Monday, November 04, 2019
Duty Calls
I've mentioned before I'm a regular poll dancer and we're having an election Tuesday.
I'll be at the polls setting up at 5:30 a.m. and won't get out until after they close and we reconcile everything, so no blog tomorrow, no comment moderation tomorrow, no emails answered tomorrow and no social media tomorrow for me.
I'll be back Wednesday to provide prompt refunds to all paying customers who find this untenable.
Sloppy Gun Story Editing Makes Innocent Man Look Like a Criminal
The problem? That’s not Scheuch in the photo. And readers not knowing better would assume it is. [More]Maybe somebody just wanted to stick it to gun people, but I’m going to go with laziness here. And that to me is just as inexcusable.
Hot Mess
SHOCK: Pennsylvania rep calls miscarriage ‘just some mess on a napkin’ [More]Sounds like the type who would authorize a funding increase for Mengele, doesn't she? I love when these characters try to weaselword their way out of their self-created messes:
My words were poorly chosen...Ya think? Seems to me like a rare moment of candor...
Just to be clear though -- according to "progressive" ideology, an in-utero developing human has fewer rights than wild rice. Literally, according to them with no exaggeration or hyperbole from me...
And yes, of course, she doesn't much care for your right to life, either:
We're the Only Ones Good for the Goose Enough
I-Team: Retired NY Cop Believes His Guns Were Seized as Retaliation for Whistleblower Complaint Against Police Academy [More]So retaliation doesn't factor into seizures from the rest of us?
Into the Lion's Den
Sorry, I don’t remember if there was any applause at the end. But there were a number of attendees who couldn’t wait to get out of there and back to work! [More]DRGO Editor Robert B. Young, MD, braves the Department of Psychiatry at Queens Hospital Center. He did a much better job at not calling the gunquack who asked him if he values hunting more than children's lives a [expletive] moron than I would have done.
There's Something They're not Telling Us
The tests “illegally discriminate against applicants who can’t afford test prep classes and pose other unfair obstacles …” [More]I seem to recall my "test prep" was to study. But if you require further tutelage, this looks pretty affordable...
Ah well, we're talking California. Once more I must defer to Tommy Lee.
[Via Michael G]
Something Else the Ones Causing All the Problems will Ignore
A gun safety bill gets the green light from the St. Louis Board Of Aldermen. The measure requires gun dealers to inform police any time a potential gun buyer fails a background check. [More]Yeah, expend police resources on false positives while the black market continues unfazed. Genius!
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Watching Your Six Enough
A St. Louis police officer is facing an assault charge for shooting an unarmed car thief in the back while chasing the person on foot in the city’s West End neighborhood. [More]So Only Ones having your back is not necessarily a good thing...?
[Via bondmen]
The Desired Effect
'Hate-Filled' Fliers Found on Western Connecticut State University Campus - The university president did not specify what the fliers said, but described their distribution as “despicable and utterly unacceptable behavior,” and stressed that the university is a place where everyone should feel safe. [More]Guy sounds like an idiot.
I wonder if it was this or this...
Wake me when they find one that's not a hoax.
[Via Michael G]
As Susquehanna seeks to embody the rich diversity of the human community, we commit ourselves to the full participation of persons who represent the breadth of human differences...As long as those differences aren't, you know...
Susquehanna Hat Company...???
Invading Their Safe Space
According to a release from Vassar's Safety and Security department, around 2 a.m. Friday, two male intruders entered the house through an unlocked door, one with what appeared to be a handgun. The department said the men bound the students and searched the house. [More]Unlocked door, eh? Hey, nothing like that ever happens here!
I don't suppose with the perps still at large, some BOLO information might be appropriate?
[Via Michael G]
Guest of Honor
Former Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence president Dan Gross spoke in defense of gun owners during the November 2, 2019, 2nd Amendment Rally. [More]Just listen to those cheers for hollow platitudes! I once had a confirmed anti tell me the exact same thing, that we're not as far apart as I might think. Of course we were, but the happy talking point works on those who don't know how to question any deeper.
Note he totally avoided specifics about what infringements he still demands and, significantly, was allowed to get away with it.
I'm just surprised the Saviors didn't invite Jorge to be keynote.
[Via Keith B]
UPDATE: It depends upon what the meaning of the word "candid" is.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
Five London stabbings in two hours as night of terror across capital continues [More]So much for rounding out...
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
You Have Your Orders
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No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die... |
According to Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston... [More]Well as long as she says so.
I can't decide if she reminds me more of Diana Moon Glampers or Peabody's Boy Sherman.
[Via Michael G]
But...But...But Common Sense...
Mexico’s Soaring Murder Rate Proves Gun Control Is Deadly [More]Say, gang, I've got a swell idea!
[Via Felix B]
You Won't Have Beto to Kick Around Any More
Beto O'Rourke ends his presidential bid after campaign failed to take off [More]Fear not. I'm sure I'll still have occasion from time to time to remind everybody about these idiots.
[Via Felix B]
Forget One Man, One Vote
The Party of the People thinks they'd be better served by lots of lawyers and lots of judges. [More]
And how dare you racists disenfranchise our frauds by demanding proof of eligibility!
[Via Michael G]
There, I Fixed It For Ya
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A mother in Texas was found dead alongside her three children on Friday in an apparent triple murder-suicide. Ashley Auzenne ... was a vocal advocate for stricter gun control in the United States with multiple social media postings calling for an end to gun violence and Facebook profile pictures that bore the hashtags #Enough and #EndGunViolence. [More]Too late, it's gone. Those who control the information won't let us check on the extent of the derangement for ourselves, but instead dispense and withhold as suits their agenda, ensuring it all gets regurgitated to us from the "authorities."
Remember when that NRA Mom did something similar? Me neither.
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Your Social Media Bias Test for Today
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[More] |
I wonder if using the term "Clown World" will earn a time-out...
No Host Bar
Joe Biden denied Communion over abortion views [More]That's a good first step.
If Francis wasn't a fraud, Biden, Pelosi, Cuomo, et al. would be excommunicated.
Credibility Gap
Ronan Farrow: Bill Clinton 'credibly accused of rape' by Juanita Broaddrick [More]I guess the rest of us who have been screaming that for years just haven't been as credible as the son of Hollywood royalty.
No Fool Like an Old Fool
"I don't have an issue with guns. I just have an issue with these guns," said 75-year-old Stan Smith of assault rifles from his rural home near Potlatch. [More]And into the "news" it goes!
Putting a Native Face on Gaia Worship
Cities, tribes try a new environmental approach: Give nature rights [More]Forget that offensive "no law respecting an establishment of religion" racism. We all know rights are dictated by tribal chiefs and besides, think of the opportunities for wealth transfers when competing "rights" need to be "adjudicated" by shamans.
Perhaps the main reason not to worship false "gods" is because making delusion and lie-based decisions leads to terrible suffering?
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