We are the people the totalitarian lobby is itching to disarm. And that’s why this latest bit of “official” domestic terrorism masked by the noble-sounding goal of keeping us all safe is so insidious, and has the potential to get extremely dangerous for everyone. Especially considering the confiscations being called for, and what that means to those who will not surrender their property or their rights to oath-breaking usurpers. [More]This one comes with snares and tripwires for all kinds of enemies of the state. You know, like Second Amendment originalists.
Monday, December 14, 2015
So-called ‘Terror Watchlist’ Gun Ban Poses Greatest Danger of Any Current Proposal
Lies, Damned Lies and Obama on Guns
Since then, tens of thousands of our fellow Americans have been mowed down by gun violence. Tens of thousands. More kids have lost siblings. More parents have lost children. More husbands and wives have had to bury the love of their life. Sometimes, it’s hard to put specific numbers on this epidemic and its causes – because Congress has actually prevented the CDC, our leading public health agency, from conducting serious research into gun violence. Did you know that? Some years ago, they actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence – but even after San Bernardino, they’ve refused to make it harder for terrorist suspects to buy semi-automatic weapons. [More]The guy is shameless.
AZCDL Speech
The video of my October address to Arizona Citizens Defense League has now been posted.
Time goes much faster up on the dais than I expect, so I always have a lot more notes than time to go through them. This was no different and I had to leave a lot unsaid.
Right now I'm working on a piece I need to get out tonight -- maybe tomorrow I'll have time to post my speech notes to show what had to be cut.
Also see:
Time goes much faster up on the dais than I expect, so I always have a lot more notes than time to go through them. This was no different and I had to leave a lot unsaid.
Right now I'm working on a piece I need to get out tonight -- maybe tomorrow I'll have time to post my speech notes to show what had to be cut.
Also see:
Beating a Dead Horse
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Only use The Times-approved method |
To Reduce Suicides, Keep the Guns Away [More]Is it already time for this rotating talking point again?
[Via Michael G]
Unclear On the Concept
I was also surprised at how little security there seemed to be. It occurred to me that I had gone through more security at the airport than I had at the gun show. [More]Somebody want to hand this guy a mirror, tell him he can use both hands and direct him to where his hindquarters might be...?
Ain't it just typical? He's been attacking gun owners for years and this is the first time he's climbed down from the tower to walk among them? Not that it had any noticeable effect on all those deep-seated prejudices...
[Via Michael G]
Pro-gun supporters outnumbered the anti-gun crowd by about a third; about 120 to 70-80 respectively. [More]That's despite all the Bloomberg money and all the free media ads masked as news.
Still -- "our side" should have drawn thousands. The fact that it didn't shows too many gun owners still don't act like they need to actually do anything.
I’m reminded of a rally I participated in many years ago, when I lived in Southern California—the Million Moms had a rally in front of the federal building in LA’s Westwood neighborhood (interestingly, we were in front of a veteran’s cemetery), with moneyed special interests busing numbers in, naturally, and our folks set up a line across the street. Out of the entire Los Angeles area, we only got about 250 supporters to join us throughout the day, never all there at the same time. It was especially appalling, because a week or so earlier, 40,000 managed to drag themselves to the Pomona Fairgrounds for the largest gun show in the west.
We just saw a guy from Maine send in a donation to Nevada. Any Silver State gun owner still not lifting a finger deserves what happens to him. If I could make it happen, I'd out every gun-related business in Nevada not supporting the effort to fight Bloomberg. If I were an FFL or range operator, if you couldn't prove you were part of the fight against the antis, I'd tell you to get the hell off my property.
We're the Only Ones Throwing Down Enough
His latest threats came in a statement to The News Service of Florida that "at a minimum, they're going to be thrown down on the ground with a gun pointed at them - or worse." And if good citizen with a concealed weapon walks into, say, a bank during an armed robbery, when officers arrive, "he's going to take one in the chest because he's a threat." At the same time Law Enforcement lobbyists are working to insure that "bad apple" officers are immune from prosecution or civil liability if they abuse the rights of legal gun owners. [More]So what happens if it's a plainclothes cop or a non-uniformed state or federal agent?
Oh, look, they're celebrating their latest swearing-in ceremony.
Alcohol and Firearms
Where's the tobacco and explosives? [More]
I guess I'd be out of line asking who he harmed, and how his destruction will help secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?
[Via Dave Licht]
I guess I'd be out of line asking who he harmed, and how his destruction will help secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?
[Via Dave Licht]
Where There's Smoke
Four of the nine people killed in a melee between rival biker gangs outside a Texas restaurant were struck by the same caliber of rifle fired by Waco police, according to evidence obtained by The Associated Press that provides the most insight yet into whether authorities were responsible for any of the deaths and injuries. [More]Gosh, I wonder if that could have anything to do with the lack of information concerning the ballistics report, lo, all this time since the event, and after "ATF Senior Special Agent Nicole Strong said pieces of evidence from the Waco Twin Peaks cases were taken to an ATF lab in Walnut Creek, California, and are being given top priority over other cases."
So who told you to clam up, Nicole?
I also note with disappointment that staffers for Sen. Chuck Grassley outright lied to me, and never contacted me with more information despite promising to do so. What an example of political gutlessness, by both Judiciary and Oversight, to not even ask a damn question.
Of course, getting his people to do the right thing has always been like pulling teeth, requiring saying the hell with genteel protocols and creating a public record to force the issue.
[Via Florida Guy]
Meanwhile, Over on the Front Lines
The troops could use some fresh supplies. [More]
Wouldn't you rather the enemy advance be broken there, or would it be better to move the front closer, so that we can be the ones pleading for aid from the indifferent?
We're the Only Ones Unintentional Enough
A California cop who shot a man who had stuck his head out of a car that had rolled over will not be prosecuted, a district attorney announced Thursday. [More]Why would he be?
I mean, it's not like if one of us had unintentionally shot a cop...
[Via William T]
One Question
If we're to believe the gun-grabbers -- and why wouldn't we? -- how did they end up not shooting each other? [More]
[Via Neil W]
[Via Neil W]
Ask the Expert
Salvatore, who retired in 2014, was working as an administrator in Newtown Middle School when a gunman entered the elementary school and killed 20 first graders and six educators... [More]He's absolutely useless at doing anything about that -- but he's a real pro at telling us how to wring hands and blubber in the aftermath.
[Via bondmen]
Future Crimes
What can we do about it? We can start by realizing the governments of the world are going to lose their ability to protect us. [More]How about their ability to endanger us? When will they lose that?
So Goodbye Terrorist Swine
...you can't count me in your death toll, I'm goin' back to my gun...
Why do I hear Elton John singing...? [More]
[Via Mike H]
Why do I hear Elton John singing...? [More]
[Via Mike H]
Totally Intended as a Joke
Make the same on about Obama. I dare you. [More]
Then again, who's surprised that some liberties are more equal than others?
[Via cydl]
Then again, who's surprised that some liberties are more equal than others?
[Via cydl]
Not All of Hollywood is Brain-Dead
Kurt Russell blasts gun control push: “I think it’s absolutely insane” [More]Too bad Tarantino and Weinstein slashed the tires on the guy's new vehicle.
Entirely Predictable
Still, look for the media to give the handful of indignant zealots who do show up inordinate exposure, and to position their camera shots to make it look like the events draw widespread public participation. [More]A-yup -- and only one in the whole batch not waving an orange flag:
'Change is in the air' as Orange Walk honors victims of gun violence
Las Vegas Review-Journal-8 hours ago
The Orange Walk to #EndGunViolence commemorated the Sandy Hook shooting anniversary and honored victims of gun violence in Las ...
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'Orange Walk' in Cincinnati calls for end to gun violence
WLWT Cincinnati-12 hours ago
CINCINNATI —Dozens dressed in orange marched across Cincinnati Sunday. The walk was one of more than 100 nationwide that pushed to ...
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Wear Orange Walk promotes end to gun violence
Idaho Statesman-1 hour ago
It was part of a nationwide wear orange walk event. ... walk around the capital promoted gun safety and advocated for an end to gunviolence.
Armed onlookers don't deter gun violence walk
The Courier-Journal-Dec 12, 2015
The Courier-Journal-Dec 12, 2015
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'Orange Walk' in Anchorage calls for end to gun violence
Alaska Dispatch News-Dec 12, 2015
About two dozen people wore orange and walked through downtown Anchorage Saturday morning to call for an end to gunviolence, led by the ...
'Orange Walk' for Sensible Gun Policy Planned in Massachusetts
Patch.com-Dec 10, 2015
The Massachusetts chapter of Moms Demand Action for GunSense in America is sponsoring an “Orange Walk” beginning at 1:45 p.m. this ...
Dozens gather to remember victims of gun violence
KRQE News 13-Dec 12, 2015
The Orange Walk was held to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy and to honor all survivors and victims ofgun ...
Bloomberg AstroTurf Moms Plan Saturday 'Orange Walk' to Advance ...
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News-Dec 11, 2015
ScreenHunter_04 Dec. 11 12.18 Islamic terrorists, gangbangers, cartel kingpins and gun-free zone predators are going to have to find a new ...
Walk to end gun violence planned in Asheville
Asheville Citizen-Times-Dec 11, 2015
Asheville Citizen-Times-Dec 11, 2015
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Groups gather to rally against gun violence in Phoenix
azcentral.com-12 hours ago
People arrive during a vigil to end gun violence after a march in downtown .... It was one of the weekend's almost 100 national “Orange Walks," ...
On Sandy Hook Anniversary, Miami Drive-By Victim Demands ...
Miami New Times-26 minutes ago
Organized by Moms Demand Action, the walk was one of over 100 ... At Sunday's event, many wore orange, the color of the gunviolence ...
Activists march near Wade Oval to remember victims of gun violence ...
cleveland.com-Dec 12, 2015
The organization's Ohio chapter planned "Orange Walks to EndGun Violence" this weekend in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Gahanna. Walkers ...
6 anti-gun violence walks planned in North Carolina over the weekend
WITN-Dec 12, 2015
WITN-Dec 12, 2015
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