Lund told the officers he could not raise his arms above shoulder level because of a disability but was tackled, handcuffed, dropped repeatedly on the ground and dragged across concrete. [More]Plus, the reason he was approached in the first place is because of a vendetta by a person who had already wronged him.
Most disturbing are the assorted comments from "Only Ones" who think their brother officers deserve to be able to assault innocent 74-year-old disabled war vets and give them blood clots on the brain with impunity. No doubt they are some of those "few bad apples" we hear about, or do you think they might be more representative than the apologists care to admit?
One thing's for sure. As far as this crowd is concerned, it is "us vs. them."
The opinion is here.
[Via Al N]
UPDATE: Looks like the title-linked article has been removed. Wonder why.
UPDATE 2: Thanks to Tom in comments, we can preserve the comments by these exemplary public servants. Be sure you click on the profile links, so you can see just who it is that thinks this is a great way to protect and serve the public. I'm pasting them below anticipating the cache will go away at some point. I'm not sure if I can be legally ordered to take this down or not or if fair use and public interest will prevail, so view it/copy while you can.
What Works in Chicago
One of President Barack Obama's first acts Tuesday was to put the brakes on all pending regulations that the Bush administration tried to push through in its waning days...So why would the "Authorized Journalists" bring that up unless...?
Another Bush administration regulation that went in effect this month overturned a 25-year-old federal rule that severely restricts loaded guns in national parks. [More]
Ain't it nice to know he was only pandering to the AHSAholes when he said "what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne"...?
[Via Ed M]
"Killer App"
A new application has been launched for the iPod touch to help gun users line up a clean shot at their target. [More]I can't believe this is legal!
Can children buy it?
What about criminals or [Gasp!] terrorists...?
Does that about cover it?
[Via info4all]
UPDATE: David Hamel, one of my favorite Canadians, sent me a link that provides a lot more details.
Lee and King
He was tortured, a man of deep conscience, who loved his country. He saw how that Republic was so quickly veering from the Founder's intent. He believed that serving his state was the right path and the path to bring us all back to what was meant to be. [More]Mike H shares some thoughts...
This Day in History: January 21
General Putnam communicated to me last night, the disagreeable account that Lt.Col.Preston's party of Militia from Cumberland County in this State has deserted him; this practice in the Militia so generally prevails, that unless some effectual check can be speedily applied, I apprehend the most fatal Consequences. The mischief is not confined to the desertion alone, they stay till they are properly equipped to render essential Service, and by that means plunder the public of the necessaries that were at first otherwise intended and would be better applied. [More]
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about 1 month ago
Sounds like a good ruling from the bench ! So rare these day's.
about 1 month ago
Ok, why does he need $10 million? I hope he continues to get what he deserves - absolutely nothing.
about 1 month ago
about 1 month ago
Lets hear for the Judge
about 1 month ago
Hopefully the third Officer will fair as well.
about 1 month ago
Glad too see a judge using his head
about 1 month ago
I've sat where those officers are sitting, at the wrong table! It was the one of the toughest few weeks in my life. Glad the officers made it and thank you to the Judge.
about 1 month ago
Alright!!!! There is a Judge out there with some common sense.
about 1 month ago
At leasat the judge could see through the BS.
about 1 month ago
Finally one for the good guys