Add to this various Ohio police incidents that have shown either ignorance of or contempt for the very firearms laws being enforced, with accounts of police in years past illegally harassing, bullying, drawing guns on and endangering the lives of citizens who weren’t breaking any laws. That includes officers contemptuously “joking” on social media about “double tapping” citizens openly carrying firearms. [More]Notify a cop you’re carrying concealed, have him scream at you like a ‘roid-raging lunatic, threaten to kill you, and then retire with a settlement.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Substitute Legislation an ‘About-Face’ on OH Gun Notification Bill
Life Must Be Pretty Damn Good...
...if this is all Princess Contrived Grievances here has to bellyache about ... [More]
On the plus side, they're telling her on Facebook what a dolt she is.
[Via cydl]
We are the Champions, My Friends
Richmond officials pleased by handling of Saturday's protests, but 'not letting our guard down' [More]We ain't seen nothin' yet.
[Via Mack H]
And Now a Word for Our Sponsors...
Joe’s program would broadcast throughout the nation, three-hours per day. Like other syndicated hosts, Joe will be responsible for bringing in sponsors for the program. For him to accept and meet costs, he must find sponsors for the show. [More]If you would like to see this happen and have contacts at any potential sponsors, let 'em know.
AZ Does It
2018 is an election year. The primary is on August 28 and the general election will be on November 6, 2018. Candidates for political office in Arizona need to gather over 500 signatures to get on the ballot. You can help your favorite candidates get there without having to leave home. [More]Or you could just, you know, throw water on the idea and complain.
You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you. I'm talking about not limiting available immediate self-defense options here.
Well SOMEONE Had to Say It
Joe Biden compares supporters of due process to ‘Nazis’ who marched in Charlottesville [More]They all deserve to be blasted with a shotgun. Off the balcony or through the door.
[Via Michael G]
Seems a Little Light
For every 1,000 residents in Mississippi, there are 6.8 guns. That's 20,389 registered firearms dispersed among 2,991,207 people. [More]Really?
And "registered"?
And this was a product of collaboration betweeen media giants with global resources? What else does CBS and AFP tell us about guns we might want to double-check?
[Via Wynn A]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
RSPCA called to rescue 'lizard' which turns out to be a dirty sock [More]The whole damned island is turning into one giant Monty Python skit.
Including Monty Python.
[Via Steve T]
Finally, Progress on Priorities
President Donald J. Trump Signs S.J.Res. 49 into Law [More]Nazis are bad, mmkay?
Everything else supporters actually turned out to vote for, sorry, but the timing just isn't right.
[Via Keith B]
The Rest of the Story
The OUTRAGEOUS Extra Footage Behind the Viral Nurse Video People NEED to SEE! [Watch]It's systemic.
[Via Jeet]
We're the Only Ones Aiding and Abetting Enough
In a jaw-dropping case involving an illegal alien wanted for deportation, a police officer’s weapon, and local law enforcement not only ignoring an ICE request to block his release but removing an ICE monitoring device, a young San Francisco man has been murdered during a robbery. [More]Who but a racist gun nut could object?
[Via Michael G]
A Mess of Pottage
Half of millennials would give up their rights to get out of debt [More]Does determining who has authority to offer such a deal factor into anything?
[Via Michael G]
A Supporter of the Second Amendment
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Sure can't prove it by real world Question 1 results:
...the heavily-funded Question 1 passed by less than one percent of the vote and failed in every Nevada County except Clark...And I don't suppose there's any way to determine if survey respondents actually have informed opinions, and if so, by whom...
Ol' Tim sure has all the talking points down.
Main rival Colón stinks, too.
[Via Wynn A]
The Way We Were
When I was in high school, every one of those rigs in the high school parking lot had a gun in the gun rack. Why? We went huntin’ on the way home. None of those guns ever walked into a school. None of those guns ever shot anybody. What’s the difference? Did the gun change? Or did you, as a society, change? [More]Well we certainly are a lot more "progressive"...
[Via Jess]
Democratic Principles
Voting machines can be hacked without evidence, commission is told [More]Only minority-disenfranchising "haters" would have a problem with that.
[Via Jess]
A Binary Choice
Non-binary Georgia Tech student, 21, is shot dead by campus police after 'refusing to stop approaching officers while carrying small knife' [More]Of course "the student's mother has said she and her husband are looking at legal options."
I didn't assign an"Only Ones" title because of this.
[Via Michael G]
So Come on Down to Wacky FEMA's for a Deal that Can't Be Beat!
The federal government auctioned off disaster-response trailers at fire-sale prices just before Harvey devastated southeast Texas, reducing an already diminished supply of mobile homes ahead of what could become the nation’s largest-ever housing mission. [More]Where the savings are just INSANE!!!
[Via William T]
Some Kind of Wonderful
LITHGOW: "But most of all I have to thank Winston Churchill. In these crazy times, his life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like. I thank Winston Churchill. I thank the academy and I thank all of you. This is just super wonderful." [More]Yay! Good one! Applause, Applause!
And if Trump had said half this stuff?
Could these self-righteous stage props be more ignorant?
Munitions Monday
As noted on my "Firearms Friday" interview with Michael Dukes, streaming was down. He's since posted it to SoundCloud:
Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You
Yahyah Farroukh, a 21-year-old refugee and former foster child, is registered as living at the address in Stanwell where police today conducted a search. His arrest comes after an 18-year-old was arrested at 7.50am in Dover port on Saturday morning as he attempted to board a ferry. The 18-year-old was fostered by Ron and Penny Jones in Sunbury-on-Thames before his arrest, as was Farroukh - though he has since left their home. [More]It seems the moral equivalent of rescuing predators and then turning them loose.
Thank goodness we're not only rigorous here, but that this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
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Oh, and look: They have partnered with Hallmark and Disney, and got seed money from Google investors!
No Problemo
Dealing with Democrats? Protecting 'Dreamers'? Here in Arizona that's just fine with these Trump supporters [More]Just trot out a couple "moderates" and presto, you've got yourself a narrative.
In Your Face!
The 41-year-old attacker used a cleaning substance containing hydrochloric acid that she is thought to have picked up from a local DIY store. [More]There's something missing from this account.
But what?
Whose Agenda?
“The National Security Council, I think, has served the president well in bringing him multiple options. There were some who tried to operate outside of that process for their own narrow agendas. And that didn’t serve the president well,” McMaster told “Fox News Sunday,” in response to questions about his policy clashes with Bannon. [More]Yeah, screw Americans who voted for an agenda that impedes the broad globalist one...
California Hate Crime Gun Bill another Incremental Disarmament Tactic
So the disarmament bar moves from felony conviction to misdemeanor to accusation, and you’re supposed to roll over and take it. And if you do put up a squawk, why, that must make you a hater, meaning you need to be disarmed. [More]The "ideological cleansing" continues.
No Comment
I don't know what happened, but many comments from the past couple weeks have been lost. I tried to reconstruct what I could from undeleted emails, but I didn't have that many to salvage from.
Blogger has a backup/restore function but you need to go through a theme download that can erase gadgets. I'm out of my depth with that and don't want to go blundering in and make things worse.
I'm sorry if something of your is gone. If it's important to you, all I can offer is posting it again.
Thank you to those who understand no one is more upset by this than I am.
Blogger has a backup/restore function but you need to go through a theme download that can erase gadgets. I'm out of my depth with that and don't want to go blundering in and make things worse.
I'm sorry if something of your is gone. If it's important to you, all I can offer is posting it again.
Thank you to those who understand no one is more upset by this than I am.
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