“Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow.” — Stevens Point Daily Journal, August 1897."To Plant a Seed," my August 2008 Guns Magazine Rights Watch column about the Appleseed Project , is now online.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
To Plant a Seed
We're the Only Ones Off Duty Enough
Police said officers saw Abel strike the other man in the back of the head using the butt of his gun, at which point, the gun fired, striking the man in his right hand...Sounds like if he doesn't mend his ways, "Only One" Abel could be setting himself up for a meeting with Cain...
Investigators said Abel's blood alcohol level registered at .111, over the legal limit of .08.
[Via Tony G]
Vanderboegh: Mayoral Mendacity & The Private Sale of Firearms
To the editor, WSJ
re: "Some Gun Rules We Can All Agree On" by Michael Bloomberg and Thomas Merino, WSJ, June 30, 2008
Mayors Tom and Mike would have us believe that "closing the gun-show loophole" is a rule "we can all agree on." Well answer me this, my mendacious mayors: If the whole edifice of federal control of gun dealers is based upon the constitutionally shaky premise of "interstate commerce," then how can you stretch that fig leaf to cover individuals who are not dealers and who only buy or sell a few personal guns a year within their state of residence?
Gun dealers who participate in gun shows are already required to conduct themselves as they would in their shops, with full federal paperwork and background checks. What you're after is total government control of the private sale of arms. Not even King George III was THAT grasping.
This is very dangerous ground you're pushing the country toward. Just because you have two presidential candidates who agree with this monstrous attack on individual liberty doesn't mean the armed citizenry will go along with it. You remember us, surely? We are citizens, not subjects, and we're the ones with the firearms.
Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126
re: "Some Gun Rules We Can All Agree On" by Michael Bloomberg and Thomas Merino, WSJ, June 30, 2008
Mayors Tom and Mike would have us believe that "closing the gun-show loophole" is a rule "we can all agree on." Well answer me this, my mendacious mayors: If the whole edifice of federal control of gun dealers is based upon the constitutionally shaky premise of "interstate commerce," then how can you stretch that fig leaf to cover individuals who are not dealers and who only buy or sell a few personal guns a year within their state of residence?
Gun dealers who participate in gun shows are already required to conduct themselves as they would in their shops, with full federal paperwork and background checks. What you're after is total government control of the private sale of arms. Not even King George III was THAT grasping.
This is very dangerous ground you're pushing the country toward. Just because you have two presidential candidates who agree with this monstrous attack on individual liberty doesn't mean the armed citizenry will go along with it. You remember us, surely? We are citizens, not subjects, and we're the ones with the firearms.
Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126
Whatever They Think is Necessary
They knew that the kids were downstairs by themselves(because we found out that she was staking out the house for a little while prior to the raid) and when they broke into the house, they pointed very large machine guns at Alexander (age 6) and Isabella (age 2). Ms. Keeku said "that they were the ATF and could do whatever they think is necessary.
From David R. Olofson:

Click here for .pdf file.
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Candice Marie Olof... |
Hosted by eSnips |
A new phase of his ordeal begins tomorrow. While we go into the weekend to celebrate American Liberty and Independence, the federal government will be persecuting one of ours, a man who has never committed a true crime or act of violence. He and his family will be suffering in ways most of us cannot imagine.
It's obscene.
Some of us will be watching. His safety while in custody should now be our primary focus and concern.
[These esnips widgets don't display properly in some browsers, but ought to work.]
We're the Only Ones Muellheaded Enough
Last week's landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld a constitutional right to own guns for self-defense and hunting may harm efforts to deter violent crime in communities and college campuses, FBI Director Robert Mueller said Monday. [More]Because we're "The Only Ones" capable of keeping and bearing them safely. Everywhere. Just like the Framers intend...uh...no, wait...
Why doesn't the "Vote Freedom First President" fire this arrogant Muellhead?
Oh, that's right--he's the guy who nominated him.
[Via jpr9]
We're the Only Ones Dispensing Jailhouse Justice Enough
Ronnie White's death was a homicide, the Maryland Medical Examiner ruled Monday. He died Sunday in the Prince George's County Correctional Center from asphyxiation and strangulation, the examiner said...This guy doesn't sound like the boy next door, but what can be done to one prisoner can be done to others--and the more it's gotten away with, the more ingrained in the guard culture and likely it becomes. Never doubt for one minute there are brutal and sadistic "Only Ones" more than willing to arrange a convenient outcome for incarcerated gun owners and political activists.
There have been several problems recently at the county jail, including a former police corporal convicted of murdering a man who was found with a handcuffs key. The county's director of corrections was fired in early June when four handguns went missing from the jail armory.
I can't help but think about Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel. Simply put, I have never believed the official accounts of their in-custody deaths.
It is enough to make a man wonder why he should surrender when so ordered.
[Title link via HZ]
High Noon in Atlanta
Airport General Manager Ben DeCosta said if Bearden shows up at the world's busiest airport with a gun, he'll be busted.So you're saying you know he's not a terrorist but you're willing to destroy him if he defies you, Ben?
"I can identify him, and I'll have him arrested," DeCosta said Monday. "We're not fooling around. This is a post-terrorism environment."
Doesn't that make you the terrorist?
GCO will not stand by and watch this happen. Stay tuned.I will.
UPDATE: Nope. The showdown will happen in court.
[Via Peter W, Avg Joe, SameNoKami, did I forget anyone else?]
Light Work in Durham
Satanic Ritual Sex Crime Leads to Arrest of North Carolina Democratic LeaderThere site is undergoing a little "Commissar Vanishes" maintenance, but naturally, the cache shows the Indigo Dawn casts it's "magick" illumination on The Lightworker--and, of course, on citizen disarmament, because their followers won't need guns where they're going.
The Gunsuicide(TM) Menace
"Other methods are not as lethal," said Jon Vernick, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore.
You hear that, Ruslana?
How about you folks?
Still, if we're going to begin applying "gun control" as a preventive measure in this country, we may as well begin where the problem is most acute.
Horn Free; AP Not
A suburban Houston homeowner was cleared by a grand jury Monday for fatally shooting two men he suspected of burglarizing his neighbor's home.Joe Horn will go free. Now watch the civil suits begin.
There's been a brouhaha in recent weeks about the AP, which filed this story, going after bloggers about citing their stuff--even brief passages like above--and wanting to establish a fee structure for even a simple quote like I've used here. $2.50 for every word over four. They want $44.50 for the above cite.
They can basically plant one. They're among the most notorious "Authorized Journalist" outlets out there as far as injecting an agenda and just plain getting it wrong, and as long as they're out there either incompetently or intentionally misdirecting people, I'm going to call them on it.
Their drek typically doesn't add value--it creates work to clean up after them.
UPDATE: I am told in "Comments" :
LawDog noted that 'Under the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Chapter 83, Mr. Horn is now "immune from civil liability for personal injury or death that results from the defendant's use of force or deadly force".'
This Day in History: July 1
That in case any agent of the ministry shall induce the Indian tribes, or any of them, to commit actual hostilities against these colonies, or to enter into an offensive alliance with the British troops, thereupon the colonies ought to avail themselves of an alliance with such Indian nations as will enter into the same, to oppose such British troops and their Indian allies.
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