Sadly, outrageously, we learn that when the danger had passed, government trust in the people went away, and the people for the most part, obeyed in the "cleansing of firearms."
Thus today's sorry state of affairs. This is one hell of an historic account, and you won't find it anywhere else. Knowing it, how many American gun owners would be inclined to answer a similar call for help today? [More]
Most of us here have have heard about this story and seen the poster. Today's
Gun Rights Examiner column introduces you to a source for many of the details you won't find anywhere else--a feature in a 50-year-old issue of
GUNS Magazine. And I ask you to weigh in through a poll.
Also learn about next week's interview with the producer of "
Not Without a Fight," and get the latest from my fellow
Tell a friend? The account should interest gun owners with an appreciation of history, and I'd like to see the poll get wide exposure.