Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Bipartisan Support
Not that they really do, on either count, but in a perfect world, they'd both be giving a thumbs up to this. And you would, too, both here and here until time runs out on June 8...
"How I Became Mr. Popular"

...popular gun-rights activist and commentator David Codrea... [More]If they only knew...
Anyway, I was looking for a suitable graphic to accompany this post and got completely sidetracked when I found this by accident. I'm still laughing, it is so damn bizarre.
Oversight says ‘senior DOJ officials were informed of gunwalking’
Referencing “immense detail” in sealed wiretap applications obtained by the committee that had been approved by these officials, Issa claimed “The close involvement of these officials – much greater than previously known – is shocking.” [More]Today's second Gun Rights Examiner offering is something I just put together in response to an Oversight Committee press release. I figured readers here ought to know about it, plus it includes a new video and updates us on Thursday's Judiciary hearing. That said, I'm past ready for the cage match and want things upped to nets and tridents.
MA Democrats require photo ID despite racism charges
As stated before, the government can’t have it both ways. By their own admission and actions, they consider a requirement to produce official photo identification as discriminatory, with a significant statistical impact on the enfranchisement of minority rights. Heller and McDonald leave no doubt that the Second Amendment articulates an individual right recognized by the federal government and applicable to the states and it is the duty of the Department of Justice to ensure that denials of rights are prosecuted. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes astonishing and contradictory hypocrisy, that is, SOP for the gang of collectivist sociopaths who presume to rule free men.
Gun Owner Opposition to NRA-Backed SB1034 Compromise
Kurt wrote about the bill here. I was asked to but did not have time to do the requisite research--I still haven't. But I do note there is some strongly-felt opposition from within the gun owner community, and, as their voice is not a loudly or widely heard, am going to paste an email I received on this below for reader consideration:
Feel free to add your opinion in comments. If you disagree, let's hear why.
During the last minute secession that saw the NRA compromise on an amendment too SB1034, State Representative Mike Bost threw an absolute fit on the House floor because he said they didn’t have time to consider and ponder over the legislation sent to them. (video link below it’s 1.33 minutes long, a must see)
The bad part is even with the claim that the Illinois House didn’t have time to consider and ponder over legislation the House still passed SB1034 because the NRA told them too! Now thanks to this list minute deal the “NO FLY LIST, TERROR WATCH LIST and VETERANS DISARMAMENT LIST” can be added to the FOID data base. PLUS the amendment will allow for a massive up-grade too the data base the runs the current outdated FOID card system.
Attorney General Eric Holder wanted the up-grades and the NRA capitulated. Apparently the NRA is happy with the gun control requirements of the Illinois FOID card. The Bill is BAD and it was made at the last minute without any regards to the people their property or their lives! We don’t need the FOID card in Illinois so why did the NRA/ISRA save it again?
We still have a chance to stop this bill by having the governor to veto the bill.
http://www.chicagonow.com/dennis-byrnes-barbershop/2012/05/rep-mike-bost-speaks-for-all-of-illinois Another link.. http://www.infowars.com/illinois-rep-explodes-over-tyranny-on-house-floor
Here is the URL for the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0sU-tSd4rA&feature=player_embedded
Feel free to add your opinion in comments. If you disagree, let's hear why.
This Week on ATSNTV

Diamond Classic Sporting Clays Tournament
Greater Houston Gun Club, Houston, Texas
Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 608 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)
1:30pm PST
4:30pm EST
10:00pm PST
Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
9:00pm EST/ 1:00am EST
Why Do You Think They Call Them "Mounties"?
Canada has modified its controversial position on a United Nations arms control treaty.Does bending over qualify as a "modified...controversial position"?
In a new position paper submitted to the UN, the federal government has dropped its proposal to exclude all sporting and hunting firearms from the international Arms Trade Treaty, an agreement that seeks to regulate the import, export and transfer of all conventional weapons. [More]
And here we all thought "sporting purposes" was going to be our salvation...
We're the Only Ones Non-Reciprocal Enough
“Somebody is going get away with killing a cop because of this law.” [More]But the other way around is consistent with department protocol? So in a nutshell, it should be illegal to defend yourself and your property against government enforcers?
Good ol' Bloomberg "News", adding a totally new intent to the term "government watchdog." The police state union flack spews it and the "Authorized Journalist" laps it up and regurgitates it.
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me
Pirates making hundreds of millions in ransoms, as attacks intensify off Somali coast [More]How am I supposed to feel the least bit of sympathy for anyone captured by Somali pirates? It's not like we don't know what would stop it, and we all know that won't be allowed. So if you choose to go there in spite of that, why would I care about what happened to you any more than if you chose to crawl over all the barriers to enter a lion habitat enclosure? And if you did, why would you expect anyone to expend his treasure or risk his life to save you?
Also see:
We're the Only Ones Your Wish is Our Command Enough

A sheriff is supposed to be out there responding to the wishes of the people, just as the police do. [More]How many do I get and what will the response be when I wish they'd just leave me alone?
This Day in History: June 5
Lord Charles Cornwallis assumes command of the British Army in the South. [More]
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