That’s important because consider the alternative, what is known as a “patchwork quilt” of anti-gun diktats: If lower levels of government could ban firearm possession and transportation, it would become effectively impossible to travel from Point A to Point B without placing yourself in legal jeopardy for “violating” some obscure local ordinance and bringing a world of hurt down on your head. And that’s the point, too. [More]It figures those who would lawlessly rule demand new "laws" to help them do it.
Monday, January 07, 2019
Pittsburgh Attack on Preemption an Attempt to Expand 'Rights-Free Zones'
Worse than Fake News
Emails Reveal Media Outlet Ran With Non-Story Designed To Hurt NRA. [More]In other words they spread deliberate lies.
I was suspicious from the outset. Particularly after it soon started to unravel.
They're counting on everyone just remembering -- and parroting -- the allegation that NRA colluded with Russia to steal the election for Trump. And the average DSM headline surfer will never know the difference.
This ought to be actionable.
Not to Put Too Fine a Point to It, But...
Highly Organized Migrant Caravans Are Being Supported by Taxpayer Funded American Groups and the UN; and They’re Using Women and Children as Human Shields [More]Brought to you courtesy of traitors and useful idiots...
Bloody Fingerprints
Former Law Enforcement Official: Benghazi Coverup Was to Protect Clinton Foundation – General Flynn Attacked Because He Knew Too Much [More]So it wasn't because of the Mohammed video?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Calling Off the Dogs Enough
When Reeses starts barking, Wallace shoots the dog — who suddenly starts to yelp in pain. [More]I sometimes wonder how I survived as a paperboy.
[Via Dave Licht]
We're the Only Ones DUI (Detecting Under the Influence) Enough
Pinellas detective in Drejka case arrested after showing up drunk at shooting scene, deputies say [More]So he'd already made it home at the end of his shift...?
[Via Neil W]
That'll Detain Him
Online child porn leader severely beaten, killed in Michigan federal detention center [More]While the inclination to be unsympathetic is understandable, never forget that this is the environment the totalitarians will put you in if they catch you deliberately defying one of their disarmament edicts. I see too many accept prison rapes or child molester beatdowns and the like without thinking through what those really portend for all sentenced to the gulag. And you'd better believe guard sadism/corruption plays its part, either directly, by turning a blind eye, or by encouraging targeted inmate violence.
If there is any place a "special relationship duty to protect" ought to exist, it is when in custody.
[Via Jess]
Turning a Profit
Patriot Makes Guns From Scrap Metal, Sells Them in State’s ‘Buyback’ Program, Buys Real Guns With Proceeds [More]Hey, no questions asked, right?
[Via Felix B]
When Grievance Groups Collide
Austrian Police Charge Woman For Hitting Migrant Who Molested Her - The victim fractured the attacker’s nose, and he ran to police for medical care [More]There's no wake-up call quite like the harsh reality of realizing your concerns are valued less by those controlling the agenda than a more useful group's.
Besides, what the hell was she doing dressing immodestly and tempting the guy?
[Via Michael G]
Aid and Comfort to the Enemy
Bipartisan Support for "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation Is Growing [More]Yep.
With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats?
[Via Mack H]
Best be taken seriously: big push for Red Flag laws / other gun-control in progress! [More]How many million gun owners do you figure there are in Virginia?
How many hundred do you think will show up for Lobby Day?
[Via Felix B]
UPDATE (WarOnGuns Correspondent WilliamT shares his correspondence to VCDL):
![]() |
So? That doesn't mean it has no value and should be dismissed and ignored.
It's an imaginative and logical argument that will make sense to the "normals," and deserves to be exploited and thrown back in the teeth of the antis. And not just in VA, but everywhere the argument is made that someone can't be trusted with a gun.
Besides, VLLA SELLA...
Your Reward for Full Compliance
CA Broadens Gun Confiscation Laws to Include Ammunition, Certain Magazines [More]You know how it is they know, "law-abiding" gun owners.
And rest assured, they're going to give you all kinds of chances to comply with a hell of a lot more in the coming months and years.
[Via Wynn A]
Nashville Cats
Antifa Testing “NO-GO” Zones for Conservatives In Nashville, Tennessee [More]They want to provoke.
Know that they will have observers nearby to exploit (over)reactions. Count on it.
[Via Michael G]
How the Place has Changed
3 shot dead, 4 injured at Torrance bowling alley [More]So much for California being on the Brady and Gabby "Best" lists.
As an aside, that's where we first took feral sons Uday and Qusay bowling. When I worked in defense electronics, that's where our company team played.
People who act like "it can never happen here" are fooling themselves.
[Via Dave Licht]
He Has a Point
Mexican Foreign Ministry Wants Explanation Over Border Tear Gas Incidents Provoked From Mexico's Side Of The Border [More]That does seem kind of a tepid response to an attempted invasion.
And the Word 'Taint' is Used Advisedly
Despite a correction, Canada’s gun control debate is still tainted by bad information [More]Yeah, how 'bout that? Citizen disarmament is based on lies.
There can be no debate with truth, merely raging against reality.
[Via Felix B]
Rules are Made to Be Broken
The vote establishes a rule, not a law... and therefore has no teeth to it. A large segment of the Republican House delegation has stated they will repeatedly and proudly break the rule. [More]Lemme know when any are ready to say "I will not comply" to "laws."
[Via Felix B]
We're the Only Ones Watching Your Six Enough
While the pair exited the parking lot onto Federal Highway, the store's owner, Michael Dacey, a New York Police Department detective who retired in 2003, shot through the back window of the car and hit Jakeem in the head, deputies said. [More]So wouldn't you or I be arrested for shooting someone who was not attacking at the time?
[Via Jess]
Because Everything's Better with Government!
One of my Christmas presents:
Thanks, guys. There's no way I'd have ever figured out my adult choices might have consequences without your benevolent guidance. Now I get to figure out how to get the labels off without marring the finish of what could be a useful and attractive box.
I question -- with all the required-under-penalty-of-kidnapping warnings on tobacco products -- if the entire effort has ever "saved one life."
Hope and Change
No, the way we change things is by creating a climate of opinion such that it becomes politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right things. [More]At the risk of evoking the Underpants Gnomes, what's Phase 2 and how do you make it happen under ruthless "progressive" media/social media control? Don't forget to factor in the observable effects of Libertarian Party "immigration" advocacy.
[Via Michael G]
The Logical Conclusion
Opponents say guns in the Missouri Capitol 'unnecessary and dangerous' [More]If so, then these guys need to go.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones in the Hole Enough
Kansas jailer fired and arrested after reportedly having sex with inmates, KBI says [More]Did someone say "karma"?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Plagued Enough
Four-year Senate investigation finds US Marshals Service plagued with corruption [More]At least tell me Dave Meyer is OK...
[Via bondmen]
And So It Begins
House Democrats to Introduce Bill Criminalizing Private Gun Sales on Tuesday [More]I guess we'll find out how many Republicans have learned a damn thing since November.
[Via Wynn A]
Moral Equivalency
They have no intention of "toning down the rhetoric." [More]
They're counting on heating it to boiling point.
Just remember -- the hatred is not reserved for Trump, but for all the "deplorables" that voted for the platform he represented.
They're counting on heating it to boiling point.
Just remember -- the hatred is not reserved for Trump, but for all the "deplorables" that voted for the platform he represented.
Anyone Who Can't Be Trust with a Pizza...
Pasco man hits dad with pizza after finding out his father helped deliver him at birth, deputies say [More]I'm gonna need a bigger law.
The Company They Keep
Nothing says "tone down the rhetoric" like calling for Republicans to be shot (again). [More]
And yes, of course his account is still up as he continues to laugh about it and fellow "progressives" voice their whole-hearted approval.
And yes, of course his account is still up as he continues to laugh about it and fellow "progressives" voice their whole-hearted approval.
Another Opposite Day 'Progressive'
Oregon reporter held without bail on murder charge after cell phone records parts of her uncle’s shooting death [More]She certainly sounds like a victim of men.
People for the UnAmerican Way
I wonder if Elliot Mincberg would be able to elaborate on properties and specifications for "rapid-fire ammunition"... [More]
Between that, 30 magazine clips, the dreaded shoulder things that go up and heat-seeking bullets that can cook a deer from the inside, it's nice to know our rights are being assessed by such capable arbiters.
[Via Bear]
Putting Their Money Where Their Mouth Is
“Today we're canceling our booth reservation at the National Rifle Association show and instead we're donating that $1,350 to [the] Firearms Policy Coalition so they can use it to fight for the 2nd Amendment,” the post continued. [More]This actually came out in December but I missed it during my limited blogging.
Kudos to Blue Alpha Gear and Cole TAC.
If you agree, it would be appropriate to let them know you appreciate their taking a risk for principle.
The Adult in the Room?
Please. Grow up. This just isn’t that important. [More]If anyone believes this is just about "bump stocks" they haven't been paying attention and have some growing of their own to do.
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
Millions could face severe cuts to food stamps due to government shutdown [More]So Democrat-controlled areas could be thrown into chaos...?
Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing
BILL FUNDS BORDER SECURITY, RESERVES BILLIONS IN ASSETS FORFEITED IN THE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION OF JOAQUIN ARCHIVALDO GUZMAN LOREA “EL CHAPO” AND OTHER DRUG LORDS [More]Set aside War on Drugs argument for a moment and let's look at how serious his "law and order/border security" Republican colleagues were when they controlled ... what was it Chequita called it? ... all "three chambers of government":
Status: Died in a previous Congress. This bill was introduced on April 25, 2017, in a previous session of Congress, but was not enacted.and House:
Status: Died in a previous Congress. This bill was introduced on April 27, 2017, in a previous session of Congress, but was not enacted.Any bets on a prognosis now that Pelosi holds a gavel?
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