[Via Vinnie and Raven's Beak]
Notes from the Resistance...
On the newspaper’s Web site, Ms. McNichols said she had looked up to see a police officer shot in the head, then saw the gunman shooting at a public works official. “After that, I was on my stomach under the chairs,” she said. “I laid on my stomach waiting to get shot. Oh, God, it was a horror.”
Hey, just give 'em what they want.
[Via Brillianter]
An NRA representative agreed with Conley, and more.
"We think that cities should take it a step further and prosecute these people in federal court and send them to federal prisons with longer sentences, and no parole, no plea bargains," said spokeswoman Rachel Parsons.
Thanks, Rachel.
Just so I'm clear: When I went to that NRA California/DoJ Registration Fest a few years back, and tore up their form and told them that was the only one they'd get from me, and then retained ownership of my previously lawfully-purchased firearm in defiance of the new edict, is it NRA paid management's position that I should have gone to prison with no parole or plea bargain had I been convicted as a "gun felon"?
As opposed to following NRA paid management's contention that "honest, law-abiding American[s]" would turn in their guns? Where you even provide the escort service?
And it's in my interest to support "The Winning Team" why again?
[Via 1894C]
Montana Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester are among nine Senate Democrats who signed the brief.
They want the court to rule the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns for their protection.
Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does—and, at least on one occasion, before elected officials. In return, they provide information to the government, which alarms the ACLU. But there may be more to it than that. One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to “shoot to kill” in the event of martial law.
How does a cult figure, in the eyes of some something akin to a messiah, make the transition to a political frontrunner - president even - where disappointment will soon crush what seemed to be a journey to a promised land?
Looking into the faces of a more than 16,000-strong crowd in a basketball stadium in Hartford, Connecticut this week, the Mandela magic I'd seen before was there too. Black and white, and the youth; they appeared in a state close to rapture watching Obama speak. Here and there one could see women crying and the some men wiping away tears too.
The Saturday event organized by Democratic state Sen. Don Perata had enough funding to take in 300 guns for $250 a piece but ran out of money as people arrived to turn in trunkloads of assault weapons.This...is...OAKLAND!!!
Earlier in the day, two men were fatally shot outside a house in East Oakland, bringing the city's homicide total this year to 16.I guess their killer didn't hear about the "buyback"...
When peaceful protesters gathered in Lima, Ohio last month to denounce the SWAT raid in which police shot and killed 26-year-old Tarika Wilson, and wounded her one-year-old son, the local police department apparently stationed snipers from the same SWAT team on the roofs of the buildings overlooking the protest. It’s been six weeks, now. And we still don’t know what happened in that house, or why the unarmed woman and her child were shot.
From reading the comments I see a lot of chest thumping and calls for action. This reads like so much keyboard commando nonsense. Refighting the American revolution is not going to turn the tide, even if it could be won. The mob has become far too accustomed to bread and circuses to want such a change. This slavery has daycare, convenient shopping, and basic cable.Brillianter has an "Awkward" moment.
You cannot conceive what a weight these kind of people are upon the Service, and upon me in particular, few of them have any knowledge of the Branches which they profess to understand, and those that have, are entirely useless as officers, from their ignorance of the English Language. I wish it were possible to make them understand, when Commissions are granted to them, that they are to make themselves Masters of the english Language in some degree, before they can be attached to any particular Corps.