“It was almost like listening to an old friend,” said Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il.), adding that he found Castro’s home to be modest and Castro’s wife to be particularly hospitable. [More]Who all wants to disarm for Bobby?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Like Listening to an Old Comrade
We're the Only Ones Observant Enough
A parking enforcement officer issued a ticket for a pickup truck outside an Alabama emergency room while a woman lay dead inside the vehicle, authorities said. [More]OK, I have an "Only Ones" bet here--that in several months we'll hear about this story again because the ticket will not have been paid and they'll be booting or impounding the car or some such.
[Via Parrothead Jeff]
A new Ohio law allows judges who issue protection orders against suspected stalkers to also have them monitored electronically.Whether you're actually guilty--or just the victim of some vindictive scorned reject.
The law requires the offender to pay for the monitoring, to be conducted by a sheriff's office or other law-enforcement agency. [More]
[Via Tom Z]
New Gallup Poll on Guns
In Gallup polling conducted prior to last week's gun massacre at an immigrant center in Binghamton, N.Y., only 29% of Americans said the possession of handguns by private citizens should be banned in the United States. While similar to the 30% recorded in 2007, the latest reading is the smallest percentage favoring a handgun ban since Gallup first polled on this nearly 50 years ago. [More]Just got this from the folks at Gallup. I haven't had time to digest it yet but don't want to let that delay me from bringing it to you for review and comment.
I'll be interested in seeing the "after" numbers.
I will say, as with all such media polls I've seen, there's no way to establish the knowledge of respondents with the issue. Hell of a thing when policy is driven by ignorance, and as we continually see, engineered ignorance at that.
Jesse's Unintended Consequences
The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson called the recent spate of killings "domestic terrorism" and said he hoped the slaughter would be a wake-up call for policymakers.And those of us who keep an eye on such things know what Jesse's "solution" is. He wants to disarm those of us who have the means of defense--the ones who aren't initiating violence, and who want to be left alone.
"You can't grow businesses in war zones," said Jackson, who recently visited cities beset by gun violence. "You can't go to school in war zones. You can't play in the park in war zones." [More]
You know, start a war with us.
Charles M. Blows...
Why do right-wingers hate America so much?...and so do his idiot left followers.
— Sean Pace [More]
[Via Steven L]
Remember--Only You...
...can stop forest firing. [More]
That is, if the "authorities" who are powerless to prevent these things or protect you when they happen don't cow you out of possessing the means.
Watch the antis glom on to the word "campground" and use this to rail against the national parks concealed carry effort...
[Via John Hardin]
That is, if the "authorities" who are powerless to prevent these things or protect you when they happen don't cow you out of possessing the means.
Watch the antis glom on to the word "campground" and use this to rail against the national parks concealed carry effort...
[Via John Hardin]
We're the Only Ones "Naked Gun" Enough
A veteran Louisville Metro Police officer and three others were shot in Okolona early Wednesday morning after a naked man managed to gain control of the officer's gun. [More]Wasn't officer weapon retention during takeaway incidents the reason "smart gun" development was justified and funded--before they became the "Only Ones" exempt?
[Via Steven K]
"Licensed to Kill?"
They had more in common than unleashing carnage — nearly every gunman in this monthlong series of mass killings was legally entitled to fire his weapons. [More]"Licensed to kill"?
"Entitled to fire his weapons"?
Gee, a bit of manipulative wordsmithing going on there, eh MSNBC?
I know the meme they're trying to promulgate is that the political right is responsible for gun owner paranoia, but when we see outright lies coming from the treasonous "Authorized Journalist" left that are clearly designed to poison public perception against our unalienable rights, what they're doing becomes clear to anyone with eyes.
They are fueling the fear that is out there. They're counting on the weak-minded falling for it.
More blood to dance in--more "justification" for their agenda--disarming us--what they say we're paranoid for believing and criminal for repeating.
[Via Ed M]
A Mugged Liberal
“I can’t believe I’m here. I’ve been against guns and violence my whole life.” [More]And how about that 10-day waiting period? Don't count on the "feminist" left to help you out.
It's nice to see Big Hollywood providing a forum for the right to keep and bear arms. And it's nice to see Robert J. Avrech being one of the voices.
Pelosi's 'Compromise' on 'Assault Weapons' Just Another Attack on Rights

Lacking the political muscle (for now) to enact an outright ban, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now talking about a "middle ground."She reminds me of a ravenous weasel finding itself locked out of the henhouse frantically sticking its nose in whatever crack it can find to see if there's another way in. Or a rapist promising he won't stick it all the way in.
"Pelosi indicated that new regulations might entail registration and prohibitions on transporting some firearms across state lines."
Empowering the government to further curtail our rights is how she defines "compromise"? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores the latest disclosure of insidious intent by the treasonous left. It also links you to the latest from my fellow GREs.
I hope it's not asking too much to ask you to help me out by sharing the link?
This Day in History: April 8
The bearer Mr Saml Kersley is One under the Nomination of a Captain in the minute I left yr Excelyan assiduous & every way well disposed Young man—who after laying out what money he had of his Own in recruiting & coming to this City to be replenished (for which I thought my Certificate expressly grounded on your Authority wou’d have been Sufficient) Congress will not grant nor admit a Shilling until your Warrt to the pay master General is produced... [More]
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