Mean old gun owners won't let him disarm them.
Notes from the Resistance...
...that military service is grounded in an oath to support and protect our Constitution, but also may necessitate the sacrifice of some of the very rights we defend. [More]Insidious.
A 3-year-old child used the gun of an off-duty Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officer to shoot himself in the thumb Friday outside a Gastonia liquor store... [More]Gee, that never happened to my kids. Maybe if I'd had the benefit of being an "Only One"...
Canada's police chiefs voted unanimously Monday to endorse a new national firearms policing strategy and delivered a ringing endorsement of the national firearms registry. [More]Of course they did.
In a further blow to those pressing for the institution of controversial net neutrality rules, it emerged on Monday that the Gun Owners of America (GOA) has exited the Save the Internet coalition backed by pro-regulation liberal groups such as Free Press. [More]I can understand that--as the effort evolved, government empowerment dangers became more apparent.
And keep in mind--in both these flubbed propaganda events, the anti-gun "klutzes" in question did not have a predator with murder on his mind charging them or brandishing a non-disabled weapon of his own. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some New York pols who think home invaders deserve a government-enforced advantage.
Viking 44: These f--ing morons that are complaining about enhanced searches would be the very same who would be up in arms should something terrible happen on a flight. To keep my flight safe, they can frisk me, scan me, search me, whatever they want. Anyone that is offended by the searches should get in better shape so they dont feel so self conscious,,,,. [More]Valhalla, I am coming!