Dr Rajendra Pachauri said it.
I believe it.
That settles it.
Who better to listen to as an authority on diets than an "expert" from a country where children forced to eat wild grass starve to death because of failed government policies?
Sunday, September 07, 2008
We're the Only Ones Eliminating the Competition Enough
But Blue Island Police Chief Douglas Hoglund shut down the event just 30 minutes after it began, confiscating the nine guns that had been turned in. Hoglund said the building didn't have a business license and no one authorized by a law enforcement agency was there to take possession of the traded-in guns.Yeah, everyone knows you need to be an "Only One." That's what the term means.
But what I'm wondering is why no charges have been filed for illegal transfer and possession of firearms--not only in violation of state laws, but also federal edicts.
Where's BATFU on this, since Chief Hoglund declined to arrest him (or those illegally transferring their guns to him) on state FOID violations, and why isn't Jesse Jackson/Charlie Rangel protege Tommy Brown facing federal charges?
Let's ask him!
And while I won't ask them, I can't help but wonder if a proponent of "enforce existing gun laws" might find out for us why a prominent gungrabber can get away with disregarding edicts they'd put the rest of us away for. It's not like Chief Hoglund can't give 'em all the evidence they'll need...
I wonder which group Mr. Brown will end up joining: Mayors or Prohibited Persons Against Guns...?

UPDATE: It's been suggested that even though none of the exempting criteria for the feds deferring to state controls were followed, this might in fact still not be a violation of federal law. If true, does that mean there's a "Gun Buyback Loophole"...? And why isn't he being charged with state violations, as you or I would be?
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Who owns the rain?Good grief.
Well, I guess if we ever incur a loss from said rain via flooding, traffic accidents, power loss, etc., we ought to go after its "owners" for damages.
That door swings both ways, doesn't it?
We're the Only Ones Justified Enough
The Prince George's County Sheriff's Office has concluded in an internal review that its deputies were justified when they shot and killed two dogs belonging to the mayor of Berwyn Heights during a July drug raid, Sheriff Michael Jackson said yesterday.
The head "Only One" said it.
I believe it.
That settles it.
Doesn't it?
[From Eric E via Neptunus Lex]
All You Need to Know
One armed security officer fired back, authorities said...Now unless you believe in the inherent superiority of "Only Ones," there's no reason why similar results would not have been achieved by any responsible armed citizen.
The man fled before deputies arrived.
The Lautenberg Blues
A reader who may have been caught up in its net asks if I think the Lautenberg ban will ever be repealed. Understanding that my crystal ball is in the shop for repairs, I thought my reply might at least help someone similarly ensnared:
Not without a total paradigm shift, which I do not believe likely. That's the problem with majority rule democracy trumping rights. You not only can't sell "wife beaters" having guns to the general public, but there will be no shortage of "gun rights leaders" hostile to even trying because of that.
And no, despite some wishful thinking I see in some online forum threads, I don't believe Heller will have any bearing on getting it overturned.
My plan would be not to cop a plea to anything. If they're going to take your guns, you might as well fight.
A good friend of mine did--he knew he was innocent and determined not to compromise even a little. It ended up costing him tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, but he managed to cast enough doubts both on events and the person who made up the bs charges against him, that the prosecutor finally realized the case would be extremely unlikely to produce a win, so he backed down and dropped charges.
Sorry I don't have better news than that, but it does show it can be done...and it was a heap less expensive than dying in a "from my cold dead hands" gun battle.
Oh, and one other thing--don't try telling your side to the police. They don't care and will use it against you. If they want to enter your house and confiscate your guns, let them know you will not oppose them if they have a warrant, but otherwise you do not consent, you have nothing to say and you want to speak to an attorney.
And one other thing--have the phone number of a relative or friend memorized. If the cops take you in, you won't be left in possession of your cell phone or address book, and you'll want someone you trust on the outside doing what they can to help.
Not without a total paradigm shift, which I do not believe likely. That's the problem with majority rule democracy trumping rights. You not only can't sell "wife beaters" having guns to the general public, but there will be no shortage of "gun rights leaders" hostile to even trying because of that.
And no, despite some wishful thinking I see in some online forum threads, I don't believe Heller will have any bearing on getting it overturned.
My plan would be not to cop a plea to anything. If they're going to take your guns, you might as well fight.
A good friend of mine did--he knew he was innocent and determined not to compromise even a little. It ended up costing him tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, but he managed to cast enough doubts both on events and the person who made up the bs charges against him, that the prosecutor finally realized the case would be extremely unlikely to produce a win, so he backed down and dropped charges.
Sorry I don't have better news than that, but it does show it can be done...and it was a heap less expensive than dying in a "from my cold dead hands" gun battle.
Oh, and one other thing--don't try telling your side to the police. They don't care and will use it against you. If they want to enter your house and confiscate your guns, let them know you will not oppose them if they have a warrant, but otherwise you do not consent, you have nothing to say and you want to speak to an attorney.
And one other thing--have the phone number of a relative or friend memorized. If the cops take you in, you won't be left in possession of your cell phone or address book, and you'll want someone you trust on the outside doing what they can to help.
This Day in History: September 7
In New York, New York, the Provincial Congress orders the Quakers to submit a list of all male members of their society aged 16 to 60 years living in the city and county. The Quakers refuse on the grounds that the request violates their religious beliefs.
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