Tuesday, August 24, 2021

NRA ‘Restructuring’ and Billing Documents Show Need for Honest Stewardship


A desperate Wayne LaPierre knows he can’t fall off the tiger he is riding, and Letitia James is fixated on burning down the house. It’s clear at this point that a successful intervenor action with effective controls and a trustee/receiver representing member interests consistent with Association Bylaws is the best of three forced choices. [More]

The escape from New York didn't work and now the last best hope rests in the judge's hands.

No Flights/No Rights

 No Vaccination, No Guns: a New Secret Plan For Gun Confiscation ~ LISTEN [More]

Evan Nappen ties Covid in with "No Fly/No Buy"...

Punk Gets Disproportionate Press

 Bill Kristol endorses McAuliffe in Virginia governor's race [More]

Of course, he does.

If a squish like Younkin is too "rightwing" for him, he's revealing what he's really been all along is a leftist subversive.

The thing is, no one even pays attention to him anymore except the Dems, who can count on him to deliver their message and make it look like real conservatives are terrorists.

Anybody have a list of the other traitors who joined him? I'd like to do what I can to not support any Republican who has anything to do with them.

We'll Take Over from Here

 The race comes as Virginia has been undergoing a dramatic demographic change with big impacts on elections. [More]

Who'da thunk it?

Aside from everyone but our "gun rights leaders"...?

[Via Mack H]

It's All Academic Anyway

Boy, would my old college roommates get a laugh out of me being mentioned in academic papers. So would my old Physics prof.

 Unfortunately, in order to see it, I have to subscribe to premium services, and I have better things to do with the money they want for me to see it. With the subject being "Nationalism," I don't have high hopes of being treated kindly. Plus, I remember how much it wasn't worth it the last time an academic journal lied about me (that I know of).

We're the Only Ones Misdirecting Enough

 Castor said when she was the chief of police in 2015, the average number of homicides each year was in the low 20s, and during her time at the police department they confiscated anywhere from 800 to 900 guns annually. This year, there have already been 26 homicides so far, and the Tampa Police Department has confiscated more than 1,000 guns to date, she said. [More]

As long as they're deliberately focused on the guns and not on the elephant in the room of who is doing the killings, they'll never make a dent in things. But then, anyone who did would be condemned and destroyed.

[Via Remarks]

Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty He's Free at Last!


In a final act of "F*** you!" gungroper Andrew Cuomo puts a convicted killer back on the streets. Meanwhile, Marxist for Citizen Disarmament Chesa Boudin wants to make sure if communists like Pops want to kill you that you won't be able to stop them.

[Via 1Gat]

We're the Only Ones Disorderly Enough

Cleveland detective arrested on weapons charges, disorderly conduct in Cuyahoga Falls bar [More]

Think how much more dangerous you or I would be without all that training.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

The Rewards of Giving

 New Leak Shows ATF is Appointing Democrat Donor to Top Lawyer Position [More]

So you could say she's paid her dues?

Thank a 'Friend'

 Rare Breed Triggers Fires Back At ATF, Says "Will Not Comply" [More]

Anybody know if there's a legal defense fund? And if one of the things not to comply with is purchase records identifying customers...?

And yeah, thank Trump and NRA for setting "bump stock" precedent. Gee, I wonder why I had to use the Wayback Machine on that last link...

[Via bondmen]

They Need to Work on 'Delivery'

Rogue truckies vow to block every major highway into every state during radical anti-lockdown strike - as they urge Aussies to 'stock up on groceries' [More]

Their first mistake was letting everyone know who they are.

[Via bondmen]

A 'Complex' Issue

 Quantifying The "Staggering Costs" Of US Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan [More]

Did the suppliers get paid?

Gee, I wonder where their "loyalties" will lie.

Gen. Butler would never cut it in today's Milleytary.

[Via bondmen]

'Some of My Best Friends are Black ... Rifles'

 The Second Amendment Is About Rifles Not Racism [More]

True, but that's not what the wannabe totalitarians trying to disarm you want the ignorant and the weak-minded to believe.

[Via bondmen]

The White Faces of Democrat Supremacy'

At least the "progressive" racists at the LA Times didn't call him an "Uncle Tom." [More

The knives are out for Larry Elder, and the elites are out to destroy him using whatever they can make up.

The financial stuff is weak tea compared to the real sliming by the hostile ex you can expect them to exploit.

I'm actually surprised to see them going to all this trouble -- everything I've seen about the California electorate tells me he doesn't have a chance.

Tangentially-Related Update:

CA Teacher's Union Uses Mandatory Training to Bully Members to Vote No on Recall [More]

[Via Michael G]

Beta Testing

 Young men in institutions like mine are mercilessly stereotyped. They are compelled to unquestioningly acquiesce to fundamentally anti-male social justice doctrines that are in the process of becoming the raison d’être of such institutions. They are told throughout their four years at college that a male who unapologetically embraces his nature commits an eternal offense. Unless he agrees to fundamentally change himself to suit the desires of his moral betters, he is to be despised by the righteous and becomes a legitimate target for repression. [More]

A major objective, for those who subvert and neutralize the core purpose of the Second Amendment, is to produce a generation of anti-gun males.

[Via Michael G]

Get Vaxxed or Live Like a Leper

 Coming soon, to a totalitarian cultural Marxist theocracy near you... [More]

[Via GP]

Maybe They Were Busy or Something...

 The West Virginia- and Arizona-led comments were joined by attorneys general in Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota. [More]

That means seven more states with Republican governors didn't carry their share of the load when we needed them.  If one of them is yours, why not call them on it?

[Via Jess]

Time for Some Commonsense Caliphate Safety Laws

 Anti-Gun trafficking Biden just armed the Taliban to the teeth... 600,000 "weapons of war"... [Watch]

Maybe someone should sue the manufacturers -- look at their promotional/bid rhetoric and how they knew/should have known this could happen...

[Via Jess]

Broken Clock Shows Right Time

 Siemon said she’s only going to charge people for their actual behavior while committing a crime, not for a weapon that wasn’t used in the crime. [More]

Good for her. I agree

Just not for the same reasons.

"Conservatives" need to pull their heads out of their @$$e$ on this.

[Via Jeffersonian]

A Plan Comes Together


Gotta keep all those "wealth redistribution" Ponzi schemes going, which is why we need to bring in all those ...uh ... we get ridiculed, canceled as "haters" and worse if we call them "replacements," don't we?

Bottom line, the swindlers behind it all want to make sure they can get out with their plunder before the well runs dry and the mob hangs them.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

[Via Mack H]

Gimme That Old Time Religion

But Christian nationalism and conspiracy theories may be new elements in local sermons. [More]

Like this?

And this?

They say that like it's a bad thing.

They prefer useful idiot pawns for totalitarians?

I remember when The Orange County Register had a reputation of being "conservative."

That's a Big 'If'

If we had a real media in America you’d think they’d make a really big deal about the fact that our greatest ally abroad, Great Britain, literally held our president in contempt over his disastrous and “dishonorable” withdrawal from Afghanistan. [More]

They didn't care about an attorney general being held in contempt of Congress. Why should they care about the Brits?

The Right Word

 As seen on Fox News:

How about "f*cked"...?

Behind the Mask

Video shows Pelosi, DCCC donors enjoying maskless party as masked servants attend them [More]

At first, I thought, "So what? Restaurants around here do that too."

So that doesn't particularly illustrate elitism.

But what it does is illustrate the absurd inconsistency of the whole mandate.

Bare-ass naked in the town square conned...

Trust But Don't Verify

 Putin Warns of Influx of Afghan Militants Disguised as Refugees [More]

What are we supposed to think when their leader is smarter than ours?

Of course, that's been true for a long time.

Open borders Cato does not agree, but then again, consider the source.

That's What It's All About

 I sent a "shame on you" complaint to the billboard owner, let's see what happens. [More]

Thank you for this. 

It's not about just consuming information, it's about then proactively taking the initiative and using it.

For those who might be inclined to answer "Probably nothing," I'll bet if everyone who had that reaction followed suit it would get their attention, especially if you also said you were going to notify their customers who just want billboard space, not controversy.