Where is this within BATFU's charter?
By what section of the Texas Penal Code or the Texas Government Code does the Austin PD claim authority?
They're discussing this over at AR15.com.
Correspondent Walter L appears to shed some light:
The Texas Gun Shows have been “ordered” by the Austin PD and BATF to allow no setups for gun sales from non-FFLs. All individual sales will have to go through licensed dealers.
Chasing some stuff down, it seems that HEB owns the building they use and the APD and BATF have gotten to them—threatening with the possibility of suit if there are sales on their property for non background checked transactions. Thus it’s the “landlord” not LE who is calling for the restrictions.
So what is this? They realize they don't have actual delegated power but aren't beyond a little backdoor "pressure" under color of authority to still get their way? They're stepping a bit outside the bounds of enforcement, wouldn't you say?
How is that different from extortion, a mob hood coming into your business and saying "Nice place you've got here--shame if something happened to it"...?
Is this the way Bloomberg's wet dream to end private sales will be enacted? Not through rule of law, but through official intimidation?
And just how does any of this square with the bottom line justification for government in the first damn place: "To secure the Blessings of Liberty..."?
UPDATE: Received via forwarded email.

[Via Chris P and Walter L]