That the government of Israel evidently did not learn the lessons of 20th Century Europe is evident. A temporary solution that does not include the right of the people to keep and bear arms is no solution at all, and certainly no long-term deterrent to those who make clear their evil determination to impose a “final solution.” [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes some solutions are more final than others.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Israel needs more than temporary gun solution to stop “final” one
South of the Border, Down Mexico Way
“Foreigners who enter Mexico have the obligation to register; if they will be in national territory for more than seven days, they have to pay the right of non-residents.” [More]Racists!
I Could Have Gotten By Just Fine...
...without having learned the word "teledildonics." [More]
Not just "progressives," but Oregon "progressives."
Is it any wonder I love them so?
Not just "progressives," but Oregon "progressives."
Is it any wonder I love them so?
Meet the Man Suing Eric Holder and the ATF
Stephen took time out of his schedule to answer a few questions for us and we’re pleased to post his responses. [More]We last discussed this here.
Talk About a Broken Moral Compass
What the hell makes Marty Troyer think people serious about freedom and the responsibilities it brings are the equivalent of promiscuous libertines? Aside from his own ignorance, prejudice and lust to see all kneel before an omnipotent state? [More]
What an Orwellian POS this lying idol worshiper masquerading as a man of God is. Naturally, "Comments are closed."
Here's "The Peace Pastor"spreading the peace.
"Progressives" and Opposite Day! No wonder we love them so.
What an Orwellian POS this lying idol worshiper masquerading as a man of God is. Naturally, "Comments are closed."
Here's "The Peace Pastor"spreading the peace.
"Progressives" and Opposite Day! No wonder we love them so.
We're the Only Ones Tumultuous Enough
Columbus police will review their recruit-training procedures after a tumultuous morning in which three cruisers were wrecked in a chain-reaction crash, and tear gas carried by wind to an elementary school irritated the throats and eyes of several children and a pregnant, asthmatic teacher. [More]WarOnGuns has obtained an exclusive transcript of a dispatcher recording that captured communications during the incidents:
Nyuk Nyuck Nyuck!
Why I oughtta...
[Via Florida Guy]
What Hailey Feels

In Iowa City, we have the police to protect us. [More]And a fine job they're doing of it!
[Via Michael G]
Russia turns to guns to stem high murder rate
The move to liberalize gun laws there contrasts with well-financed efforts to increase restrictions in this country, despite documentation from the Bureau of Justice Statistics that prompted Forbes to acknowledge, “As gun sales soar, gun crimes plummet.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes freedom gains a foothold in the most unlikely places. And ditto for tyranny.
About Last Night...
I have a friend whose wife is from Europe. Bringing her in legally and going through the process took years and thousands of dollars. I'm wondering if a class action lawsuit by all such people who played by the rules might succeed, based on equal protection...?
Wrapping the Investigation Up
In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.
Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.” [More]Tracy is the same flack who got cover for DOJ with Media Matters and dismissed Mike and my bar complaint as "specious [and] frivolous."
Naturally, "progressive" media doesn't care so much about what this means to freedom of the press as they do about making sure their idols stay worshiped. It's not like they're interested in the truth or anything...
[Via Florida Guy]
Coming Soon, to a "Progressive" Neighborhood Near You
I got about every fourth word. [More]
Maybe Barbara Billingsley could translate...?
If only they would disarm racists like you and me!
[Via Florida Guy]
Maybe Barbara Billingsley could translate...?
If only they would disarm racists like you and me!
[Via Florida Guy]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife [More]Catchy!
Of course, it won't do anything but make the sheep even more helpless, but you must admit, it's very "progressive."
I'm sure there are plenty of other slogans that would help the rulers with their mission of ensuring a monopoly of violence. Why not cut right to the chase?
Be our Thralls, Surrender Your Balls.
And no, I would not.
Not any more.
[Via Florida Guy]
Say, Gang, I've Got a Swell Idea!
Let's make sure being self-taught is illegal, just in case anything big ever goes down! [More]
The Ignorance, It Burns
Comment posted under yesterday's GRE:
I wish I had time to properly fisk this -- first impressions will have to do.
With the power grid down, getting troops to mobilize -- and do so in any semblance of a timely manner -- becomes problematic in itself. Plus, there simply aren't enough of them to secure the entire nation -- leaving, as projected, most areas on their own. And under the scenario testified to by Admiral Rogers, foreign dangers requiring manpower are going to be heightened. Then we have the bipolar attitude toward "our sons and daughters" with shoot-to-kill orders, and then alternately citing and then disparaging the Oath Keepers concept.
This person evidently thinks under the martial law situation she describes (stereotyping me, I'm just too old and conditioned to imagine a man using that avatar), she will be free to move about -- where she gets the gas from, or how she safely navigates L.A. without a car, remain unstated, but fortunately, she won't need her shotgun to get there and back again. It's not like scary rampaging mobs have ever paralyzed the city and terrorized and victimized targets of opportunity before. I guess she doesn't remember last time, although -- again, stereotyping me -- you would think someone from there who adopts a Korean screen name would at least have heard the stories that youth and/or privilege appear not to have heeded...
Note she's assuming triage centers will be eager to accept -- and feed and house-- "volunteers" of unstated qualifications. Thank God you're here -- we need this coffee pot and cookie tray for the firemen filled up stat! More likely, we'll be talking about setting up a tent city within the Coliseum or some such, a la the hell that was the Superdome in Katrina, with no way to supply the refugees, or remove the stinking waste, or treat the injuries, or the disease -- and good luck deciding you don't like it and wish to leave. First of all, where to?
Also note the automatic "progressive" distrust and paranoia in that "fair play turnabout": The question I posed asked if anti-gunners would maintain that position or engage in the LAWFUL activity of defending themselves and their loved ones. She automatically presumes it is conservative/libertarian gun owners who will turn into predators -- as we no doubt have in every riot situation I can recall, from Watts to Katrina. No "progressive" projection there.
The things such people need to believe. Now seems a pretty good time to reintroduce readers here to a three-part essay I've linked to before.
To restate something I've said before: I don't highlight trolls on occasion to feed them -- I do it because their own words do more to expose them than mine can.
I wish I had time to properly fisk this -- first impressions will have to do.
With the power grid down, getting troops to mobilize -- and do so in any semblance of a timely manner -- becomes problematic in itself. Plus, there simply aren't enough of them to secure the entire nation -- leaving, as projected, most areas on their own. And under the scenario testified to by Admiral Rogers, foreign dangers requiring manpower are going to be heightened. Then we have the bipolar attitude toward "our sons and daughters" with shoot-to-kill orders, and then alternately citing and then disparaging the Oath Keepers concept.
This person evidently thinks under the martial law situation she describes (stereotyping me, I'm just too old and conditioned to imagine a man using that avatar), she will be free to move about -- where she gets the gas from, or how she safely navigates L.A. without a car, remain unstated, but fortunately, she won't need her shotgun to get there and back again. It's not like scary rampaging mobs have ever paralyzed the city and terrorized and victimized targets of opportunity before. I guess she doesn't remember last time, although -- again, stereotyping me -- you would think someone from there who adopts a Korean screen name would at least have heard the stories that youth and/or privilege appear not to have heeded...
Note she's assuming triage centers will be eager to accept -- and feed and house-- "volunteers" of unstated qualifications. Thank God you're here -- we need this coffee pot and cookie tray for the firemen filled up stat! More likely, we'll be talking about setting up a tent city within the Coliseum or some such, a la the hell that was the Superdome in Katrina, with no way to supply the refugees, or remove the stinking waste, or treat the injuries, or the disease -- and good luck deciding you don't like it and wish to leave. First of all, where to?
Also note the automatic "progressive" distrust and paranoia in that "fair play turnabout": The question I posed asked if anti-gunners would maintain that position or engage in the LAWFUL activity of defending themselves and their loved ones. She automatically presumes it is conservative/libertarian gun owners who will turn into predators -- as we no doubt have in every riot situation I can recall, from Watts to Katrina. No "progressive" projection there.
The things such people need to believe. Now seems a pretty good time to reintroduce readers here to a three-part essay I've linked to before.
To restate something I've said before: I don't highlight trolls on occasion to feed them -- I do it because their own words do more to expose them than mine can.
This Day in History: November 21
I Received your Excellencys Letter of yesterday on the subject of hard Bread, as we had none on hand, it was out of my power to give an immediate Answer, have this day been to West Point, and have taken the most effectual measures to have it Baked seasonably... [More]
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