Friday, November 06, 2009
Orlando Gateway Center Shooting News Links
I put an updating Google news link up on Examiner so you can stay up to date. [More]
We're the Only Ones Overcharged Enough
He added, about the manslaughter charge against Pileggi, "This is an overcharge and may be unprovable." [More]Yeah, I'm sure if one of us "accidentally" popped an "Only One," manslaughter would be considered an overcharge.
[Via Harvey]
They're Always After Me Rucky Charms
Gardai (Irish police) carried out several smash and grab raids in Dublin's north inner city last Monday and confiscated 7,000 Samurai swords. [More]Faith and Begorrah, Anjin-san!
We're the Only Ones Fixing Things Enough
Dugas said the ongoing investigation has thus far unearthed wrongdoing involving bribery, prostitution, drug offenses and domestic violence. [More]The good thing is, it's Baton Rouge, so as far as "Only One" baton rogues go, we can be pretty confident it's only a few bad apples and ought to be a pretty easy fix...right?
[Via retrotruckman]
We're the Only Ones Upset Enough
The Portland police union lashed out Wednesday against a city commissioner for his recommendation that two officers be suspended without pay in the death of a mentally ill man. [More]Yeah, I mean, WTF?
Isn't being able to get away with that one of the perks of being an "Only One"?
What the hell kind of politically-motivated witch hunt is this?
You can see them in happier times posing with their trophy here...uh, oops, I mean, here...
[Via Jeffersonian and Michael B]
Guilty Until Prove Innocent
Norman Wolfinger, the state attorney in Brevard County, said in a letter to the Legislature that while there isn't enough evidence to convict Dillon again, lawmakers should consider that his innocence isn't proven, either. [More]Wow, Norman...where to begin with you...?
[Via David C]
How's THIS for "Brazen"?
Brazen bank robbers on the loose, FBI seeks public's help [More]In New Jersey?
Where that appellate court panel just ruled there's no Constitutional right to own a handgun?
Screw it.
You people in government want to be the "Only Ones"?
Be the damn "Only Ones."
Is that brazen enough for you?
[Via Lane]
We're the Only Ones Confused Enough
Local law enforcement officers are flummoxed by “murky, confusing and vague” rules governing medical-marijuana production and are looking to the state legislature for clarification... [More]See, if we start with the assumption that the purpose of government is to "secure the Blessings of Liberty," a lot of the confusion--as well as resulting "Only Ones" problems--just kind of goes away.
[Via Michael R]
Molding Young "Authorized Journalists"
Congress has been debating a law that would legalize the possession of firearms on college campuses for individuals with concealed weapons permits. [More]Aside from the obvious fact that the disjointed ramblings sound like those of an ignorant child, and that being made fun of because you're fat or redheaded means you can't be trusted with a gun, there's this little matter, which I called to the attention of the editors:
Naturally, there has been no reply or clarification. It sounds like young Stewart is learning exactly the kind of journalistic accuracy and ethics they teach at Saginaw Valley State. That ought to serve him well if he follows this career path.
Questions About Fort Hood Shooter You Won't Hear from 'Mainstream' Press

In his position as a medical professional treating and diagnosing soldiers with mental health issues, both at Walter Reed and at Fort Hood, did Dr. Hasan report any veterans to the federal government for entry into the NICS "prohibited persons" database? In other words, have "gun control" laws enabled a mass shooter to cause the government to disarm others? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the "Authorized Journalists" aren't asking certain questions.
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This Day in History: November 6
A British ship runs aground at Point Judith, Rhode Island, and is captured by American forces. [More]
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