That's another way of saying they're good liars. [Read]
[Via Neil W]
Friday, February 22, 2013
Panic buttons latest foolish responsibility dodge on school safety
Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine, right now wherever you are, you hear shots. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary attempts to push the anti-personal defense fanatics' buttons.
Quite Candidly, They Lost Their Appeal With Me Some Time Ago
Now they've lost it with the court. [Read]
Will they appeal higher? Will SCOTUS hear it?
Lawyers: What would happen to someone caught carrying today against a law that has been ruled unconstitutional?
[Via Jess]
Will they appeal higher? Will SCOTUS hear it?
Lawyers: What would happen to someone caught carrying today against a law that has been ruled unconstitutional?
[Via Jess]
Taken Offline
From Law Enforcement Targets, Inc:
Having looked through their site before they pulled them, I couldn't help but notice, if the excuse was to train based on likely scenarios, how come there are so few who aren't white, and how come so many of the "offensive" targets look for all the world like stereotypical Tea Partiers? Is it because if they made their targets reflect encounter percentages, particularly the ones in the "Urban Street Violence" category, the Jackson/Sharpton machine would shut them down or extort them dry?
So I don't buy it's for realistic training. Sorry, just based on likely encounters one needs to train for, I see an agenda here. The only deviation from a theme is they do have some wearing PLA head scarfs --I'm not aware of any shootouts on domestic soil where that has been the case.
Two other things about this excuse, and they come from Bear emailing the LET spokesflack:
Having looked through their site before they pulled them, I couldn't help but notice, if the excuse was to train based on likely scenarios, how come there are so few who aren't white, and how come so many of the "offensive" targets look for all the world like stereotypical Tea Partiers? Is it because if they made their targets reflect encounter percentages, particularly the ones in the "Urban Street Violence" category, the Jackson/Sharpton machine would shut them down or extort them dry?
So I don't buy it's for realistic training. Sorry, just based on likely encounters one needs to train for, I see an agenda here. The only deviation from a theme is they do have some wearing PLA head scarfs --I'm not aware of any shootouts on domestic soil where that has been the case.
Two other things about this excuse, and they come from Bear emailing the LET spokesflack:
You do not say that you have suspended sales of the targets. Does this mean you still stock and sell the psychopathically offensive targets _offline_? If so, to whom?and
I've have read your apology for the full-blown insane decision to market a product line specifically designed to desensitize officers to shooting children, pregnant women, and the elderly. You stated, "This product line was originally requested and designed by the law enforcement community". Not by me. Nor would I _ever_ have countenanced such stupidity. So please tell me: SPECIFICALLY WHO IN "THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY" requested and designed that product line?I would really like to know that last part. I wonder how we could find out...
Bouncing Checks
Just saw this piece from The Firearms Coalition, dated a few weeks back. [Read]
I'll be interested to read what Jeff has to say about the firestorm, and if that changes anything in his mind.
[Via bondmen]
I'll be interested to read what Jeff has to say about the firestorm, and if that changes anything in his mind.
[Via bondmen]
Threat Assessment
Purely as a speculative exercise, assuming this were in the wrong hands, of course, the first thing that comes to mind would be low-tech ways to keep it from going anywhere followed by low-tech ways to heat things up inside. [Read]
I wonder how that could be done...
I wonder how that could be done...
The Social Network
He was a high-school honor student, a senior and a member of the Army National Guard. Nevertheless, say his parents, Clark County School District police and a high-school principal who didn’t like his Facebook page detained him, illegally, for over three hours. [More]And as TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, "But wait, there's more!"
The Scottish Lairds
I'm reminded of "Braveheart," where the titled and propertied lairds cut their own deals with Longshanks and withdrew from the field, leaving the freedom fighters to take all the risks and suffer all the losses. It's past time the entire industry was put on notice and then held accountable for any cowardice in this time of threat on all fronts. [Read]
Demon Gun

It described how a gun at first empowers a man, but then, like an addiction, the man is overpowered by the gun, and the gun leads him to his death. [More]Yeah, obviously it's the possessed object's fault.
What more is needed to demonstrate to anyone rational that the Cult of Disarmament is based on primitive superstitions?
A Public Utility
Don't these cable companies have to make concessions to get exclusive rights to wire an area up? The same thing that forces them to offer public access channels and the like? Seems to me someone who understands this aspect of the law may be able to find a clause that would make such blatant discrimination unallowable... [Read]
The same could be said for networks that use "public airwaves."
To require it would hardly be imposing on a free market, as the economic fascist "public/private partnership" has already been established to the mutual benefit and enjoyment of both government and industry. Plus the politically correct "progressive" corporatist media cowards gave up on free advertising speech a long time ago -- they made their deal with the devil, let them now live with it.
I say any chair in a bar fight. If Comcast enjoys exclusive rights of way and easements, the hell with their censorship against normalizing guns, legal products regarded with special Constitutional significance. And as long as the Commerce Clause is invoked for everything else...
[Via Ron W]
The same could be said for networks that use "public airwaves."
To require it would hardly be imposing on a free market, as the economic fascist "public/private partnership" has already been established to the mutual benefit and enjoyment of both government and industry. Plus the politically correct "progressive" corporatist media cowards gave up on free advertising speech a long time ago -- they made their deal with the devil, let them now live with it.
I say any chair in a bar fight. If Comcast enjoys exclusive rights of way and easements, the hell with their censorship against normalizing guns, legal products regarded with special Constitutional significance. And as long as the Commerce Clause is invoked for everything else...
[Via Ron W]
Till Tomorrow, Come What May
Let's hope he does a good job --he's generally so stiff and unlikeable to the general public, and they're the ones who need to be convinced if the polls for near-universal support are to be believed.
The unfortunate but inescapable truth is, people are swayed by superficialities, and facts, unless presented as visceral sound bites, often lose out to emotional appeals. With all of its resources, and the vaunted Ack-Mac media prowess, you'd think they could groom some true believer media reps who test well with focus groups, and put them through intensive training to where responding powerfully and persuasively to anything the antis throw at them becomes reflexive.
The unfortunate but inescapable truth is, people are swayed by superficialities, and facts, unless presented as visceral sound bites, often lose out to emotional appeals. With all of its resources, and the vaunted Ack-Mac media prowess, you'd think they could groom some true believer media reps who test well with focus groups, and put them through intensive training to where responding powerfully and persuasively to anything the antis throw at them becomes reflexive.
We're the Only Ones Academic Enough
University of Iowa gives private student data to Johnson sheriff [More]Against the law? Good one!
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Booted Enough
Hughes was a decorated trooper with the Mississippi Highway Patrol until shortly before his October indictment. The indictment accuses him of stomping a woman, while he worked as a trooper, in October 2007. [More]Jackboots are made for stompin'
That's just what they'll do
One of these days jackboots are gonna stomp all over you...
The Camel's Nose
More on the misdemeanor sexual offenses against minors bill, how it tortures the Commerce Clause, and how it opens the tent flap for more camels to come in. [Read]
If this passes, it will only be a matter of time before it's challenged on cultural discrimination grounds, because all such laws, including existing felonies, would make anyone following the example of their Prophet and the Mother of Believers a prohibited person.
It would be hysterically ironic if they issued a FATwā against the infidel Nadler.
If this passes, it will only be a matter of time before it's challenged on cultural discrimination grounds, because all such laws, including existing felonies, would make anyone following the example of their Prophet and the Mother of Believers a prohibited person.
It would be hysterically ironic if they issued a FATwā against the infidel Nadler.
This Day in History: February 22
Lt. Hicks Chappell was with Capt. Hampton and he later wrote "the advance of the British met them and a skirmish ensued in which Hampton retreated after losing several men being made prisoner."[More]
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