There's some good stuff being turned out. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Demilitarized Brass
John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Safer Streets 2010: The second amendment as a 2010 stumping issue, Part I.
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Thursday, April 08, 2010
We're the Only Ones "Blind Date" Enough

Orban allegedly forced the woman to drive to a Fontana industrial area, raped her and left, getting a ride back from Jelinek. Investigators say they suspected Orban after he left his service revolver in the woman's car. [More]Westminster cops are still issued revolvers?
The good thing is, being in Southern California pretty much assures that the "Only Ones" legally allowed to carry were in total control of a criminal situation.
[Via JFC]
"Der Feuer" Continues Hate Campaign Against Gun Owners
A California Democrat is proposing a new law requiring residents to register their shotguns and rifles or go to jail...Feuer is no friend of firearms owners...[More]Talk about an understatement.
Hey, it's nice to know that they have a handle on real crime in Kollyfornya and that the Golden State economy is healthy enough to handle the extra load in terms of record keeping, policing, prosecution and jailing of otherwise productive citizens. So nobody is going to be coming to the rest of us for a bailout because they're "too big to fail" or anything, right?
"Der" knows his proposal will have no effect on crime other than to squander limited law enforcement resources and create a new class of "criminal." It's been the same with every other attack on freedom he's gotten ink for over the years.
So why does he do it?
Because he hates you and he can.
Because his constituents let him.
We're the Only Ones Sickening Enough
Judge in Danziger case sickened by 'raw brutality of the shooting and the craven lawlessness of the cover-up' [More]Which means, Bill O'Reilly, you're a pinhead.
[Via jpr9]
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Vanderboegh links to a putrid Daily Kos post so I don't have to.
I actually take heart reading stuff like this. Conflating us with Nixon, who wanted to ban handguns, and Bloomberg...?
Sun Tzu advises to know your enemy. They're oblivious to who we are and what we believe, and prefer instead to follow in lockstep like lemmings the talking points put out there to demonize/dehumanize us.
It's a two-edged sword--while it creates a dangerous climate for us as a group being vilified, the differences from, say, 70 years ago in Europe, are that we are not ethnically separable, we are not segregated into enclaves and we are not unarmed.
Look at some of the tags--these creatures think our motivational inspiration comes from Rush Limbaugh? Sarah Palin? Michelle Bachman and Glenn Beck?
I say let them think we're too dumb to form independent thought without corporate media and Republican establishment leaders, and dismiss us as as low tooth-to-head ratio slack-jawed yokels. Knowing the skills some non-urban folk have at the basics, from a strictly Darwinian sense we'll see who is more highly adaptable when TSHTF.
I actually take heart reading stuff like this. Conflating us with Nixon, who wanted to ban handguns, and Bloomberg...?
Sun Tzu advises to know your enemy. They're oblivious to who we are and what we believe, and prefer instead to follow in lockstep like lemmings the talking points put out there to demonize/dehumanize us.
It's a two-edged sword--while it creates a dangerous climate for us as a group being vilified, the differences from, say, 70 years ago in Europe, are that we are not ethnically separable, we are not segregated into enclaves and we are not unarmed.
Look at some of the tags--these creatures think our motivational inspiration comes from Rush Limbaugh? Sarah Palin? Michelle Bachman and Glenn Beck?
I say let them think we're too dumb to form independent thought without corporate media and Republican establishment leaders, and dismiss us as as low tooth-to-head ratio slack-jawed yokels. Knowing the skills some non-urban folk have at the basics, from a strictly Darwinian sense we'll see who is more highly adaptable when TSHTF.
Bumper Sticker Logic
Dennis Henigan, Vice President for Law and Policy at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, systematically analyzes and dismantles the simple, effective slogans that the disciplined messaging of the gun lobby has burned into the consciousness of the American people. Henigan dissects the superficial appeal of such catch-phrases as “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people,” “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns,” “An armed society is a polite society,” and other simplistic themes that have come to dominate the perennial debate over the role of guns in American society. [More]That's the good thing about writing your own press release--it makes you sound like you've actually got science and reason on your side, doesn't it?
As long as we're doing bumper sticker slogans, here's some the Brady cud chewers (talk about "superficial") can use:
Feel free to suggest more slogans in "Comments".
Nothing to Fear But Intermediate Scrutiny Itself
This news is a couple of weeks old, but I don't think anyone here has discussed it yet...[More]Maybe not there, but I certainly discussed it here. Heck, some of us complained years ago this would be the establishment fallback point that would allow them to give lip service to 2A without upsetting the balance of power.
I disagree that "gun controllers need not fear 'intermediate scrutiny'." I think that level of official arrogance ought to scare the hell out of everybody who is paying attention, particularly if what some perceive as an opportunity to gain ground is perceived by others as a line in the sand.
Medical Establishment Hostility to Guns is Long-Standing and Pervasive
[I]t's all too predictable that we see much of the "medical literature" promulgating the guns = public health threat meme, ignoring the protective benefits of guns in private hands. The thought that gun control = public health threat evidently either does not occur to many of the researchers or else it just doesn't fit in with their agenda. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at top-level medical malpractice.
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This Day in History: April 8
The Ranger left the French port of Brest on April 8, 1778. At the slow sailing speed of the day, it was April 15 before the ship entered the channel between England and Ireland. (Jones would have seen this as a more direct route to less defended targets in Ireland and the west coast of England and Scotland.) The weather that day was windy and overcast. This limited visibility would have blocked the American's view of potential targets. However, British warships could not have spotted Jones unless they were very close. [More]
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