"What's interesting about David is he is such an anti-gun person," Steve Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, told the press. "He's such an anti-violence person, and of all the things for him to get arrested for, that really surprises me." [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a "progressive" workaround when principles and practice collide. Besides, they never meant for the laws to apply to them...
Monday, February 16, 2015
‘Anti-gun’ attorney arrested for gun at airport
Steering Things Back On Course
In comments under my latest GUNS piece, a shill for the divide-and-conquer Fudd exploiters does exactly what I said not to do, presenting ad hominem attacks instead of refuting the presented evidence. So naturally, I'm compelled to point that out. [More]
Do feel free to enter the discussion over there. Anyone can.
Do feel free to enter the discussion over there. Anyone can.
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Bureau Scorned?
I dunno-- I wouldn't put it past the stupid SOBs, but this ban proposal looks politically -- and legally -- indefensible from what I'm hearing, and I expect implementation to fizzle. [More]
It could be retaliation is exactly what the motivation was, but barring some kind of insider evidence being revealed, we could all offer gut feel speculations, but that doesn't make it so. Mine is that this is just the administration doing whatever it can to be anti-2A dicks and throwing feces against the wall to see what sticks.
[Via Michael G]
It could be retaliation is exactly what the motivation was, but barring some kind of insider evidence being revealed, we could all offer gut feel speculations, but that doesn't make it so. Mine is that this is just the administration doing whatever it can to be anti-2A dicks and throwing feces against the wall to see what sticks.
[Via Michael G]
Florence Police provide actual common sense gun safety training
At a time when an “us vs. them” attitude often results in gulfs between gun owners and law enforcement, programs like this can serve to build relationships and reciprocal trust. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes official encouragement or discouragement of an armed citizenry is a choice.
There's Education and There's Education
True, a degree doesn't make the man. [More]
Still, I'd like to know the guy can at least add dos mƔs dos...
Reynolds has been strangely silent on pointing out the "single issue" connection on that.
[Via Mack H]
Still, I'd like to know the guy can at least add dos mƔs dos...
Reynolds has been strangely silent on pointing out the "single issue" connection on that.
[Via Mack H]
Easy Questions
Should the US have stricter gun control laws? Do we need strict gun control laws? Can people police themselves when it comes to guns? [More]I can think of much harder ones, like are you ready for the civil war your ignorance is inviting, and are you really dumb enough to believe there will be no personal consequences?
If you have Skype and want to participate, VICE TV is inviting submissions.
[Via Michael J]
By Exclusive Invitation Only
Typical. They want to enact edicts affecting all of us, but they only want to let their insider supporters in on what's said at their public gatherings. [More]
We're the Only Ones Empowering Girls Enough
Fresno police say the 10-year-old daughter of a Madera County sheriff's lieutenant shot her younger sister with their father's gun in an apparent accident. [More]I can't tell you how many times that used to happen with my kids.
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Autocidal Enough
APD officer suspended for accidentally shooting patrol car [More]Maybe it should have listened and not made any sudden moves...
[Via Harvey]
Snuffing Out the Candles
Mental darkness facilitates authoritarianism, and darkness we have. [More]Sound analysis, for the most part, and brilliant commentary, as per usual. I do disagree with the conclusion that all is lost. There's a new paradigm that hasn't been factored in.
[Via Ron W]
High Resolution
As always, showing up and showing support for a pro gun-rights resolution is critical in our efforts to keep adding counties to the list opposing new and dangerous gun control laws. [More]Besides, you might meet some friends for life...
Last Night on Armed American Radio
From the National Rifle Association Catherine Mortenson discusses Bloomberg comments, Alan Gottlieb and the latest court victory from SAF/CCRKBA, AAR's Washington DC Editor Neil McCabe, David Codrea, George The Mad Ogre Hill and more! [Listen]
Second-Class Citizens
Fine, be that way, who needs you? [More]
Put your own damn lives at risk. Leave mine out of it.
Oh, look: They have a special Twitter "jobs" account set up. I wonder if they offer hazard pay?
Attention bank robbers:
UPDATE: It just struck that everyone may not realize this picture is one of my intentionally crude Fauxtoshops?
Put your own damn lives at risk. Leave mine out of it.
Oh, look: They have a special Twitter "jobs" account set up. I wonder if they offer hazard pay?
Attention bank robbers:
![]() |
Withdrawals are easy, the First Citizens way! |
UPDATE: It just struck that everyone may not realize this picture is one of my intentionally crude Fauxtoshops?
Is It OK to Ask a Question?
I ask, because I see comments have not been enabled. [More]
Being an active duty NY LEO, what would take precedence? Just following orders from the Cuomo regime or oath-keeping?
I'd want to know before I was certain this represented a true "libertarian" position.
Being an active duty NY LEO, what would take precedence? Just following orders from the Cuomo regime or oath-keeping?
I'd want to know before I was certain this represented a true "libertarian" position.
May Defiance Rise Up to Meet You
GardaĆ fear criminals might target legitimate owners to steal their firearms. [More]No they don't, and stop covering for them. That's just the shallow pretext these thugs are using to secure their monopoly of violence. The criminals targeting "legitimate" owners to steal their firearms are the traitors demanding the ban.
This is what happens when your only line of defense is based on "sporting purpose" hobbyists. This is what happens when tools like this Irish import are rewarded with fame, fortune, and a megaphone here.
Nazi Persecutors for Citizen Disarmament [More]
Founding member: Mike "Der" Feuer.
He doesn't much care for freedom of expression and private property rights, either.
I'm reminded of an emotionally satisfying little project I conducted at one of the "ATF Night" dinners we used to hold when I lived in Southern California. Then-councilthing and domestic-enemy-in-training "Der" wanted the city to mandate thumbprints for ammo purchases. I brought a piece of paper and an ink pad, and a bunch of us signed and stamped it under a note telling him we were giving him a fingerprint instead of a thumbprint, and inviting him to guess which one we'd used.
Looks like it's time to re-send the sentiments to this Kapo for Kristallnacht. And to his criminal co-conspirators.
Speaking of which, in typical "transparent public servant" fashion, their website has been registered under a proxy. And looky what Guidestar tells us-- or more to the point, doesn't.
Bring it on, you sons of bitches. Mass enforcement -- and without it, your personal impotence will be revealed to embolden even more defiance -- may just backfire on you, and your victims may not be the only ones who regret the attempt.
[Via @pamnsc]
Founding member: Mike "Der" Feuer.
He doesn't much care for freedom of expression and private property rights, either.
I'm reminded of an emotionally satisfying little project I conducted at one of the "ATF Night" dinners we used to hold when I lived in Southern California. Then-councilthing and domestic-enemy-in-training "Der" wanted the city to mandate thumbprints for ammo purchases. I brought a piece of paper and an ink pad, and a bunch of us signed and stamped it under a note telling him we were giving him a fingerprint instead of a thumbprint, and inviting him to guess which one we'd used.
Looks like it's time to re-send the sentiments to this Kapo for Kristallnacht. And to his criminal co-conspirators.
Speaking of which, in typical "transparent public servant" fashion, their website has been registered under a proxy. And looky what Guidestar tells us-- or more to the point, doesn't.
Bring it on, you sons of bitches. Mass enforcement -- and without it, your personal impotence will be revealed to embolden even more defiance -- may just backfire on you, and your victims may not be the only ones who regret the attempt.
[Via @pamnsc]
It's Time for Common Sense Shirt Control!
Be interesting to see someone try to ban these. [More]
I'm just waiting for a "SWATting" by a cud-regurgitating MILM to happen.
I'm just waiting for a "SWATting" by a cud-regurgitating MILM to happen.
Licked 'em
We've noted before how trolls are sadists-psychopaths / infiltrators-disruptors. And we've noted one of the evil cowards who calls himself "Lector" before.
He's back trying to convince us that not only is the order enjoining Eric Holder and B. Todd Jones from enforcing the interstate handgun transfer ban not newsworthy, but then goes on in typical troll fashion to deride the legal understanding of others. He then writes a check he can't cash, saying "Next time, bring a more challenging question."
Someone has done just that, and all he's gotten from Lector are crickets -- and we know he's had time to respond, because his profile shows all the other trolling he's done since then. It's like the guy lives to troll, which makes it more than fair to speculate whose payroll he's on.
My favorite recent post of his is over at Kurt's place:
I always find anonymous accusations of cowardice in others amusing.
I'm not suggesting anyone do anything-- I just find it instructive to occasionally remind myself of the twisted hatred, the compulsion to destroy, and the very real blood lust that consumes these hive insects. On the bright side, this is one personally miserable individual.
He's back trying to convince us that not only is the order enjoining Eric Holder and B. Todd Jones from enforcing the interstate handgun transfer ban not newsworthy, but then goes on in typical troll fashion to deride the legal understanding of others. He then writes a check he can't cash, saying "Next time, bring a more challenging question."
Someone has done just that, and all he's gotten from Lector are crickets -- and we know he's had time to respond, because his profile shows all the other trolling he's done since then. It's like the guy lives to troll, which makes it more than fair to speculate whose payroll he's on.
My favorite recent post of his is over at Kurt's place:
I always find anonymous accusations of cowardice in others amusing.
I'm not suggesting anyone do anything-- I just find it instructive to occasionally remind myself of the twisted hatred, the compulsion to destroy, and the very real blood lust that consumes these hive insects. On the bright side, this is one personally miserable individual.
This Day in History: February 16
The Spectacles suit my Eyes extremely well—as I am perswaded the Reading Glasses also will when I get more accustomed to the use of them—At present, I find some difficulty in coming at the proper Focus—but when I do obtain it, they magnify perfectly, and shew those letters very distinctly which at first appear like a mist—blended together & confused. [More]
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