Not surprisingly, when you consider the Chicago political establishment, anti-gun Mayor Richard Daley, who never saw a private citizen’s gun he didn’t want to ban, supports Mell’s proposal. Apparently Mr. Daley’s theory is, the only ones who can be trusted with firearms in Chicago are members of law enforcement, his personal security detail, and fellow politicians — at least ones he’s allied with.We've talked about Alderman Mell before. "Chicago's Pell-Mell Gun Laws," my Rights Watch column for the October 2008 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now online.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Chi-Town’s Pell-Mell Gun Laws
GUNS Magazine: October 1958

The first article I read in the June issue was "The Sullivan Law...Makes Crime Safe." The more I read, the madder I got. That Sullivan Law should have been thrown out a good many years ago. How come the sportsmen don't do something about it?...Some gun owners were aware and active 50 years ago. Too bad more weren't.
I know I would hate to have a law like that in Connecticut; and we could have had a law like that in 1958 if the 24 bills against firearms then submitted had been made into laws. But the sportsmen got together in strength and opposed these bills before a hearing in Hartford. It is always easier to kill a bill than to fight a law.
Read about that and West Virginia's Johnson Pistol Law in the "Crossfire" letters section, along with lots of interesting articles and the classic period ads.
The October 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online.
Not the Answer Paul's Looking for
Gun shows don't contribute to increased homicide or suicide rates, according to results of a study announced Wednesday by the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
So count on Paul Helmke to insist that they do.
Meanwhile, Back in Bloomberg Paradise...
Masked gunman kills Brooklyn motherGun control. It's for the children.
Until they start losing their defenseless mothers.
We're the Only Ones "Naked Gun" Enough
A pistol stolen from a San Francisco police officer in 2004 was reportedly used in an attempted homicide just before midnight Monday on West Lindo Avenue...So much for limiting guns to "Only Ones" creating a safer city--and that's the naked truth.
Bounding out of his home naked, the victim told police he encountered a man carrying several branches from marijuana plants under his arm.
Well We're Living Here in Allentown
Allentown City Council passed legislation Wednesday requiring residents to report lost or stolen guns, joining Philadelphia to become the second city in the state to pass such a law.Just like Philadelphia, they're assuming an authority state law does not allow.
And just like Philadelphia, this nonsense won't stop one act of criminal violence.
What are Little Girls Made of?
My little girl is growing up. That very special change is coming in her life. She is about to blossom into a new stage of maturity. As a father, I have to face facts.Teach your children well.
She's 5 now; it's time to buy her first gun.
Lacking Facts, Let's Fantasize
We don’t need guns in churches, schools
State lawmakers’ arguments to wipe out no-gun zones lack facts
And now Maureen Downey will demonstrate exactly what she's prepared to do if someone brings one anyway. Maureen...?
When the argument devolves into legislators wanting to let speeding motorcycle drunks carry "nuclear-tipped guns," you know they've come unhinged.
Why the Atlanta Journal Constitution makes space for crazy people is anybody's guess. Mine is that fanatics will never let go of their delusions because that would force them to recognize how deeply flawed and wrong they are about their entire lives.
From strictly an entertainment perspective, this high concentration of hysterical stupidity in one place is almost amusing--until you realize that opportunistic policy makers depend on a critical mass of lemmings to buy into the con. Our responsibility is to do what it takes to protect ourselves regardless of political outcomes.
Letting the insane or the ambitious disarm us is not an option.
We're the Only Ones Torturous Enough
After tricking his wife into introducing him to her lover, a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy held the couple captive overnight at an Irvine apartment complex where he beat them, forced them to undress at knife point and ordered the woman to castrate her younger suitor, authorities alleged Wednesday.Gee, I wonder why she wanted to leave him?
Deputy Robert A. McClain then allegedly sodomized his wife and chopped off her hair with the knife...
I also wonder what particular form of sadism makes Sheriff Lee Baca think it's not cruel and unusual to enforce the citizens of Los Angeles being defenseless in public while he unleashes creatures like this on them--the "Only Ones" deemed humane, rational and trusted enough to bear arms. Unless they're rich and connected.
Tell me this guy has never abused anyone else.
[Via Cigar Rollers]
Acquittal/Deadlock in Friesen Case
The jurors informed the Honorable Judge Leonard that they acquitted Mr. Friesen on the single charge of lying about the safe in his office but they were hopelessly deadlocked on on the remaining charges, apparently, 7 to 5...This means that the Government can decided to re-try the case, minus the lying about the safe in his office charge, or allow the mistrial to stand.The case is US v. Friesen. I touched on it here, specifically the expert conclusion on NFRTR unreliability for criminal prosecutions.
Len Savage was retained as an expert witness in this case. Naturally he cannot reveal any privileged information he had access to, but we should be able to get some good insights as details are made public. And naturally, WarOnGuns will post more as it becomes available.
We're the Only Ones Regretful Enough
Hamilton County Sheriff Doug Carter said he regrets his decision to release a former Indianapolis Police Department detective jailed as a suspected drunken driver...What circumstances?
Carter said the policy allowing him to release an inmate without a judge's authorization exists because such releases are necessary under certain circumstances.
He said the full police authority wielded by reservists can be valuable to retired professionals, who join the reserves to maintain those powers and be eligible for higher wages in security jobs.Oh, those circumstances?
Just another "professional courtesy," courtesy of the "Only Ones." Sorry, you don't qualify.
[Via Shermlock Shomes]
Tomorrow is Yesterday
"If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry."This is from 1999.
In a rational world, this would be the end of any credibility the socialists might pretend to have. In this one, it's just another opportunity for media exposure as populist crusaders.
[Via John G]
This Day in History: October 2
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the supply ship Prince George, transporting flour from Bristol, England, to Boston, is taken by force as it enters the Portsmouth harbor by mistake.
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