It's because we bring you information the mainstream media will not. At least that's an argument I use. I may have to modify that.
Yesterday, I told you about an interview with Mike Vanderboegh appearing in the Feb. 15 issue of Gun Week. Like him and agree with him or not, that is information that should be of interest to activist gun owners. The absence of reporting on this from most quarters--particularly those quick to criticize and misrepresent Mike's positions--speaks for itself.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Show of Force in Boise
Metro Violent Crimes Task Force...A 10-agency task force...The FBI, along with nine other agencies...A Blackhawk helicopter hovered overhead as officers in bulletproof vests and Kevlar helmets stormed the home...[More]All for one guy? Yeah, but one who "was allegedly selling illegal guns from his home."
Per Avg Joe, who says:
Little history: This is a training raid of force, black hawk the whole nine yards. A total of 10 LE agencies counting the FBI who seemingly was in charge of the raid. This was way, way, way over kill but it gets these groups working together because they know this sh** is going to be going n the coming future.Here's the latest...
History: I believe I sent you a line where something like crazy like 750 cops, medical folks and who knows used the Boise Town Mall after hours as a training area. They used full auto toy guns. This was said to be a training in case some idiot/s starting shooting up the place. First off if people are pinned down but whack jobs, the last thing the cops need to be shooting are full autos. What my intel tells me is that was training to run as many as 25 raids at the same time from the same command post. I'm telling you David, if you take what just happened in New Orleans within the last week and this raid. You have these people getting ready to do some very heavy sh**. They are putting the pieces in place one by one and too many people are sleeping as it happens.
[I]nvestigators did not find any firearms inside..."Only Ones."
Bitterly Clinging to HR 45
The Bitter Clinger weighs in. [More]
Regulars here know I already have:
'Qualifying fireams'
Kill (the) bill
Kill (the) bill - volume two
Kill (the) bill - volume three
Send a Card to Bobby
Big Brother's new target: Tracking of all firearms
Regulars here know I already have:
'Qualifying fireams'
Kill (the) bill
Kill (the) bill - volume two
Kill (the) bill - volume three
Send a Card to Bobby
Big Brother's new target: Tracking of all firearms
We're the Only Ones Crashing Enough
State police say a violent accident involving two Lynn police cruisers that left an officer seriously injured and one vehicle lying on top of the other was probably caused by excessive speed and running a red light...Neither officer was wearing a seat belt. [More]What can I say--besides "Only Ones"?
[Via Ed M]

Bastards aren't even trying to hide it anymore. [More]
The Orwellian theme is made complete with a comment by "Vigilance" accompanying the subversive Newsweek article:
[T]he anti-socialist nuts are really out on this one.You got that, right?
If you're not a communist, you're mentally ill. Such people require treatment. Severe cases require being institutionalized.
One can only hope traitors such as "Vigilance," the writers of this piece, the publishers, and every commentator agreeing with it receive the fate they deserve.
There can be no peace with these. They won't allow it.
Live Feed to OC Board on Right to Carry
Per Transylvania Phoenix:
It looks like CCWs are item 22. It looks like public comment will happen then.
UPDATE: I'm listening to these fascists. It's hard to believe these are Americans. I note Sandra has a rather twisted definition of the Second Amendment, but has no problem claiming a "Police Officers' Bill of Rights."
Time to take a few breaths and get my contempt in check.
Boy are these fools going to be in for a surprise when a major incident and collapse of their illusory "order" happens.
Due to the enormous backlash generated by Sheriff Sandra Hutchens illegal actions among law abiding OC citizens CCW permit holders and gun rights activists, hundreds and hundreds of people are expected to attend the upcoming meeting taking place today February 10th (live video feed starting at 9:30 AM PST) [More]For some reason, I can't access this in Firefox--it says I need a plug-in, but won't let me download one. I'm using IE to listen to the video while I post.
It looks like CCWs are item 22. It looks like public comment will happen then.
Got an Blackberry email from a guy attending the OC-BOS meeting: CCW policy is item #22, starts at 11:00 AM PST; 37 speakers to take the microphone
UPDATE: I'm listening to these fascists. It's hard to believe these are Americans. I note Sandra has a rather twisted definition of the Second Amendment, but has no problem claiming a "Police Officers' Bill of Rights."
Time to take a few breaths and get my contempt in check.
Boy are these fools going to be in for a surprise when a major incident and collapse of their illusory "order" happens.
Head into a Nor'easter
Some Rhode Island gun owners want to carry loaded pistols inside their waistband while shopping for groceries. [More]This is surprisingly even-handed for a "Boston progressive."
He also talks about MA mandatory "safety features," and presents reasons why they actually endanger.
Go on over and leave a comment that will bring light to the discussion. We've had a door opened for us to an audience that may not be used to such illumination. Let's take advantage of that.
An "Authorized Journalist" in Training
Individual brings weapons on campus in violation of state law [More]Wrong.
But you've picked the right major, Erin Huggins.
[Via Kevin Starrett]
The Toilet Float War

The Des Moines police bomb squad determined Sunday that an object that looked like a bomb outside the Iowa Judicial Building was in fact a sump or toilet tank float ball. [More]Hey, I'm just making an observation about how the ignorant and hysterical nature of our society creates vulnerabilities and opportunities that some might exploit to confuse, divert...
We're the Only Ones Hooked Enough
A local police captain was caught having sex with a hooker in his car -- in broad daylight, authorities said today...
Levine lied to the officers about who the woman was, then "attempted to use his position as a police captain to avoid arrest and prosecution," the prosecutor said. [More]
Well...yeah. Otherwise, what's the point of being an "Only One"?
Could this be the same Norman Levine who warns us that he'll treat our unapproved possession of pellet guns with the same coercive zeal as he would a firearm, complete with state and federal charges?
You're right, Norman. It's no joke. It's an obscenity.
Speaking of obscene jokes, how many anti-gun Teaneck "Only Ones" does it take to screw in a squad car?
And I do apologize...
Homemade Guns
So, where do you start? Well, you need plans, of course. You could copy an existing firearm, like those Pakistani craftsmen do, or like the World War II-era Polish resistance and pre-independence Israelis did when they churned out vast quantities of Sten guns. Or you could acquire plans purposely created for home manufacturing. Yes, they exist. And one of the better known sources for such plans is Philip A. Luty. [More]If I wasn't on an abbreviated schedule, I wouldn't have missed this one two days ago from J.D. Tuccille.
Good stuff.
[Via David Hamel]
The 'Evolution' of Kirsten Gillibrand

You can't say I didn't warn you about Hillary Clinton's Senate replacement, "pro-gun" Kirsten Gillibrand... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores the false hope of relying on "pro-gun Democrats."
Not that "pro-gun Republicans" give us much cause for hope, either...
Please share the link far and wide.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Children safest population group around guns (Part 2) Charlotte: Phony gun groups, Part 2: ‘Americans for Gun Safety’ DC: DC taxpayers will pay for City Council’s gun ban redux Denver: The whipping boy Los Angeles: Orange County, Kalifornia. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: When is it good to fail? St. Louis: Denying rights without due process
This Day in History: February 10
After every attempt to stop the progress of the Small Pox, I found that it gained such head among the Southern Troops, that there was no possible way of saving the lives of most of those who had not had it, but by introducing innoculation generally. The Physicians are now making the proper preparation to innoculate all at the several Posts in this Quarter, and Doctor Shippen will innoculate all the Recruits, that have not had the disorder, as fast as they come into Philadelphia. They will loose no time by this Operation, as they will go thro', while their Cloathing, Arms and Accoutrements are preparing. That the Army may be kept as clear as possible, of this terrible disorder, I have recommended it to every State, which is to send Troops to the Army in this Department, immediately to begin upon the innoculation of their Recruits and to continue till they have gone thro' the whole; by these means very few will be down at a time, and of those, many will be fit for duty (should the occasion be pressing) the whole time. [More]
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