Free NRA membership.
[More]The Bylaws require dues to be set by the Board. This is another one of those times when having no oversight of board directors, no indication of what they believe or how they vote or even how to contact them, works against NRA members like me who think this is a bad idea.
I don't see where the antis will spin this any other way than a desperation move. And if I'd just shelled out membership dues, I'd be looking for a refund.
I'm sure there will be no shortage of members who will vehemently disagree with me, and point out how this will bear fruit when these trial members get involved and re-up.
Fine. But that still doesn't negate the observation that directors pretty much operate independently of any cognizance of those who elect them. And that we have no practical way to rate them when they're up for election.
I even saw it stated that doing so, particularly
using Second Amendment fidelity as a guide, would not be..."pragmatic" wasn't the word, but that was the gist of it.
Oh, and another thing--
why aren't the damn bylaws online? What purpose is served by not posting them? We can judge politicians by their adherence to the Constitution. It would be nice to judge directors by their adherence to the bylaws, particularly Article II, Section 1, and if you don't know what that says, you make my point.