Now Trooper Daniel Martin, who placed his hands around the neck of a paramedic, is now the subject of an internal investigation, although he and his partners remain on duty. [More]Be sure and watch the video, too.
Yep, even EMTs rushing patients to the hospital must bow and grovel before the mighty "Only Ones."
Keep winning friends and influencing people, boys. Don't worry, I'm sure hand throttling a man's windpipe is approved department procedure. Especially as you endanger the life of a citizen in need of critical aid, who, for all you know, could die from any delay of treatment.
But more important everybody respect your authoritah.
Keep drawing more and more previously unengaged citizens into your embrace.
Squeeze, baby, squeeze.
Until our eyeballs bleed.[Via Tom S]
UPDATE: CTone sends us the paramedic's written attestation.