Business will keep me away from new blog posts until Monday morning.
Please feel free to wander about. I will be checking comments from afar to make sure no one hijacks the joint, but aside from that, I won't be getting to accumulating emails until I have time, so please don't feel ignored.
Item last--seems nobody else but Blogonomicon knows how to get picked up by a pretty girl. OK, pal, you may be younger and better looking than me 'n Stieger, but us old guys are a lot more treacherous.
It's on.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Significant Guidance--BATFU Style

Thanks a lot fellas, that was very helpful of you. You certainly do make compliance a breeze.
I guess this means you've got nothing new coming down the pike, no plans or anything anyone needs to know about? No interpretations, no policies, nothing that will affect anyone you have any regulatory power over? Or if you do, and haven't provided guidance documents, dealers affected by it will be given some sort of leeway or recourse?
[More on BATFU from WaronGuns]

Thanks a lot fellas, that was very helpful of you. You certainly do make compliance a breeze.
I guess this means you've got nothing new coming down the pike, no plans or anything anyone needs to know about? No interpretations, no policies, nothing that will affect anyone you have any regulatory power over? Or if you do, and haven't provided guidance documents, dealers affected by it will be given some sort of leeway or recourse?
[More on BATFU from WaronGuns]
A Cavalcade of "Only Ones"

We're the Only Ones Hot Dogging It Enough, Part II
A suburban police officer is accused of leaving a police dog in a patrol car for more than 12 hours on a 109-degree day, killing the animal.Looks like they finally booked him. Part I is here.
[Via Sam]
We're the Only Ones Mixing Kids and Guns Enough
[I needed to use Google cache because the submitted link isn't working right now]
Sentenced to probation for shooting two cars and holding police at bay for seven hours during a psychotic episode that ended with a trip to the mental-health ward and the discovery of child pornography on his computer, retired state trooper Stanley W. Foss III had one question for Judge John S. Kennedy.Y'know, as a professional courtesy--kind'a like getting probation for crimes that would get us non-"Only Ones" either put away or put under...
He wanted to know if the judge would lower the felony child pornography charge to a misdemeanor "so I could keep my weapons."
[Via Hyunchback]
We're the Only Ones Distributing Enough
A former Lebanon Junction police sergeant has pleaded guilty in U.S. district court to charges that he planned to distribute OxyContin, law enforcement officials said yesterday.I wonder how many drug arrests he participated in during his seven years in law enforcement?
[Via Hyunchback]
We're the Only Ones Losing It Enough
Lowell police are asking for the public's help in locating a missing -- and most likely unloaded -- .40-caliber Beretta after a veteran officer apparently misplaced the handgun over the weekend.Hey, we're always glad to help out here at WarOnGuns:

[Via Brian F]
We're the Only Ones Who, When We Do Shooters, Really Do Shooters Enough
She was sitting in a lounge chair in the living room of her Oak Street home, watching television, when the round ripped through a screen on an open bathroom window, rattling off walls and doors and hitting about 4 feet over her head, showering her with pieces of plasterboard as she ducked in fear...And are you ready for the best part? Aside from the responding officer reaching the victims' house with weapon drawn because he wasn't sure if they were the ones doing the shooting?
Shots were still being fired when an officer arrived at their home, said Police Chief James Downes.
Police say those shots came from a nearby house, at 800 Main St., where two law-enforcement officers were allegedly drinking.
Downes declined to identify the two men linked to the shooting because criminal charges have not been filed. A source said one of the men works for the Reading Police Department and the other for the Middlesex Sheriff's Office.I love how the drunken, sociopathic hired help consider themselves to be "officials." Besides, it's not like they endangered the lives of anyone important. I wonder what kind of "administrative action" they'd have taken against non-"Only Ones"?
"They were law-enforcement officials, and their agencies were called to take administrative action," Downes said.
[Via Brian F]
Portrait of a "Gun Criminal"
THIS is Why We Need Gun Registration!
Meet Alfred Flatow, gun criminal. Despite being a prohibited person, meaning he was not legally allowed to own one, the authorities arrested him for having an illegal gun in his possession. And they were able to do so--before Flatow could use those guns and kill anyone--through good old-fashioned police work, by tracing it to him via firearm registration lists.
Thank goodness they had such lists, because how would you like the idea of this guy having an unregistered gun, an easily concealable weapon designed to kill people? And the same night Flatow was arrested, many other lawbreakers just like him were also relieved of their illegal weapons through a prototype Project Disarmed Neighborhoods initiative.
Who could possibly be against the authorities knowing people among us like Gun Criminal Flatow possess lethal firepower? What kind of extremist gun zealot could be against reasonable, common sense gun laws like registration, or keeping guns away from people who aren't supposed to have them?
You can find out more about this gun criminal here.
And you can read about his arrest and what happened to this outlaw here.
If this doesn't end the gun registration debate once and for all, I don't know what will.
[Via Of Arms and the Law]
Meet Alfred Flatow, gun criminal. Despite being a prohibited person, meaning he was not legally allowed to own one, the authorities arrested him for having an illegal gun in his possession. And they were able to do so--before Flatow could use those guns and kill anyone--through good old-fashioned police work, by tracing it to him via firearm registration lists.
Thank goodness they had such lists, because how would you like the idea of this guy having an unregistered gun, an easily concealable weapon designed to kill people? And the same night Flatow was arrested, many other lawbreakers just like him were also relieved of their illegal weapons through a prototype Project Disarmed Neighborhoods initiative.
Who could possibly be against the authorities knowing people among us like Gun Criminal Flatow possess lethal firepower? What kind of extremist gun zealot could be against reasonable, common sense gun laws like registration, or keeping guns away from people who aren't supposed to have them?
You can find out more about this gun criminal here.
And you can read about his arrest and what happened to this outlaw here.
If this doesn't end the gun registration debate once and for all, I don't know what will.
[Via Of Arms and the Law]
A Self-Help Book for Robyn
Kevin tells us another anti has turned off "Comments" on her blog because:
That's what happens when you enter a fray--people fight back. Duh.
Too bad Robyn doesn't have the guts or the depth to deal with a fight she picked by injecting herself into the debate as a "leader." Oh well, that's actually a good thing, because if she can't handle this, it means if real sacrifices and commitment are ever needed, she and her fellow cyber tigers will fold and run .
In the mean time, and totally in the interest of helping this self-pitying quitter climb out of the well she's dug and placed herself at the bottom of, Robyn, have I got a book for you:
If you google "Robyn Ringler"—my formerly good name—You will find many similar comments about me. I have been called a liar, a rapist, a moron, an idiot, a racist, a bigot, Hitler, stupid, and so many other names—it's enough to last a lifetime.Just the other day someone wished me and my gun-owning guests dead right here on my own blog--and I let his comment stay up, as I do with all "negative" comments except for those that are spam, something that could be legally perceived as a threat against a specific person other than myself, blatant obscenities, or an intentional attempt to derail a thread with something completely off topic. I can't even begin to recount the insults, names, libels, lies and threats that have been posted to me or about me over the years as a result of my taking a stand on this side of the wall.
That's what happens when you enter a fray--people fight back. Duh.
Too bad Robyn doesn't have the guts or the depth to deal with a fight she picked by injecting herself into the debate as a "leader." Oh well, that's actually a good thing, because if she can't handle this, it means if real sacrifices and commitment are ever needed, she and her fellow cyber tigers will fold and run .
In the mean time, and totally in the interest of helping this self-pitying quitter climb out of the well she's dug and placed herself at the bottom of, Robyn, have I got a book for you:

This Day in History: September 7
On September 7, 1778, 400 Indians and 12 French companions appeared at the fort. After a couple days of talk, the attack finally came, and it was furious. The French and Indians attempted to set fire to the fort by shooting fireballs onto the roofs of the cabins. The plan failed because the women and children of the fort easily put out the fires and were aided by heavy rainfall. Next the attackers tried to burrow under the foundation of the stockade. The pioneers thwarted this scheme and the French and Indians retreated after a 13 day siege. "..we had two men killed, and four wounded, besides a number of cattle. We killed of the enemy thirty-seven, and wounded a great number" (Lofaro).
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