"Outstanding Lead Actor ... Outstanding Lead Actress..."What if that's not how they identify, Hollywood "progressives"?
And where's Skip Coolzip when you really need him?
Notes from the Resistance...
"Outstanding Lead Actor ... Outstanding Lead Actress..."What if that's not how they identify, Hollywood "progressives"?
The city of Columbus is asking the Ohio Supreme Court to rule individuals have no right to sue the city to overturn gun restrictions. [More]Not unless we first subject you to an assault you may not survive and then force you to put all your assets on the line / go into hock, putting your fate in the hands of agenda judges and low information jurors.
If we want to end mass shootings, we must change the culture that facilitates mass shootings. [More]Mr. Adams knew just what she is talking about.
Exclusive: Another ATF “Fast and Furious” weapon recovered in Mexico a decade after U.S. government allowed gun sales to cartels [More]You ought to see the volume of non-responsive and redacted crap sent to Stephen Stamboulieh in response to the FOIA request he's representing Kent Terry and me on. I wonder how many people have been killed since we first filed it, and the truth is we will never know.
According to the insider, “when they see what Google has actually written with the documents, this will actually be taught in universities of what totalitarian states can do with this type of capability.” [More]In fairness, they did warn us.
Constantin Vochițoiu, 22, was shot in the head in Targu Carbunesti, Romania. It is thought that the bullet was fired from a shooting range two miles away. Incident happened at same time police officers were practising shooting skills. [More]It's comforting to see some things are the same the world over.
I never found any evidence of a ruined life. [More]Don't tell us, tell the Scottsboro boys, you lazy, insulated, historically ignorant and truly "white privileged" c**t.
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@SenSchumer says: "I don’t know of any other Democrat who agrees with Beto O’Rourke... [More]Right.
Breitbart reporter Haris Alic discovered that Jazmine Hughes, who is an associate editor at the New York Times Magazine, and an employee since 2015, made several controversial tweets mocking white people and Jews from 2014-2017 on her Twitter account. In other words, she made these tweets before she was hired, and she continued making them in the two years after she was hired by the Times, with apparently no consequence. [More]I thought that was a job requirement to work there.
ACLU urges independent review after mentally ill woman is fatally shot at home by Henrico police [More]So had the encounter gone down differently, would it have made more sense to remove all axes from her home, or, with probable cause, to take her in for observation, diagnosis, and if warranted, custodial care, with full due process protections?
What Comes After Transgender? Make room for the “transabled” and hospitals and doctors forced to perform operations that conflict with their ethical and religious principles. [More]Gotta defer to the hobgoblins.
“When Senator Chase says she’ll ‘shoot down gun groups,’ she’s talking about me,” said Haas... [More]I'm relieved to hear armed rebellion against tyranny is not a possibility and there will be none of that messy Patriot vs. Tory unpleasantness this time around.
A senior Senate Republican aide said Trump appears to be dragging out the debate to keep his options open. “He doesn’t want to get into a fight with Second Amendment groups, but he doesn’t want to kill it either in case he might need it later on,” the aide said of a proposal to expand background checks to all commercial gun sales. [More]Flesh out that scenario where "he might need it later on" and define "it."
Dan Patrick, Not Beto, Is the Biggest Threat to Texas Gun Owners [More]The only answer is to make sure he loses every future office he runs for and sit on your hands if you have to, even if his Democrat opponent is the bigger gun-grabber. Anyone who doesn't is a betrayal enabler and encourager.
“I know that sends shivers and shudders through those that champion privacy concerns and rights and mental health rights,” State Attorney Phil Archer, president of Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association, told lawmakers during a Monday hearing. “Everybody’s going to have to give a little.” [More]F*** you, pig.
The article describes how Chinese human rights groups are also considering various efforts against the U.S. for what they have identified as a problem with guns. [More]Ri-ight.
Seattle-based ATF supervisor with Nazi tattoo discriminated against black agent, lawsuit claims [More]I'm not sure who I should be rooting for.
Trudeau Pledges to Ban Military Assault Weapons if Re-Elected [More]Because a distraction plan is in order, and nothing does that like spooking the herd.
"For years we've allowed these to be sold." [More]Not that Chipman can cite who has legitimate authority to say "No." Then again, we've already established what he is -- for a price.
Forbes said the bear tried to force its way in through a hole it had created in her siding. She picked up the phone and called the Pigeon Forge Police Department. [More]That's all she had to pick up? And note what the concern is for at the end.
Gorsuch, Roberts, and Barrett are all presenting a myth. [More]That's polite for they're lying or delusional -- just the qualities I want, don't you?
Pro-Second Amendment Columbine Survivor Gets Beto to Admit: I’m Open to Banning All Guns [More]And these idiots support him.
East Saint Louis moms gather to cope with gun violence [More]Any plans to stop producing and enabling it...?
Red flag laws are the precursors to the desired Democrat outcome: the criminalization of all firearm ownership. [More]Anyone who refuses to agree with that is a traitor or a fool.
Nine people were shot, two fatally, during a 30-minute time frame in Washington, DC, despite the district’s gun licensing requirement, “assault weapons” ban, and ban on “high capacity” magazines. [More]See, if you didn't selfishly insist on your rights there wouldn't be any guns for criminals.
Why won’t Missouri lawmakers allow a weapons ban at KC’s Plaza Art Fair? [More]I wonder what this smirking lump in the video would be able to do about it if someone decided he looked like a pretty soft target...?
Tarpon Springs officer quits after making mass shooting threat - The detective said he was joking. [More]He quits and that's it?
The Bronx-based judge, Doris Gonzalez, wrote that Trump's testimony is "indispensable" to the trial... [More]An agenda-first Democrat would say that.
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Man with Down syndrome dies in 125-degree van; group home employee charged [More]He couldn't get out a car by himself but the question is, would he have been capable of giving informed consent to be put on display for drag shows?
Local media reports the Miami-Dade corrections officer has been charged with four counts of armed sexual battery and four counts of armed kidnapping. [More]And of course, being on house arrest, his victim was disarmed by law.