On Wednesday, we visited the
Tammy Duckworth campaign to see what new political treachery is afoot in Illinois. Because I focused on only one aspect of
the linked story, I've decided to revisit it to cover another important part:
Duckworth, surrounded by Illinois Fraternal Order of Police President Ted Street and Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said at a Lombard news conference that Roskam is "not looking out for the best interests of the 6th District."
The FOP standing hand-in-hand with gungrabbers--certainly no new development to those of us who have watched these things over the years, and
their Illinois political endorsements offer no surprises in that regard.
So with their commitment to a disarmed citizenry well established, it's telling to find this on the front page of
their official state newsletter:

Yep, we all know they've proven time and again how they're "
The Only Ones" qualified to keep and bear arms. And they'll support the subversives, stump for the edicts and enforce the disarmament of their employers to prove it.
And if they have all the guns and no one else does, what's to stop them?
[Thanks to HZ]