Since March 14, 2020, life on Earth for us humans has never been the same. On that day, Earth was first invaded by explorers from the planet Zargon located thousands of light years away in the Andromeda galaxy...Stop right there.
What they're telling us is these incompetent space navigators probably never got out of their own galaxy, estimated at over 200,000 light years across, and 2⅓ MILLION light years away...
These ignoramuses presume to teach middle-schoolers, who ought to be able to call them on this if the schools are doing their job--which they obviously aren't if allowing this foolishness in. Hey, we're talkin' New Jersey public education here, light years from anything that makes sense.
And don't you just love this typically idiotic cud-chewing class discussion pointer?
Is empathy the secret to finding a resolution?Empathy. Give them what they want. Reason with them. Kumbayah.
Just what do they suppose the reaction of the wolf pack will be when the herbivore emissary approaches under a flag of truce to parley?
And notice how they assume (and try to stack the deck from the outset to prove) the Borg thesis that resistance (that is, self-defense) is futile.
Good grief. Whether you subscribe to the Darwinian or Biblical worldview, a species that will not defend itself or its young is, at best, on the fast track to extinction, at worst, damnable for the crime of self murder.
In either case, the proponents of defenselessness are irrational to the point of being raging headcases.
I wonder how the school would respond if a student argued an alternative plan, along the lines of:
You've established in your ground rules that these genocidal monsters can be killed, as can the animals they unleash on humans. Your main argument against resistance is that they are technologically superior and will respond with reprisals.So, do you think a student in the New Jersey school system proposing this fictional response to their fictional scenario (no worse, really, than the slasher films anti-gun liberals in Hollywood routinely and profitably present to the same demographic to the delight of mainstream stockholders) would get expelled, probably ordered into treatment for using these talking points instead of the approved ones?
Yeah. War is hell. It's time to remind them of that.
So I propose we take our lead from insurgent movements we see here and conduct asymmetrical warfare via guerrilla campaigns. Don't be shy to use terror and torture--after all, they aren't human, and they're the ones attacking and killing us. Capture one or more of the alien bastards. Saw their heads off on video, and send them copies. Skin some alive. Eat others. Burn them. Make them scream in agony and terror as they die. And make all that known.
Take the weapons from those you capture or kill and use them against the invaders. Study the technology and make more.
Manufacture IEDs, and place them where Zargonians trade, recreate or travel. You've stipulated they have our physical needs so disrupt their supply routes. Poison their water and destroy their food supplies.
Booby-trap alien dead to kill or maim recovery teams.
"What's Zurg doing propped against a tree with his head in his lap? Let me just move thi...BOOM!
Remember what Clausewitz taught us about the importance of eroding popular support. Nothing quite does that like body bags and atrocities. Fill them, and then fill more.
Never give up. There is no negotiation, no compromise, no empathy. The only good Zargonian is a dead Zargonian. Rally under the uncompromising slogan: DEATH TO ZARGON!
Remember what is best, and teach it to your children. Make cutting off Zargoian antennae and wearing them on a necklace a rite and badge of adulthood and honor.
Live free or die. And kill as many as you can before you do. And then turn your attention to the species traitors who gave them aid and comfort.
Oh, and one more thing--you do realize this stupid scenario you farm animals have created will require those of us driven into hiding to actually do more hunting in order to sustain ourselves, right? Do you fools have any idea what purely subsistence hunting by starving bands can do to an ecosystem and the fluffy and doe-eyed little woodland critters therein? Ain't unintended consequences a bitch?
Just like those of you Marxist loons presenting this agenda-driven subversive lunatic drek as educational material.
Why not disseminate them and find out?
UPDATE: Thanks for reminding us about this, Mack!