Wednesday, March 07, 2018
Ask and Ye Shall Receive
BREAKING. Department Of Justice Decides To Obey The U.S. Constitution And Release Fast & Furious Documents To Congress [More]Now we'll see which documents, what's redacted, and importantly, if all the right quesitons have been asked, including how can this happen without State involvement?
Kevin's the Guy!
Who better to be the oxymoronic "minory leader"? [More]
After all, his gunquisling credentials are impeccable.
He's a GOA mediocrity and damn near a traitor on immigration.
So naturally he gets an "A+," don'tcha know...
Vote freedom first!
[Via Mack H]
The Harder Path
You are the answer. Your greeting, your smile, your gentle human touch is the only thing that can change the world of a desperate classmate who may be contemplating something as horrendous as a school shooting. [More]Maybe. And I advocate giving everyone the respect of treating them like a human being until such time as they demonstrate they aren't respectable. But I suspect by the time things get to where murderous thoughts are part of the equation, the point of no return has been crossed.
I'm afraid when I think of a school-sanctioned do-gooder program to identify alienated kids and then befriend them, it quickly devolves into a fantasy script for a South Park episode that blows up in everyone's faces.
[Via Roger J]
Looking for Gov. in All the Wrong Places
Roughly speaking, 1 out of every 3 African American males who die between the ages of 15 and 19 is killed by gun violence. [More]And trying to disarm me will do what about that exactly?
I don't suppose you could state your case in the form of a syllogism, could you, Derrick?
School of Hard Knocks
A family at home enjoying video games is suddenly overwhelmed when the father answers a knock at the front door. [More]For those of you who missed it the first time, Episode 6 of Season 3 is a Silver People’s Telly Award-winner.
Building Bridges
Coffman, a Republican representing Colorado’s 6th Congressional District, has proposed the “Bridge Act,” a three year proposal. [More]Coffman, of course, will never address the ultimate outcome.
He doesn't have to.
By Hook or By Crook
The left can't win on guns, so now they're trying to silence their opposition [More]Yes. Enemies try to destroy you using every means at hand.
That's what "enemies" means.
[Via Mack H]
Controlling the Opposition
For GOP lawmakers who both depend on those “middle-of-the-road” voters and cannot afford to lose the conservative base, the stakes couldn’t be higher, or the environment more charged. [More]The solution? Adopt the Democrat platform! Problem solved!
Hey, we only tell you this because we care!
[Via Mack H]
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
ISIS-obsessed religious teacher is found guilty of training 'army' of more than 100 pupils as young as 11 to unleash car and knife attacks on Big Ben, Heathrow and Westfield [More]Gee, how'd he get a Walther? The point to make to those who cite a UK "gun crime" comparison as the end-all argument: Give it time. You ain't seen nothin' yet.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Prescient Enough
And in keeping with "progressive" criminal justice reforms, the same proven magic techniques used to stop criminals before they get started will also be used to determine guilt.
And just wait 'til you see the latest in "cutting edge" punishment technology!
[Via Florida Guy]
Well Who Didn't Think This Would Happen?
Alabama Ready for More Gun Control, Sen. Doug Jones Says [More]If the idiot Republicans had a brain they would not have torpedoed Moore. They'd have let the Senate deal with him and the Republican governor appoint an interim replacement/order a special election if warranted.
You just don't give power to oath-breaking domestic enemies without a damn fight.
[Via Michael G]
His Hands are Tied?
Jason Chaffetz says going forward on Fast and Furious is up to Donald Trump [Watch]
I invite him to join a handful of us who have been reminding the president of his pledge.
I invite you, too, or more accurately, I repeat the invitation.
On 'The Verge' of a Hissy Fit
How dare you expect metrosexual Pajama Boys to use correct terminology when they talk about scary guns? [More]
Don't you know this is about their feelings, and their raging resentment from knowing deep down that men and women of worth recognize them for the incompetent and contemptible cowards they are? How can they do anything but feign superiority over knuckledragging gun nuts, as opposed to admitting they hate you, and dream about armed men of authority eradicating the threat to their self-worth posed by your very existence?
Don't you know this is about their feelings, and their raging resentment from knowing deep down that men and women of worth recognize them for the incompetent and contemptible cowards they are? How can they do anything but feign superiority over knuckledragging gun nuts, as opposed to admitting they hate you, and dream about armed men of authority eradicating the threat to their self-worth posed by your very existence?
We're the Only Ones Secure in Our Employment Enough
Secret NYPD Files: Officers Can Lie And Brutally Beat People — And Still Keep Their Jobs [More]Hey, someone's gotta provide security at Eric's "Guns Only for the Only Ones" Kool-Aid-drinking ceremony...
[Via William T]
What Have We Learned fromThis?
Aside from what personal messes so many of the celebrities people idolize turn out to be? [More]
How did the cops know about the gun? And what does registration enable?
[Via Dave Licht]
How did the cops know about the gun? And what does registration enable?
[Via Dave Licht]
Just the Place for It
I'm mobilizing a Brooklyn-wide, youth-led movement for meaningful gun reform. [More]What better place than a borough where the Sullivan Laws are in full effect? Just be careful getting there, kids.
Any bets retired NYPD "Only One" Eric is personally defenseless?
[Via Felix B]
Lalalalala...I Can't HEAR You...
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[More] |
[Via Michael G]
An In-Your Face F-U
State's third production for our FOIA request on Fast and Furious is as devoid of anything resembling compliance as the first two. [More]
That's why we've been compelled to sue.
Tracy Schmaler. Now there's a statist flackette from the past. Figures they'd give her credence as the final word...
I need to see if I can write in more detail on this. I have so many irons in the fire it's tough finding time for everything that deserves it, and in this case, for whatever reason, reports on legalities typically don't generate the reader interest the red meat stories do -- even though they ultimately may prove more important.
Exclusive: The Children’s Crusade
From all this we see a new force emerging to take point where previous efforts to galvanize the citizen disarmament cause by an older generation of Demanding Moms have failed, a supposedly organic and spontaneous “children’s crusade” against guns (unsurprisingly bankrolled by some deep and shadowy pockets). Because its vocal media figureheads are “survivors” of the Stoneman Douglas incident, any criticism against their efforts and their tactics is now being excoriated as an “attack on schoolchildren.” [More]My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column looks at the exaltation of the totalitarian lobby's newest gun-grab rock stars.
And Your Point Is?
David Codrea writes on the Oath Keepers website that Eric Holder is “back trying to make murdered schoolchildren do for his goals what murdered Mexicans could not: Disarm countrymen he loathes.” [More]Yeah? And you have insider sources who've told you different?
This Mantala character is turning into quite the follower. On the plus side, he got my name right this time (and into the Google "News" feed), plus it drives more eyeballs to the site, so I'll take it.
Bumblers All
From today on, we will begin the process of moderating all new and previously uploaded photos for the presence of guns.* Our terms and conditions will be updated to reflect this decision. Bumble is also making a $100,000 donation to March For Our Lives, the organization founded by the brave young survivors of the Parkland tragedy. We stand with them, and join them in working towards a non-violent future. [More]Naturally there's an "Only Ones" exemption, because their behavior around the fairer sex is obviously so much more professional.
Oh, and look:
On Bumble, women always make the first move.Queen bees and drones come to mind. I don't think that's accidental.
And if someone wants to game their system and tells them he (ze?) "identifies" as a woman...? Talk about a "progressive" dilemma!
When I was single I was just never this desperate. It's pretty much the same reason I've never been tempted to pay for a whore -- too much self-respect. Anyone who would put up with any of this crap deserves exactly what he or she gets.
Now seems a good time to resurrect this.
Hearing Voices?
'Almighty Allah has told us to stand for justice' for DACA illegals [More]No accusations of "mental illness" from Joy Behar...?
Shannon Steps In It
She attacks a Jewish woman for getting a gun after she was doxxed by neo-Nazis, accusing her of paranoia ane white privilege. Hilarity ensues. [More]
As an aside, she's been at this for years, backed by all that Bloomberg money and regular media fanfare and she's only got 160K Twitter followers? The new kids on the block amassed multiple times that in days. I bring it up because she's gotta realize she's no longer the star attraction and is desperately searching for renewed relevance.
While immersing myself in that thread, I came across a post that really says everything we need to know about these lemmings:
They demand we all be as cowardly and contemptible as they are. And they present that as superior virtue.
As an aside, she's been at this for years, backed by all that Bloomberg money and regular media fanfare and she's only got 160K Twitter followers? The new kids on the block amassed multiple times that in days. I bring it up because she's gotta realize she's no longer the star attraction and is desperately searching for renewed relevance.
While immersing myself in that thread, I came across a post that really says everything we need to know about these lemmings:
They demand we all be as cowardly and contemptible as they are. And they present that as superior virtue.
We're the Only Ones Just Following Orders Enough
“My stance, as an ATF agent, is if they say this is the law, I’m going to enforce it,” Martineck said, noting he personally believes no one but police and military should have assault weapons. [More]That excuse didn't work at Nuremberg, oath-breaker...
Here's to the day when it doesn't work for you.
[Via Matt Bracken]
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