Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Larmee of One
To paraphrase the old saying, I don't know art, but I know what sucks.
Paul Helmke's New Math
There is the “Militia purpose” clause, with 13 words. Then there is the “keep and bear Arms” clause, with 14 words. Two clauses and 27 words. This is an uncomfortable fact to those accustomed to reading only half of the Amendment, reciting the last 14 words over and over again as if the first 13 didn’t exist.
Of course they all exist, Paul. You're the ones arguing the militia are not "the whole people," but just that fraction in active service to the government.
By the way, how come no comments on your blog, Paul? What are you afraid of? I guess your supporters will have to troll "pro-gun" sites to chime in their support for your subversive lies.

I thought you'd established the deception that you were some sort of violence prevention campaign, because the old monicker revealed too much about your mindset and goals...
Do You Know Where YOUR AG Stands?
I'm delighted to see this avenue being pursued. A few days back, I sent the following link of state Attorneys General supporting the Ashcroft position to Robert Levy, hoping he would find value in it, and he noted that "6 of the 18 [were] Democrats...very impressive..."
I wasn't so fortunate in the response I received from then-CA AG Bill Lockyer, which was really no surprise, but did get a commitment from Republican AG candidate Dick Ackerman's campaign that he would go on record supporting an individual rights view.
I agree with Ryan--find out where your state AG stands on the Second Amendment--and ask him if he will add his voice to those supporting Heller.
A Word About Registration
I don't know why these reputed smart guys think it's wise to cede this point before we've even engaged on it, and particularly with the indisputable historical record of government abuse whenever such lists are at their disposal.
ALERT in Ontario
We have just learned that the Chief Firearms Office in Ontario is initiating a pilot program to begin limited home inspections in the Toronto area.
CSSA Executive Director Larry Whitmore sent me this link to legal information they have made available to those at risk.
Think about it. Mandatory inspections. Warrantless searches. A requirement to self-incriminate. Presumed authority to seize property. All against registered collectors under the guise of "public safety," with a liberal sprinkling of the word "reasonable," and even sneaking in the Orwellian fraud of "voluntary compliance."
That'll show Ontario's violent criminal underclass.
Keep an eye on this one for adaptation here. You know our enemies will.
[Via Bruce Mills]
We're the Only Ones Who Really Know How to Party Enough
Jude, 29, said he had been at a party on Oct. 24, 2004, when a group of white men who identified themselves as off-duty officers kicked and punched him, put a knife to his throat and jammed a pen in his ears as he begged for mercy. Jude said he heard Spengler call him a racial slur.Thank goodness it's only a few "Only Ones," right, and it's not reflective of the force? That must be why:
The police department disciplined 13 officers after the beating, including nine who were fired. Two of the fired officers won back their jobs, including Packard after a 20-day suspension.Nope, no pattern here...
Four others have pleaded guilty to similar federal charges.
[Via SameNoKami]
We're the Only Ones Misconducting Ourselves Enough
Prosecutors said Trooper Robert Czora pulled over an out-of-state motorist on the Adirondack Northway in Ausable back in August. He told the motorist to pay $300 in bail money then kept the money for himself.But he didn't plan on keeping the money, as evidenced by the fact that he returned it after finding out he was being investigated! Why does that remind me of something a 7-year-old would say when caught with his hand in the cookie jar?
Forget not knowing if this highwayman is going to keep his job--why isn't he being prosecuted for strong arm robbery with additional charges tacked on because a gun was on his person during a commission of a crime?
And can you imagine what he would have done had she refused to sign the ticket? Or offered an opinion? Or "lifted a finger" to stop a literal act of highway robbery under color of authority?
Only "The Only Ones"...
We're the Only Ones Flying Free Enough
WarOnGuns mentioned Judge James here and here. I also told you about High-Flyin' Frank and the Juan that got away, The story of the hapless Mr. Hochman only proves it's good to be an "Only One."
Follow the title link and find out what happens if you're not.
GunTalk TV
Tom didn't figure they'd select his question, but was nice enough not to discourage me from urging gun owners to request CNN do just that. He's been busy bypassing a media that too often ignores gun owners by producing his own videos at GunTalkTV, and tells me:
A bunch are free. Some require a (cheap) subscription...It's been fun, and it's going to grow like crazy. We kicked it off with 100 videos, but I plan to have 500 on it within a year. All are original (I shoot 'em) videos. We'll be adding some with Jerry Miculek next week. The safety videos are all free. Folks do need to sign up to see them...By all means, take a look.
Anyway, take a look. My goal is to make quality firearms training available to everyone.
UPDATE: Faulty memory alert. There were three questions, actually--the third dealt with guns candidates own and if any require a stamp.
This Day in History: November 29
The officers commanding regiments are to see, that their men's arms are put in the best order possible; and of the loaded ones, such as can be drawn, are to be drawn, and the others discharged the first fair day, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon; but to prevent the waste of lead, the men of each regiment, or brigade, are to discharge their pieces, into a bank of earth, from whence the lead may be taken again.