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I do wonder what the non-compliance rate will be should the government continue acting like its Intolerable Acts are the end-all of the story.
[Via Bear]
Notes from the Resistance...
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Guest Lineup: HUGE broadcast tonight! Alan Gottlieb, AWR Hawkins, David Codrea and attorney Stephen Stamboulieh all brought their “A” game! [More]We were on in Hour 3.
Men dressed as traditional hunters slaughter over 100 people in Mali village [More]Why, they ought to ban "assault weapons"!
Why Supreme Court opinions are not the “Law of the Land”, and how to put federal judges in their place. [More]I get the "why" and wish more people would.
FOID (Firearm Owners Identification Card) Ruled Unconstitutional In Illinois [More]So are "concealed carry permits" and "tax stamps" and...
Yes, a rally to support Muslims against violence ended up becoming a public call to kill Jews. In Brooklyn. [More]You know, the district that gave us Chequita. Which explains a lot.
The bottom line is that FBI agents feel empowered [to] lie to witnesses or suspects, but when those targets lie to the FBI they are charged with crimes. And being allowed to produce 302s, instead of taped interviews, allows this practice to continue. [More]Heads we win, tails you lose.
Skid Road: How California's army of homeless has turned the state's richest boulevards into RV parks as exorbitant rents force families and full-time workers to live on four wheels [More]Keep voting Democrat and bringing in more population. And by all means, stay there, especially if you're going to drive your politics to where non-"progressives" live.
SPLC Implodes: President And Legal Director Resign Amid Sexual Misconduct Scandal [More]As I said when Dees got ejected:
SPLC lawyers are officers of the court, so this is more than a personnel confidentiality issue. If they're aware of ethical misconduct/criminal activity on his part, they have a professional responsibility to report it.If they do not, stronger sanctions can be imposed.
Georgia Republicans Say NRA Told Them to Vote in Favor of Bloomberg Gun Ban [More]What did we just see?
Since none of the bills have what the NRA wants, making them nothing more than gun confiscation disguised as "public safety," there is NO REASON for the NRA to remain silent [More]Sure there is. They've been pushing this crap and giving green light signals for years. If they turned around and cut the legs out from under the "A"-rated Republican politicians they counseled on how to make betrayal palatable to enough to still get reelected, they'd be undercutting their entire lobbying strategy, and risk derailing the gravy train.
In the past decade, no fewer than 11 of South Carolina’s 46 counties have seen their sheriffs accused of breaking laws — nearly one in four. [More]OK, so maybe not "a few bad apples," but definitely not most, at least that have been caught.
SAS hero stormed Kenya hotel ALONE to KILL terrorists and save survivors [More]Kind of like the anti-Scot Peterson?
What that means in terms of the likelihood of challenges over specialized treatment is unclear at this point. The purpose of this report is simply to bring AmmoLand Shooting Sports News readers this new breaking development in an action arguing for the rights of all. [More]I actually submitted this Saturday night and updated the draft on Sunday. I expect we'll hear either today or tomorrow if the joint motion to extend the stay to all is granted.
Alarms sound after 6 suicides by Chicago cops over 8 months [More]I wonder what Hillary and the Hogglet would say?
It appears likely that the GCN has steered and influenced the Times, given that that newspaper also quoted Mike Yardley, well known in the sporting shooting world for his demands to ban anything that is not a traditional English shotgun. [More]That would be EuroFudd here. What is it with "trainers"?
"Because I don’t need the Mueller report to know he’s a traitor. I have a TV.” [More]Burn the witch!
Kirsten Gillibrand calls Trump a 'coward' in New York speech [More]Says the political shapeshifter running away from her NRA questionnaire...
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Barbra Streisand says Michael Jackson’s accusers were ‘thrilled to be there’ and his ‘sexual needs were his sexual needs’ [More]Hey, that which did not kill them made them stronger, right?
The study, “Mass Shootings and the Salience of Guns as Means of Compensation for Thwarted Goals“, was authored by N. Pontus Leander, Wolfgang Stroebe, Jannis Kreienkamp, Maximilian Agostini, Ernestine Gordijn, and Arie W. Kruglanski. [More]We were just talking about "science."
Proof that girls and boys are born to be different: Controversial study finds that brain differences between the sexes begin in the womb [More]But haven't "we" established with guns that "science" is merely a public manipulation tool from which we can cherry-pick results that support our agenda?
The ATF said that’s not the case, and that they won’t destroy any surrendered bump stocks until all applicable litigation over the matter has been adjudicated. [More]If that's the case, why did our judge decide "The plaintiff cannot prevail without a “substantial indication of likely success on the merits”?