Saturday, January 24, 2009
Look at Me Damien! It's All for YOU!
It's like his worshipers are doing everything but hanging an "Antichrist" sign around the guy's neck...I mean, come on... [More]
It's 'The Carolyn McCarthy Show'

These are the people who would use the power of the state to disarm you and me. They insist on imposing their ignorance on the rest of us-- under force of law.[More]I thought this was an appropriate follow-up for today's Gun Rights Examiner theme.
Please share the link.
We're the Only Ones Setting an Example Enough
Miner is also accused of grabbing her "forcefully by the back of the head and hair" and kissing her, straddling her when she tried to get up, and threatening to post digital pictures of her in restraints on the Internet if she didn't spend the night with him...What more can I say about forceful, penetrating "Only Ones" being such a driving force in Newport News?
Lt. Ronald M. Hendrickson, 47, of Yorktown faces felony charges of abduction, abduction with intent to defile and animate object penetration, plus misdemeanor sexual battery...
Finally, last summer an assistant police chief was arrested for drunken driving after a state trooper spotted her weaving in traffic on Interstate 64.[More]
[Via Mack H]
C-SPAN Presents Nordyke
Today[Via HZ]
This weekend, C-SPAN presents oral arguments in the case of Nordyke vs. King. The Court decides if Alameda County, California's ban on gun shows at the annual county fair is unconstitutional. Gun show promoters Russell & Sallie Nordyke argue that the ban violates their First Amendment right of free speech and their Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Transcript of Holder Hearings
Western Rifle Shooters Association has it. [More]
It's actually courtesy of Sebastian. He sent me the NYT link via email.
It's actually courtesy of Sebastian. He sent me the NYT link via email.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
The wife of a Conservative councillor told police about an arsenal of handguns he kept at his sprawling country home in revenge for having to give him £180,000 in a divorce settlement, a court has heard. [More]Hell hath no fury...
If she knew about it, that made her an accessory. They ought to prosecute the bi...the cu...the...
Huh. It strikes me that sounded just like Porky Pig.
People, I know more than one life that's been destroyed by a vindictive ex. I actually had a guy write me a while back asking for advice because his girlfriend is anti-gun and he wanted to hide his buying a new one from her. I told him that was the least of his problems.
Many relationships end. It's sad, but there you have it. That's why character counts so very much. Doing what you can to determine that before committing yourself is the best insurance. Ignoring warning signs or thinking a person will change is a fool's bet.
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Scaring White People
Walt Disney used to know how to do it. [More]
Back before his company switched its allegiance to the King.
You know who played the title role?
[Via Mike H]
Back before his company switched its allegiance to the King.
You know who played the title role?
[Via Mike H]
A New York Fairy Tale
FatWhiteMan tells it. [More]
Somehow, I don't think we're anywhere near the part that says "And they lived happily ever after."
Somehow, I don't think we're anywhere near the part that says "And they lived happily ever after."
We're the Only Ones Prosecutorial Enough
The Senate has voted for a bill that would let county, state and federal prosecutors carry concealed guns into county courthouses. [More]Because "Only One" lives are more valuable than yours, silly.
I remember when I was impressed into jury service in beautiful Compton, CA. Walking from the parking lot to the court house was like running the gantlet through all the lovely friends and relatives of the wonderful folks on trial.
Robb Allen has more.
[Via An Illinois Voter]
A Pro-Gun Pick?

So what, am I just belly-aching again? Nothing is good enough? Maybe I'd have preferred Caroline Kennedy?Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at what the Kirsten Gillibrand appointment means for gun owners.
Hey, I'm just pointing out that what the enemies of gun rights would have the world believe is "pro-gun" is hardly a benchmark definition we should settle for. Why would you let someone who hates guns define a line over which anyone who crosses can be labeled an "extremist"? [More]
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This Day in History: January 24
The irregular and disjointed State of the Militia of this Province, makes it necessary for me to inform you, that, unless a Law is immediately passed by your Legislature, to reduce them to some order, and oblige them to turn out, in a different Manner from what they have hitherto done, we shall bring very few into the Field, and even those few will render little or no Service. Their Officers are generally of the lowest Class of People; and, instead of setting a good Example to their Men, are leading them into every Kind of Mischief, one Species of which is, Plundering the Inhabitants, under pretence of their being Tories. [More]
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