Dear David,
Liberty writers are checking in as our Safer Streets concept grows.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger has checked in. Morality, courage, reality and integrity are going to be absolutely essential to the recovery of the nation. If we expect it in others -- especially officials to whom we grant authority -- it all needs to come from us first.
On our authority. On our insistence. Thanks, Dr. Laura.
Information for optimal preparedness is as important, and we welcome Alex Jones' website with NASA's notice of solar activity that has the globe abuzz.
Bob Parks joins us too, with a daring expose on several important things every voter should know this November. Where did America ever get the idea the Ku Klux Klan was conservatives? His series sure explains a lot!
It all means safer streets. Good to have you all.
Love of Liberty,
John Longenecker
Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Integrity, loyalty, morality as expressions of Patriotism. Parachute jump teacher saves student from sure death. Dave was the instructor. His student, a woman, was a total newbie. The day for the parachute jump was beautiful: sunny, clear, warm. Dave gave Shirley her briefing before they took off in the airplane to jump - in tandem (that means attached to each other), as he has done hundreds of times. This day was different. This day the parachute did not deploy properly and they were spinning to their certain deaths. More. . _________________________________________________________ |
Leon Weinstein. Communism is never the way it is promised. A few minutes with Leon Weinstein. What have the Soviets learned from Communism? Russian emigre Leon Weinstein has a warning to Americans now experiencing what Russians experienced in the early days of Communism. The Genesis is identical. Click through the image of Leon and his wife Julia for Leon's important video selected by the Publisher. Leon is available for speaking engagements. __________________________________________________________ |
AWR Hawkins, Ph.D. Military History. Gun Control: The ultimate human rights violation. The most telling aspect of the left's obsession with human rights is not so much what its proponents claim to defend but what they would be happy to sacrifice. And one thing all human rights activists are perpetually ready to jettison is the right Americans enjoy in keeping and bearing arms. More |
Walter Williams, Ph.D. Who's to blame? More... ________________________________________________________ |
Tenth Amendment Center. Arizonans dare to defy the feds again. Derek Sheriff Just when you thought Arizona couldn't get any more provocative, or push any more of the federal government's buttons, it looks like America's 48th state may actually become the 15th state to adopt another very controversial law! This proposed law, on the other hand, may actually make some people on the Left, as well as the Right, happy for a change. I have my doubts about whether it will make those who put party above principle, or anyone employed by the U.S. Department of Justice happy, however. More . . . __________________________________________________________ |
David Codrea. Second Amendment. What does Sharron Angle victory in Nevada U.S. Senate primary mean for gun owners? |
Bob Parks. Black&Right. The Democrat race lie. Republican Congress enacts the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans. October 18, 1871 After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan. June 9, 1964 Republicans condemn 14-hour filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act by U.S. Senator and former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd (D-WV), who still serves in the Senate... More . . . ________________________________________________________ |
Preparedness. Alex Jones' As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather. "The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to discuss." More. . _______________________________________________________ |
Dave Workman. Second Amendment. Brit shooting aftermath: One psychologist clarifies why restrictive gun laws fail... anywhere. edition became embroiled in the debate about how effective or ineffective British gun laws were because of the mass shooting by cabbie Derrick Bird in Northwest England, one Brit psychologist identified by ITN News as Dr. James Thompson, put this incident - and perhaps all such incidents - in proper perspective. More . . . |
_____________________________________________ More liberty writers are checking in now to join Liberty News and Safer Streets since our launch. Be sure to recommend us to your loved ones to opt-in. We're Free. __________________________________________________________ |
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