Translation: The "Vote Freeedom First" president has a grand opportunity to replace a gungrabber.
So is "frontrunner" Ted Olson the 2A pitbull some would have us believe?
He argued against the Supreme Court hearing the Emerson case. OK, I can hear the apologists now: since the 5th Circuit had already ruled in favor of an individual interpretation, why risk it?
Olson also asked the Supreme Court not to intervene in the Haney case. More smart politics, right? We'd never win a machine gun case?
Olson argued against "restoring" a gun owner's rights in the Bean case--a man convicted in Mexico of something that's not a crime in the US--having a small amount of ammunition in his vehicle. As I noted on more than one occasion, it would be equivalent to one of former Olson boss John Ashcroft's fellow Pentecostals being convicted of having an unauthorized Bible in China, being classified a "felon" as a result, and losing their gun rights here for it.
Being lead counsel for gun manufacturers sued by DC may count for something, but lawyers represent clients all the time--that proves nothing in terms of convictions.
And being a key supporter of a notorious gungrabber doesn't help establish confidence that we're dealing with a man who puts fidelity to Constitutional principles first.
Is it really so damn hard to find someone who does?