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WarOnGuns Correspondent George Pace also had a relevant question for the contention that "black and brown children" would be put at risk by presumably predominantly black and brown teachers.
Notes from the Resistance...
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Corrupt Crony of State Sen. Nick Sacco (D) got CCW Permit [More]Because with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day, and Democrats are the party of the people.
H.R. 5103: Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2018 - o amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the excise tax and special occupational tax in respect of firearms and to increase the transfer tax on any other weapon, and for other purposes. [More]I note a "2% chance of being enacted..."
Kroger confirmed that it will stop selling assault rifle-themed publications, while noting it would continue to sell other gun magazines. [More]It's not just guns they want to eradicate, it's an ideology. Why would any principled gun owner spend a dime with them when there are so many other convenient options, especially noting industry profit margins mean it doesn't take much of a business loss for a competitor to dominate?
Still, had the camera not captured the hallway scene, Officer Martinez’s testimony might well have sent her to prison. [More]But rather than being sent to prison himself, "Officer Martinez remains in good standing at the 41st Precinct. Shortly after the case was dismissed, he was promoted to detective and given his gold shield."
Denver City Council Bans Bump Stocks — They're Shocked to Find No One Turns Theirs In [More]The Denver PD makes me wish I had time to do more on Twitter than publicize links. And Councilman Rafael Espinoza can take his arrogant and factually ignorant "rank amateur" insult and shove it...
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is making a $1 million donation to an independent expenditure campaign supporting Democrat Mike Johnston for governor. [More]Don't expect the useful idiot pawns of the out-of-state One Percent masters to understand that the Second Amendment is what affords true egalitarian power sharing.
A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force, if the commander-in-chief doesn’t follow the Constitution. [More]I agree in principle -- it doesn't matter who the oath-breaking tyrant is. Funny, though, how Republican Sharron Angle was condemned and ridiculed for implying the same thing.
Communist militia leader arrested on weapons charges [More]Who thinks that's what makes him dangerous?
BOMBSHELL: Obama's DOJ Forced Deletion Of 500,000 Fugitives From Gun Background Check System [More]It's instructive, but one look at Chicago or Baltimore and I gotta ask "So?"
Exploitation Of Special Needs For Gun Control? [More]How dare you say they don't have informed opinions, grouse those who informed them of the opinions they should have.
Justice Department wants to boost ATF budget to shorten wait for NFA processing [More]I'd also say they're trying to take the edge off any pending bump stock and other diktat and make it look like they're giving us something in exchange for compromise. This oughtta get the $15+K gun guys saying all kinds of positive things on the message boards.
"(The motorcyclist) said she acted in self-defense and, given the evidence, the Prosecutor's Office cannot prove otherwise," said Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist. [More]Hey, what happened to the sexist "progressive" contention that if an incompetent little woman pulled a gun, some manly man would just take it away and use it against her?
Police seize first firearms under Florida's new gun-control laws [More]FBI burglars? Shape-shifting neighbors who look like Osama Bin Laden? Electrocuted legs and demon Obama cramming mudered children's souls into his head?
At the same time the Broward County school system was dismantling the “school-to-prison pipeline” under policies that failed to stop accused shooter Nikolas Cruz, it was building another pipeline, funneling back into regular classrooms thousands of other potentially dangerous students released from local jails, county and school district records reveal. [More]What could go wrong?
We at Liberty Hangout have put together a petition to raise the age required to purchased a smartphone to 21 in order to hopefully to save our children’s lives from the dangers of distracted driving. [More]Let's see: "Progressives" tell us adolescent brains haven't completely formed. And then they turn around and tell us they're the ones who need to instruct adults on matters of law and rights?
A commitment under the law would have made it more difficult if not impossible for Cruz to obtain a gun legally. [More]Well yeah, assuming such a law -- with real "due process, not the weaselword kind -- would not release him back into the wild without first being able to reliably validate that doing so would not present a credible enhanced risk.
If the state chose to challenge the ordnance, Los Alamitos would surely lose. There would be chaos if local governments around the state chose which state laws to obey and which not to. [More]Yes-- that's a power "progressives" who intentionally lie when they say they will support and defend the supreme Law of the Land reserve for themselves.
Two students at Lacey Township High School were placed on 5 days of suspension, plus Saturday suspension, for posting pictures on social media of firearms with the caption of "fun day at the range,” according to NJ101.5. Apparently sharing a photo from a shooting range on social media disrupted the "school climate," one of the students facing punishment said. Not only are they after the Second Amendment, they are also after the First Amendment. [More]Well yeah. We can't have any "pro-gun" teens left. That's not only a threat to the approved narrative, but the whole point of ideological cleansing is to eradicate badthink. And badthinkers.
About 1:49 a.m., a person called authorities, saying a driver near the intersection of 130th Avenue and Wild Acres Road was driving in reverse while honking a horn. [More]I can't help but wonder if the person who called it in knew her and didn't want to anymore...
The U.S. Attorney's Office of South Florida and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told the Washington Examiner they could not comment on the suspect's legal status. [More]I guess they don't want to be accused of being "racists" either.
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Fearing deportation under Trump, these immigrants prepare to become untraceable [More]They're bound and determined to violate every law they can until unchallengeable majority-minded Democrats and cheap labor Republican succeeed in rewarding them the vote.
They rely on food stamps, Medicaid. [More]The discriminatory and counterproductive labor laws notwithstanding, it is unconscionable to continue bringing children into the world.
During the investigation deputies found multiple dead and mutilated animals inside the residence as well, including "goat heads" and more chickens... [More]Would it be "racist" to note a commonality, and wonder if other legalities may have been ignored?
On the issue of ERPOs what the NRA-ILA once referred to as “firearm surrender bills,” he said, “We need to stop dangerous people before they act. So Congress should provide funding for states to adopt Risk Protection Orders. This can help prevent violent behavior before it turns into a tragedy.” [More]It's like up is the new down.
Ward called that "an insult to the intelligence of the people of Hawaii." [More]Either that or it's a reflection of the majority...
California high school teacher put on leave after asking whether schools would allow students to walk out to protest abortion [More]The Keeper explains.
Three students at an Arkansas high school were reportedly punished with paddles this week after leaving school to participate in the national walkout to protest gun violence. [More]Just no.