Not quite the advertising spiel that'll sell millions of these?
S'OK--if , say, 3% of you reading this post order one, they'll be doing fine.
Show your proud affiliation and get what's sure to be a post-SHTF collectible. And I think I'll use this opportunity to coin a new term:
Go to WRSA to find out how you can show your membership in the Merry Band--sure to make you stand out in any surveillance. I intend to wear mine.
Oh, and what's this all for? Well, Random House isn't exactly beating down doors to publish "Absolved," and a book tour is something that needs to happen. Those of you who want to see this effort succeed--and who want to look smart in the field while it does--should need no further motivation.
Here's how to order.
* And I do apologize, but c'mon--it takes place in Alabama.