I'll update this as I learn more. [More]
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We're the Only Ones Drawing Ire Enough
Several Sarasota police officers, the police chief and a city employee may face disciplinary actions in the wake of an investigation that the city manager said he was troubled by. [More]What's to be irate about? It's just a little good old-fashioned "foot-stomping street justice." And with the involvement of the entire chain of command in the lying and cover-up, it's not like we can blame a few bad apples. Hell, this is obviously SOP, and for City Manager Bartolotta to pretend he thinks otherwise ain't exactly convincing.
The City Manager also added that the integrity of the department is solid. He said he only has issues with management, their policies and procedures...What?
Hey, I'm sure glad there was nothing to those five prior excessive force complaints against "Only One" Childers, aren't you? Four were "unfounded" and one "backed off from their complaint."
And the fact that the carrot/stick bribery and brutality have just been publicly demonstrated to be institutionally condoned has nothing to do with any of those, I'm sure...
Aren't you?
And I like the way the chief admits he "deserves" his "lumps."
Pal, you don't know the half of it.
[Via Ed M]
Buy a Car, Horrify an Anti
CNN video [More]This has been around for a few days but I just now had time to discuss it.
The anchor-babe seems stuck on "AK-47," like it's some kind of supernatural device.
That and "some people" might object to referencing "God and guns."
We know the sympathies of those who would object, so it's not like you're going to alienate anyone who's not already against you.
We talked about these guys last time they did this.
[Via John G]
Your Kind Isn't Welcome Around Here
At the end of July, “Free Market Warrior” will not be allowed at Concord Mills Mall. [More]I see. Doubting The Lightworker is not only blasphemous, it's racist.
I note the mall has a Books-A-Million. I wonder if they're going to make them clear the shelves of these...?
You can tell Simon Property Group how this makes you feel if you're so inclined.
[Via retrotruckman]
We're the Only Ones Experienced Enough
Waldron, 37, is a 10-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department, starting as a patrol officer in 1999 and becoming an investigator in 2004, Skoogman said. He received minor injuries during the altercation and has been placed on paid administrative leave, which is common after shooting incidents. [More]Via Blackwing1, who tells me:
A local Barney Fife follows this group in an unmarked car, in plain clothes, and tries to make an arrest (during which all of the eyewitnesses say that he NEVER identified himself as an officer). In the scuffle that follows, his badge is finally revealed…the accused “erratic driver” backs away, dressed only in a swimsuit, with both hands in the air. The Barney shoots four (4) times at close range (managing to miss at LEAST twice, since those bullets went through the nearby apartment occupied by a 2-year-old and 4-year-old), and kills him.Well, no, you wouldn't be, actually. You're not an "Only One."
Many of these details were only in the local TeeWee coverage, when they interviewed the witnesses. It doesn’t show up in the paper version. Notice that part of his erratic driving was reported as “going down a local sledding hill”, but what they don’t mention is that this hill was part of his parents property, on which he grew up.
And the only thing the local coverage can come up with are the headlines, “Court records show Heilman had a past“, and “Deputy in shooting had 10 years experience“. Well, then, if you have a “past”, I guess the cops are justified in shooting you when you’re unarmed, on the ground on your butt, and surrendering with both hands in the air.
The witnesses also described how the Fife then started swinging his firearm wildly around, telling everybody to, “Freeze”.
Must be a result of the superb training.
I’m sure that if I had done this that I’d be given routine administrative leave, of course.
Is FBI Agent Charged with Illegal Gun Dealing Just a Collector?

Perhaps this will present an opportunity to increase visibility for Oath Keepers, and to develop allies. But at the very least, the record will show that while the government and media have been universally painting a federal LEO as guilty, it was the "anti-government right wing gun extremists" doing the reminding that we need to consider his innocence until the burden of proof requirement has been satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt.I'm as surprised as anyone to find myself concerned about a federal LEO/FBI sniper, but this case just doesn't smell right. When I hear from a source that the US Attorney leaked the affidavit to the press, my antennae go up.
If we want that for ourselves, we must demand it for John Shipley. [More]
Here is today's Gun Rights Examiner column, which includes a link to the affidavit as well as information on this case the "Authorized Journalists" won't tell you about.
Also see the latest cuckolding of gun owners by Kirsten Gillibrand and hear her competitor in Constitutional sabotage use a word generally associated with racists.
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Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
- Atlanta: You bet it's personal!
- Austin: Why do children need guns?
- Boston: Sotomayor: Unfit to serve
- Charlotte: Sotomayor: Where for art thou, NRA?
- Chicago: National right-to-carry reciprocity can't touch Chicago, but can it pass?
- Cleveland: National ccw reciprocity bill vote likely
- DC: Sotomayor: the abstract justice?
- Denver: Lessons from "bring your guns to church day"
- Los Angeles: On Sotomayor: The Judiciary Committee needs to get it, too.
- Minneapolis: Lies, damn lies, and VPC statistics
- Seattle: Outrage over national concealed carry misplaced while Seattle looks for a killer
- St. Louis: The Brady Campaign to create 'gun crime'
- Wisconsin: Party like it was 1773
This Day in History: July 22
July 22, 1777 at Oconee River, Georgia - On July 22, a party of Creek Indians stole some horses from a Patriot camp at Long Creek. The camp was composed of a company of the 1st Georgia Regiment Continentals, commanded by Capt. Thomas Dooly, and a Virginia militia unit. Dooly took himself and 9 Georgians to pursue the Indians. The Indians set up an ambush near the Oconee River. When Dooly entered the ambush site, the Indians attacked. Of the 10 men, only 3 wounded men managed to escape back to their camp. Dooly was one of the 7 men who were killed. Conclusion: British Victory [More]
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