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And I strongly recommend this book, if you really want to get your blood boiling.
Sonofabitch doesn't trust us?
Notes from the Resistance...
Years ago, some friends in the now-defunct The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society came up with a poster intending to highlight the absurdity of cosmetic gun bans. This parody piece really brings home how ridiculous they are... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column gives the plans. Examiner.com asked its writers to do a "how to" piece as part of an "Information 191" promotion. Let's see who just looks at the title and freaks.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
The Commander in Chief is pleased to approve the following sentences of a General Court Martial, held the 16th Instant, whereof Col. Shreve was president, and orders that there be no delay in putting them in execution.John Van Dyck of the 2nd. New Jersey Regt. charged with "desertion, and stealing three hundred dollars" -- found guilty, and sentenced to receive fifty lashes on his bare back... [More]