Thursday, March 16, 2017
Maritime Disarmament Makes Commercial Ship Crews Easy Prey for Pirates
In other words, unless a ship is owned by a state actor or huge corporation, and its cargo is deemed profitable enough to warrant the expense of professional armed security, crew members are on their own, and relegated to using nets and hoses to repel armed attackers they can’t outrun. Policies, disarmament mandates and “law” see to that. [More]Somebody should have told those pirates... I mean, voluntary coast guard/ environmentalist/ social justice warriors ... that guns aren't allowed on board.
No Offense
Google adds tool to flag 'offensive' search results [More]Here's the guidance document.
So will we see paid disruptors pulled off trolling duty and repurposed for suppression patrol?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Singularity is when carbon and silicon-based intelligence will merge to form a single global consciousness. [More]They ARE ants...
So Much for Form Following Function
I received the following message from a Facebook contact who prefers anonymity for the present. I share it here in its entirety for your perusal and comment:
I work for a pawn shop. We ordered the form 4473 in December, received the box of 1000 or maybe 2000 forms about a week later. First of the year, we get a letter from ATF that they have revised the form and we need to be using the new one beginning Jan. 16, 2017. We ordered 2000 forms on Jan. 4, still waiting to receive them. In the meantime, we have to take the booklet, separate it, take it to a printer to have the 6 pages copied and printed and stapled together, front & back copies at that. Best price we've gotten is maybe 8 cents per side, $0.48 per booklet for a form ATF is supposed to provide to us for free. Perhaps they are waiting to see how many continue printing and not waiting on ATF, bearing the burden much further, or how many give up and finally go digital, which is another expense for hardware and means running internet lines to another part of the store. Or go wireless and hope we don't get hacked. Some pawn shops have the computer setup already, but sometimes it kicks the customers out without explanation, and some software isn't as convenient or reliable as others. In the meantime, ATF at its finest has not given us any information about when the forms will ship. Oh, and they voted on the changes Oct. 16 or so and then neglected to inform the dealers for another 6 weeks.
What really got me is we have to copy all 6 pages of the form, including instructions, when you only write on 3 of the pages. My boss said that's because ATF says you have to have it all, including instructions, because the bad guys will come back and say they didn't have any instructions, despite the fact that no one ever reads the instructions or printing further down. The new form took the state residency from the bottom and put it up towards the top, right underneath the current address. But to check off that you are a citizen, you have to look to the left in the middle of all the check off questions on your past history or criminal issues. So some of them miss that and it has to be pointed out. If you've got the old form saved somewhere, print it out and check it against the new form that's on the ATF website. To me, if they could eliminate those 3 pages of printed instructions, or consolidate it to 2, then the form could be printed on 11x17 and folded in the machines and save the ATF a bunch of money. Evidently the ATF and maybe ACLU lawyers have been working double time to make it more complicated.
If you don't have a copy of the old form saved, or know of anyone with the old form, I just found a couple of blank ones in the stash. So you could look at them side-by-side to compare. And I was wrong--2 1/2 pages of blanks to be filled in, 3 1/2 pages of instructions. And they could easily be converted/consolidated and made into a form that prints two sided on 11x17 then folded in half to save paper, printing, gluing costs. Big, big waste of taxpayer money, IMHO. Also, if someone is going to a dealer/pawn shop and completing this form on a screen inside the store, where are the pages of instructions telling them what is needed and answering their questions? And we have customers who almost lost their firearm at [Name Redacted] Pawn because they tried completing this online form, something wasn't done right and it stopped them, kicked them off, told them they had to come back the next day. The customer asks what happens or what they're supposed to do, clerks tell them they aren't allowed to help them with the form. Evidently the chain is afraid the employees are trying to tell them what to enter in the spaces instead of telling them what is needed or expected, and what area has not been completed by them.
Still Rubbing Our Faces in Her Betrayal
"U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), representatives from law enforcement, and gun violence prevention advocates today vowed to block an effort currently underway in Congress to make it easier for criminals to obtain gun silencers." [More]What do you expect from a political adulteress?
I wish I had time to go in and replace all the dead urls from those old posts with Wayback Machine links.
A Promising Career Cut Short
Turner had stolen his mother's Hyundai Santa Fe on the morning of the robbery, which was at least his fourth in three months. He held up Mincemoyer Jewelers on November 23 to steal a laptop, Harvard State Bank five days later when cash was taken and Members Alliance Credit Union on December 16 when he took money again by brandishing a gun. [More]But...but...but I thought the advice from "common sense gun safety" advocates is to "give them what they want or run"...?
[Via Florida Guy]
Sounds of Silence
Florida Governor Rick Scott Silent Again on Open Carry & Campus Carry [More]Time for some cover noise, Chris.
Signs and Symptoms of Psychotic Episodes
Rand Paul: McCain ‘past his prime,’ may be ‘unhinged’ [More]Dang. And I so wanted feral sons Uday and Qusay to die fighting against Russia for Montenegro.
[Via Michael G]
All By Its Own Self?
Foster was just sitting down in his tent after a fire watch when a weapon discharged ... A .50-caliber rifle discharged from just five feet behind him... [More]This story has a bigger hole in it than the kind made by the gunshot.
[Via Florida Guy]
The Better to Rule You with, My Dear
Everyone’s wrong on immigration: Open borders are the only way to defeat Trump and build a better world [More]All that and "universal access to citizenship," too!
Says the guy "[b]orn into a Memoni Muslim family — his parents had migrated from Porbander in India to Karachi after Partition..."
I'll just bet he "felt most at home in southern California, where the family had moved to."
Thank goodness none of this has anything to do with that "single issue."
Right, establishment Republicans, Grover, Wayne, Alan and just about every popular "gunblogger" out there?
Crying 'Wolf'
Aurora Animal Control claims longtime family dog is wolf hybrid, won’t return him to owners [More]So the solution is to kidnap it away from its loving family and kill it if they can't relocate it, assuming they can establish its "guilt."
So much for securing "the blessings of Liberty."
And yes, I've heard the "wolf dog" horror anecdotes. I've also heard of many loving bonds with responsible humans. Besides, a bigger violence is being committed here.
And a faceless bureaucracy that has "sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people" ensures no individual is held accountable for the expense and the pain they cause.
Behold the Resistance
...Kelsey Thomas spent her time studying, hanging out with friends and lounging on the beaches of Florida ... For Thomas, a 29-year-old university student ... [More]Well that's all I need to know.
Talking Sh**head
Speaking of "punk ass":

Looks like the "we" figure it ought to be you.
What an Opposite Day "progressive mentality." Defending your wife from a misogynist threat is"talking sh**." The guy who has a 10-point plan to do something about the rot is attacked by that paragon of cultural values, Kid Gangsta, who withheld financial information from the judge who ordered him to pay child support.
Speaking of "talking sh**":
And speaking of "uncle" Poop Dogg...
'The Pragmatic Dutch'
"A vote for Europe, a vote against extremists," Margaritis Schinas, spokesman for EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, said in a Tweet. [More]Spokesman for this guy?
This isn't over by a long shot.
The prags here aren't willing to address cultural terraforming, either.
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