Now Clewell is the only member of the task force who has not been indicted on federal racketeering charges. [More]So the new standard is "few good apples" ...?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance...
Now Clewell is the only member of the task force who has not been indicted on federal racketeering charges. [More]So the new standard is "few good apples" ...?
Antifa, white supremacists exploit loose gun laws [More]So is this a Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal objection, or is the truth of the matter they don't want anybody carrying in an way anywhere and at any time because they don't even want them to have guns in the first place?
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NFL opening weekend sees more Star-Spangled Banner protests [More]The NFL could stop this tomorrow if they wanted to.
For an article entitled “Ryan Blocking Concealed Carry Reciprocity” I was dismayed that the article failed to demonstrate that Ryan was in fact blocking anything. [More]But that's not the complete title, is it?
Will The Far-Left Even Burn Our Founding Documents? [More]I'm only surprised no opportunists have effectively seized on "the merciless Indian Savages" already... Probably because rabid destroyers neither know nor care to examine the thought behind what they are obsessed with destroying.
Maryland Democrat Crafting Bill to Stop ‘Hate Speech’ on Campus [More]Who seriously thought the Second Amendment was the only one the Marxists were after?
Outspoken East Tennessee white nationalist at Fort Sanders rally once active in Occupy, communist groups [More]Again...?
'There are no rules': Desperate stranded tourists tweet out of St Maarten as looters with 'guns and machetes' raid hotel rooms and stores [More]Back to the ol' drawing board...
Merkel is widely seen in Germany as a safe pair of hands at a time of global uncertainty... [More]Are we sure whose hands they're being delivered into...?
The brothers had previous criminal records, police said, adding that the older Roberts was arrested about seven times. [More]Oh look: A reasoned "progressive" response!
At least 32 looters are arrested across Florida during Irma crime spree: Thieves prompt SWAT standoff after robbing a store for GUNS while others are caught on camera breaking into a sports shop [More]Tangentially related, Orlando PD put out an unintentionally ironic tweet:
Weapons as Political Protest: P.A. Luty's Submachine Gun [More]But you can stop the man.
The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. That's a brutal fact we have to face. [More]So what are "we" going to do about it?
“You know what?” Massie replied, “The Speaker told me he didn’t think the timing was right. And I think this is the exact timing to bring this bill.” [More]The Democrats had no problem with “timing” to press for citizen disarmament when they were in power.
After a violent weekend of suspected gang-related shootings, Tuesday the Sacramento City Council took action to reduce the bloodshed. It approved a controversial program called Advance Peace, which offers cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful. [More]Electing such scoundrels is citizenship malpractice.