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Notes from the Resistance...
What won’t Johnson’s Homeland operators be able to do, using “national security” as justification? [More]What could go wrong?
A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election [More]
A Virginia Tech graduate who lived through the 2007 mass shooting on that campus said he perceived a cultural bias in favor of anti-carry partisans. Nicholas Roland, a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. history at UT, said the “worst situation is to have no defense back” in the event of a mass shooting. “The police were not fast enough and 32 people died” in the Virginia Tech massacre because no one else was armed. [More]You mean someone who had time to call 911 would have had time to defend himself and possibly save a lot of lives...? Instead of dedicating his life (for pay) to making sure everyone else is mandated by "law" to be just as useless as he was?
Ana Lopez, the co-founder of Students Against Campus Carry at UT, said that though the “Campus (DILDO) Carry” protest on Wednesday went smoothly, she received online death threats after the protest.Someone actually said he was going to kill you Ana? And you turned that over to law enforcement? That's what a death threat is. It's not some troll expressing a hope that you suffer the consequences you would impose on others.
The first step toward any reconciliation of policy positions will be an acknowledgement from individuals on both sides that they can be both right and wrong at the same time. [More]Is "reconciliation" the new word for "surrender"?
ATF’s sudden and unexpected change in policy on wetted nitrocellulose will likely have a significant impact on industry’s ability to deliver products to the military and commercial markets. Industry members have relied on the exemption for wetted nitrocellulose for many years and are aware of no accidental detonations or diversion of this product into illicit channels. Consequently, it is unclear why ATF believed it necessary to change its policy and, more importantly, why ATF announced the change in a newsletter article with no advance notice to industry. [More]It's because they're being directed to do so by totalitarian scum who want to disarm Americans, and this is just another of the thousand in-your-face cuts they'll inflict to make that happen.
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GARY JOHNSON FOR LESS GOVERNMENT, MORE LIBERTYJohn Stossel drubs 'aspiring dictators Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton' [More]Well yeah -- how could an open borders policy result in anything else?
Bill Clinton: Rebuild Detroit with Syrian Refugees [More]And I do hope nobody here buys Chobani products...
Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week. The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum. [More]And remember, our diversity makes us stronger.
“Sadly, the establishment has won this battle by spending untold millions to call me liberal, dangerous, and weak," Ward told supporters, according to a copy of her remarks as prepared for delivery. "As Senator McCain said, ‘It shouldn’t be beyond us to refrain from substituting character assassination and mean-spiritedness for spirited debate.’ After refusing to debate while running a slash and burn campaign devoid of actual ideas, I hope the senator can rest comfortably with his conscience as he continues to lecture others about civility. [More]With the exception of GOA, much of this is on the gun groups. And on Trump. But mostly on gun owners.