Hey, we ought to do a book along the lines of "Where's Waldo?"
Pictures of gun show floors and you have to find the JBT...

Notes from the Resistance...
D.C. police will start the gun registration process at 7 a.m. tomorrow...An officer from the gun unit will meet the applicant at the door and take temporary possession of the gun to ensure safety at headquarters.But of course. It's only safe if they have it.
Battle plan targets criminals with gunsWhat, criminals with guns in Indianapolis?
We must act...collectively...Yep. That is what it's all about.
Will Romney's Combative Style Net VP Nod?I can't wait to see the contortions and hear the excuse-making if this one pans out.
An off-duty police detective failed a required sobriety test after wounding an armed suspect, leading a union official to suggest Tuesday that officers will think twice about stepping in when they're off the job.But I thought that was the reason they were among The "Only Ones" permitted to carry in The Big Apple.
Four Boise teenagers — three females and a male — are facing felony burglary charges after Meridian police say they they stole $45 worth of items Monday at Wal-Mart....Yeah, I'd say none of them deserves to ever be able to protect themselves again for the rest of their lives. That sounds reasonable.
Stowe said it can be hard to prove intent in many shoplifting cases, so those suspects are usually charged with a misdemeanors. He said the officer in this case felt he had evidence to support the felony charge.
But if they applied the 1966 Miranda standard to the Second Amendment, they would instead have ruled that, when I enter a federal courthouse or other government building, the receptionist or security guard who greets me would be required to say, "Ah, sir, you don't seem to be wearing a sidearm. I'm required to advise you that you have a right to keep and bear arms. If you don't currently have a gun, one will be provided you at government expense.Vin Suprynowicz shares some measured Heller insights.
The recent historic handgun ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court should have no impact on gun control and licensing provisions in New York state, a local judge has concluded.Then I'd say he's right in line with the "Vote Freedom First President's" administration...
"[S]everal council members said they agreed with tougher language that requires weapons to be unloaded, disassembled or trigger locked, except when there is a "threat of immediate harm to a person" in the home."We knew DC would play these stupid games. Here's the thing:
The DEA, which our great moral leader Richard Nixon created in 1973 and charged with the impossible but politically useful mission of winning the "all-out global war on the drug menace," turned 35 on July 1.I guess that depends on what its real mission is. Because if someone wanted to inject a tyranny-enabling cancer of corruption into this country's law enforcement and police state tolerance into its populace, I'd say things have worked out pretty much as planned.
So, how's its track record after 35 years of difficult, often dangerous drug-war-making? If the DEA were a heroin addict, it would have overdosed on its own incompetence by age 6.
A popular American pulp and paper company has banned employees at its toilet paper plant from storing concealed weapons in their cars while on company property – a move that defies Florida gun law...Let's see: If "a well regulated militia" is "necessary to the security of a free state," how does disarming said militia make said state more secure?
Company spokesman Jeremy Alexander said the plant's rules ban firearms on the property because it ships about 700 gallons of fuel each day to operate.
''This is based on our Homeland Security requirements," he said. "It's not because of the products we make.''
The Commanding Officers of each Regiment to report the Names of such Men in their respective Corps as are most expert in the management of whale boats.