Start here and then follow the thread.
I think it's pretty funny, but then again, I consider CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA to be all you need to know about Situational Leadership® in some cases.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
We're the Only Ones Making a Cop Reality Show Enough
A uniformed cop accused of raping an East Village woman in her apartment tried to hide from a surveillance camera while using a key to enter her building, sources said yesterday.Huh. Wonder why the "Only Ones" were comfortable enough with the whole activity they ("allegedly") thought they could get away with it?
But what he didn't appear to know was that there was a second camera catching his and his partner's every move [More]
Could it be a combination of Furious Mike's opposition to armed citizens, along with Liberty-Lynchin' Pat's "lift a finger" guarantee...?
Olofson Awaits
A Wisconsin man sent to prison for having a malfunctioning semi-automatic rifle is awaiting word from the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on whether he'll have to serve the rest of his 30-month term. [More]We shall see...
Saving Grace
I got an email from WarOnGuns correspondent Michael G about a TV show "Saving Grace":
Just like real life, right?
The episode involves a serial killer of blonde buxom women who had implants. When Grace's boss tells her that the public needs to be informed, Grace goes into a tirade about how people will start carrying guns and that we don't need that.Like most network garbage, I've never seen the show. I gathered from the email and confirmed by doing a search that Holly Hunter's pretend character plays a cop. Amazing, how fictional heroes always seem to be at the right place at the right time to save the day.
Later her own sister tries to take one of Grace's spare guns and is caught, she goes into another tirade, first saying how her (the sister) hates guns, and did she know anything about them. That the gun was loaded, and did she know about the safety, where it was, and how to unload a firearm...that she would only get herself killed.
Grace then tells her that she is not to buy a gun either. The sister apologizes.
Of course she kills the serial killer...with her a member of the Only Ones.
Now it's just TV, because as you and I know, the rank and file cops, approve of an armed citizenry. The problem is the dumbed down electorate (by government schools and a leftwing media) are unaware of this factoid.
Just like real life, right?
Prison Nation
One in every 31 U.S. adults is in the corrections system... [More]Hell, we can do a lot better than that. And with Eric Holder prepping the merger of the War on Drugs with the War on Guns...
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Of Course it's Outrageous. They Like Rubbing Our Faces in it.
Handguns would get more expensive in Wisconsin under Gov. Jim Doyle’s budget proposal.Just call it a "sin tax" and the blue state cheeseheads should eat it right up.
The Democratic governor’s spending plan would increase background check fees to $30 from $8, a move that could affect tens of thousands of gun buyers. Republicans pounced on the idea. Rep. Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, branded it “outrageous.” [More]
[Via Sean Y]
Operation Garden Plot?
In this document signed by the Secretary of the Army, is hereby assigned as DOD Executive Agent for civil disturbance control operations. [More]Big Caveat--this was sent to me by a regular reader. I have no way of determining if the information is accurate or not, as I have not seen the original FOIA request nor the official response, assuming everything is as stated. I offer it here not to perpetuate disinformation or an unfounded conspiracy theory, but to see if anyone can help track down what's really going on here.
Some relevant links:
Google search
[Via Steven S]
In Forma Pauperis
In the case of U.S. v. Hollis Wayne Fincher, there are many things that have occurred which cause one to seriously reevaluate the idea that we actually have a justice system. I would that this be not the case, but the evidence weighs heavily against my desire. [More]Paul W. Davis analyzes the latest setback.
[More about Wayne Fincher from WarOnGuns]
'Double Indemnity' Meets 'Quest for Fire'

Edward G. Robinson is kneeling down beside a dying Fred MacMurray, who asks for a cigarette (didn't he know that could kill him?). Robinson pulls a match out of his pocket and strikes it with his thumb. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows us that old movies can teach us about freedoms that we once took for granted.
Special guest star, Defender.
I also have announcements from gun rights groups, and links to my fellow Gun Rights Examiners' latest columns.
Please share it far and wide with your friends, on forums, etc.
This Day in History: March 3
I think it probable, that the Ships of War, which were in Chesapeake Bay, are coming to infest you, and I wish they may not find their account in it. [More]
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