What Crouch proposes is nothing short of un-American. It’s hard to determine if he just doesn’t know any better, or chillingly, if he does."Stand Free or Crouch in Servitude," my Rights Watch column for the May 2007 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now online.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Stand Free Or Crouch In Servitude
GUNS Magazine, May 1957

As a member of the staff of the West Point Museum, my favorite gun is logically among those in this great collection. Of these treasures, I like most the Colt Peacemaker carried by General George S. Patton, Jr. This is because I have spent some two years in research abut it. Not only is the gun a beautiful weapon-—silver plated, finely engraved, with ivory grips—-but it was the symbol by which Patton was known the world over and represents one of the nation's greatest soldiers. Its story parallels the life of Patton. He acquired the gun in 1916; used it in his first battle, and in peace and war throughout his life.
—Milton F. Perry, Curator, West Point Museum
The May, 1957 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online.
Reluctant to Publish
As the so-called "D.C. Madam" case unfolds in the nation's capital, with alleged prostitution ringleader Jeane Palfrey claiming a list of thousands of prominent clients, Washington-area editors say they are following the story, but remain reluctant to print such a list, were it available, without serious scrutiny.Funny how "authorized journalists," whose primary function is to watchdog government, perceive no ethical quandary watchdogging citizens, and publishing the names of those with concealed gun permits.
Methinks Ms. Palfrey's girls aren't the only whores in town.
We're the Only Ones Planting Enough
Documents Reveal: Cops Planted Pot on 92-Year Old Woman They Killed in Botched Drug RaidAnd these "Only Ones" didn't get the death penalty like anyone else justifiably would why...?
[Via Claire Wolfe]
[More on Kathryn Johnston from WarOnGuns]
Suffer the Children
Today, SB 1007, which until today had been a bill about sexual exploitation of children, was amended into a bill that would ban magazines with a capacity of greater than ten rounds (I guess standard capacity magazines offend some members of the Illinois Politburo legislature more than the sexual exploitation of children does). This amendment was introduced by recently elected Senator Dan Kotowski, who had previously been executive director of the Illinois Council against Handgun Violence (one of the largest recipients of the Joyce Foundation's anti-gun largesse).45superman shows us the antis are not just anti-gun, they're anti-children. They'd obviously rather see them dead than their parents armed and able to protect them...
Rage Against the Maroons
[Try BugMeNot to bypass site registration]
You teach history and this is the stage of your adult and professional development? Your life epiphany comes from a rock band? I guess you're as mature as you are competent in your field. And I guess you never heard that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
While we're on this story, how come some leftard band can call for the administration to be "tried and hung (HANGED!!!) and shot" without consequences, but Rick Stanley calls for a treasonous judge to be tried and gets his life destroyed for it?
"They changed my life. They made me a liberal," said sweat-drenched history teacher Rafael Ramon, 25, who had waited in a crowd packed shoulder-to-shoulder in front of the stage all day.Government school employee, no doubt, eh Rafael?
You teach history and this is the stage of your adult and professional development? Your life epiphany comes from a rock band? I guess you're as mature as you are competent in your field. And I guess you never heard that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
While we're on this story, how come some leftard band can call for the administration to be "tried and hung (HANGED!!!) and shot" without consequences, but Rick Stanley calls for a treasonous judge to be tried and gets his life destroyed for it?
Boomtown Bust

In the April issue of the NRA Magazine, there was an advertisement encouraging dealers to purchase tables for a three-day Gun Show to be held May 11, 12th and 13th, at the Boomtown Casino, in Reno, Nevada.That's a copy of the ad I scanned--click on it to enlarge. If that's not false advertising, I don't know what is. I don't know Mr. Guy, so I don't know if this is beyond his control, but the responsible party needs to be identified and people who invested based on entering into a contract in good faith ought to have restitution. I also note NRA being typically non responsive, so I'd say some pressure is due there to at least make sure these people are banned from further advertising in any Association publications unless and until they satisfy all parties injured by this.
I contacted the promoter of the event, Bert Guy (<www.GatlingGuns.com>, 3320 Arrowwood DR., Lake Havasu City Arizona 86406, Phone: 928 854-3538) and purchased two tables for the show, paid for by credit card.
In preparation for the upcoming event, I (and I am sure many other firearms dealers as well) purchased additional firearms inventory to be sold at the Boomtown Casino Gun Show. I invested several thousands of dollars in doing so.
On Wednesday, April 26, 2007, I received an email (attached) from Mr. Bert Guy advising that “In light of the recent unfortunate incident at Virginia Tech”; a “Corporate Decision” had been made not to allow the display or sale of guns at the show. Furthermore, the email went on to say that, the Show had been changed to a Sporting Goods and Accessory show only. Mr. Guy directed inquiries to his answering machine and to Sheryl Pacini, the Special Events coordinator for Boomtown Casino & Hotel (775-345-8762) (I left messages for both individuals two days ago and have not received a response.)
UPDATE: See comments below. Apparently Mr. Guy is as much a victim of this as anyone, sole responsibility resides with Boomtown, and the entire show has now been cancelled.
This Day in History: May 2
By May 2, 1775, Patrick Henry was on the move. Stirring the Hanover Volunteers to action with a fiery speech, they elected Henry their captain, and rode off to Williamsburg. So popular was Henry's action that by the time the Hanover volunteers got to Williamsburg, their ranks had swollen to 5,000 from the cheering crowds that lined their way.
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