What disqualifiers does Hillary believe merit a lifetime enforced disability on Americans exercising the Second Amendment? [More]Is it fair to say she wants the same thing for Juanita that she does for George?
Monday, April 18, 2016
Hillary Says One Public Figure Shouldn’t Have a Gun, Remains Silent on Another
The Finest Democrats Money Can Buy
Obama Allots $19 Mil to Register Immigrant Voters [More]Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Right, Grover?
Right, Ted?
Right, NRA and Alan?
Right, "gunbloggers"?
[Via Keith B]
The Western Tet Offensive
Stewart Rhodes speaks with Alex Jones. [More]
I know from past comments there are readers here who will dismiss this due to differences with Alex. I think that would be a mistake and you'll only be shortchanging yourself. I speak from personal experience-- I found his questions interesting and fair and appreciated the opportunity to reach a much wider audience.
I know from past comments there are readers here who will dismiss this due to differences with Alex. I think that would be a mistake and you'll only be shortchanging yourself. I speak from personal experience-- I found his questions interesting and fair and appreciated the opportunity to reach a much wider audience.
Feel the Bern
Sanders Lawyers Do Not Like These “Bernie Is My Comrade” T-Shirts One Bit [More]Did someone say "Streisand Effect"?
[Via Mike M]
UPDATE: If this doesn't get me a cease and desist, I'll have to send 'em this.
We're the Only Ones Unhidden Enough
Chicago’s ‘run and hide’ airport cops could finally get their guns [More]Which doesn't mean they still won't run and hide...
[Via Mike M]
One Way to Eliminate White Privilege
Mix and match... [More]
And don't forget to teach Opposite Day "progressive" tolerance while they're young!
As long as we're on the subject, our girl wants floor time.
And don't forget to teach Opposite Day "progressive" tolerance while they're young!
As long as we're on the subject, our girl wants floor time.
Alice in Blunderland
We talked about this before. Funny-- all that money to produce this and all that free media publicity masked as "news," and the video still has under 30K You Tube views at this writing, with an over 11-to-one "thumbs down" rating. Let me be the first to encourage the Brady Boobs to keep it up and flush even more money away. Better that than using it to more harmful effect.
While I was focused on philosophical observations, WarOnGuns Correspondent Joe homed right in on more practical matters:
David, I've gotta go here. Watch the video again and freeze frame as needed. You have a standard, 1911 Gov't style pistol with the hammer clearly DOWN. It's either in Condition 2 or 3 and CANNOT fire unless "Alice" jacks the slide and / or thumbs the hammer to full cock while depressing the grip safety to fire the first round. She doesn't.
The Brady bunch may have spent a lot of money on visual effects, but I'm gonna stamp this video as a GALACTIC FAILURE.
I can't think of a safer, and more difficult weapon for a young child's weak hands to set off than a standard issue, THREE SAFETY, 1911 Gov't style pistol.
( Properly stored with an empty chamber in condition 3, of course.)You'd think a "common sense gun safety" group would know that.
We're the Only Ones Getting a Head Enough
Pastor and former New Orleans police officer Willie Littleton received a five-year suspended sentence and five years of probation Thursday (April 14) for shooting a suspected copper thief in the head outside his Algiers church in 2014. [More]I'm sure you and I would get the same treatment for a head shot in a non-DGU situation as an ex-copper...
There Will Be Blood...
...if Clinton is Elected President in November [More]Because Republicans are famous for looting and burning.
Poor little rich commie Jane Fonda attributes the world's problems -- and no doubt her three failed marriages -- to "toxic masculinity."
[Via Florida Guy]
The Finest Infringements Money Can Buy
[T]he university’s “aggressive” approach is slowing down the case and making it more expensive. [More]Gosh, you mean the more unlimited your resources, the more "the law" lets you deny justice to those of lesser means? Now if they could only impound/freeze his assets...
Not as Sorry as They Could Be
The University of South Alabama offered an official apology Thursday to a student who was given a citation for “threatening the safety of campus” with an empty holster. [More]We've already seen the attitude of the Only Ones involved. What I'd really like to find out is who the "anonymous" complainer was -- assuming there actually was one. In any case, the 911 operator should have made a report that includes a phone number.
Now that it's no longer an active investigation, I see USA acknowledges its subject to FOIA...
[Via Jeffersonian]
Attention Fudds
The shotgun killing of a Las Vegas woman on a neighbor's doorstep as she fled from her ex-husband and pleaded for help illustrates a deadly trend found in a study of the link between firearms and domestic violence-related homicides, gun-control advocates say. [More]Ah -- so they don't want you to have shotguns, either, and all that sport and hunting nonsense they spout is just to lull those dumb enough to swallow it into a false sense of safety...
There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
![]() |
The principal and district superintendent explain the rules. |
High School Demands End to Off-Campus Christian Lunch Group [More]A gang asserts its turf claim after noting a dip in school lunch subsidies.
Besides, they're not free and we'll brook no wrong thinking. Right, Keeper?
[Via Michael G]
Land of the Free Ride
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax [More]I certainly feel "fortunate" and "privileged" after having to transfer funds from savings to checking so we can cover basics after paying the tax bill.
The Warrior Monk
Gen. James Mattis for president? [More]
Got policy specifics? Because The Daily Beast stumping for the guy counts as a strike.
Got policy specifics? Because The Daily Beast stumping for the guy counts as a strike.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
The coming caliphate thanks you, Gabriella and Joe, for making what they're intent on doing that much easier. [More]
And no. No I would not.
And no. No I would not.
Champions of the Little Guy
Just 22 People Have Combined To Give $43 Million to Pro-Clinton Super PACs [More]It's a big club and you ain't in it.
Hitting the Ground Running
Matthew Vanderboegh emerges from the SSI starting gate looking strong:
- Rules for Comments: Stay on point, don't be a jackass, and don't link to haters/disinfo sites. It's a shame that trolls are trying to surface there -- every so often one of the anonymous cowards tries to hate Mike here. To send such messages to his son is beneath contemptible.
- Defensive Operations in Urban Areas: Five fundamental lessons learned...
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