...with a bullet. [More]
Welcome to the WoGroll. Clever blog name for list placement--you've got top spot with those of us who do things alphanumerically.
Hey, if anybody has me on their blogroll and don't see it reciprocated here, give me a holler.
I try my best to return the favor, but stuff slips by.
I remember when I was first starting out WarOnGuns, and put a bunch of "established" gun bloggers on my list who, it turned out, would not give me the time of day. I thought that was pretty snotty and promised myself I would never be like that.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Like it or Not?
Edmund Cooper says:This is a comment posted to a GRE column from the other day.
"...pulled over...tried to intervene..."
Better that one cooperates with the police when one is the object of their undivided attention. Like it or not, they are in charge on the street.
Police are highly emotional and have predictable responses. Not smart to make them feel threatened. [More]
I think Mr. Cooper's observations raise some debatable points.
On the one hand, I can't argue with him. We've seen those "predictable responses" happen time and again.
On the other hand, with outrages that seem to be increasing to a breaking point, I question that this will always be the "smart" option...
Feel free to continue the in-progress discussion.
We're the Only Ones Acing the Test Enough
The detective, James Sutera, had twice failed the written test to become a detective in the commission’s police division, each time scoring in the 50s, far below the minimum passing grade of 70. He passed on his third attempt with a score of 98. [More]So why would anyone think he cheated and lied? Don't they realize "Only Ones" are more trustworthy than the rest of us?
And perjury? Don't they realize juries rely on these guys to be more believable than the rest of us every day?
Besides, how dumb would you have to be to get caught? Anyone who can score a 98 would be way too smart for that!
[Via Harvey]
Think Christine Olley Protects You in a Fight? Think Again
Epidemiologists at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine yesterday announced the findings of a study about whether guns are protective or perilous during an assault. [More]What, you mean "study" led by Joyce Foundation beneficiary Charles Branas?
The one that restricted the test population to fit the results they wanted, made no distinction between peaceable citizens and those involved in the criminal underworld, and lumped gun owners in with "gun possessors"?
That study?
Funny. Christine Olley comes off so authoritatively. I wonder why she didn't bring any of this up--or seek out comments from someone who would?
[Via Mama Liberty]
We're the Only Ones Breaking and Entering Enough
Authorities say a Grand Junction police officer has been arrested in a burglary and sexual assault investigation. [More]Huh.
If guilty, it's too bad the headline doesn't read "We're the Only Ones Two in the Chest and One in the Head Enough."
But I'm being too judgmental. It's not like there are that many "bad apples."
This incident is only "the second in five weeks involving a Grand Junction Police Department officer accused of criminal activity while off duty."
[Via Tom S]
Gun Groups Fire Back at Feds with Firearms Freedom Act Lawsuit

What if an FFL was not acting in his capacity as a federal licensee to manufacture for personal use, or to transfer firearms strictly within a state? Or what if a person so engaged was not a federal licensee at all?Today's Gun Rights Examiner column covers the lawsuit filed against the feds by SAF and MSSA, and includes a copy of the complaint.
ATF's determined intent to hold all accountable under federal law has not wavered. [More]
I know some have dismissed this strategy. I also know that this is a good case in terms of being consistent with founding intent, but admit seeing unconstitutional tyranny prevail in federal courts is an outrageous possibility. Still, there's a very important fundamental object lesson to be learned here if that happens. Anyone who dismisses it is no one I care to follow.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
Tell a friend?
A Capital Idea
Shooting Down The Claim That The AK-47 Needed Intellectual Property Protection [More]Since when do commies care about property rights?
Think he needs to worry about what to do without so he can cover the essentials?
[Via Sam W]
We're the Only Ones "Someone's Been Sleeping In My Bed-And THERE HE IS!" Enough-
Arlington police say a U.S. Capitol Police officer was arrested when a woman came home to find the stranger passed out drunk in her bed. Police said the 34-year-old man was still sleeping when officers arrived at 1 a.m. Sunday. [More]Right. And this...this "Only One" is deemed more fit to carry a gun in the nation's capitol than you or I. It does explain why they don't want them in our homes, doesn't it? And all that Goldilocks gun control...?
Tell me, had it been you or I committing such an inexcusable offense, what are the chances the papers would protect our names and refer only to "a citizen"?
[Via Ron W]
Can You Hear Us NOW?
Western Rifle Shooters Association tells us about a national day of protest against "Authorized Journalists." [More]
Don't forget your Threeper flag.
Don't forget your Threeper flag.
This Day in History, October 2
October 2, 1777 at Billingsport, New Jersey - Ge. William Howe and his naval fleet were headed to Philadelphia. The American forces found out his intentions and had blocked the Chesapeake River some miles below the city, about halfway down to Chester. The American works were unimpressive. First, they had blocked the river channel with a line of sunken stakes, and covered them with a small battery at Billings Port. On October 2, the British opened their operations by easily overrunning the Billingsport work and cut their way through the stakes. Conclusion: British Victory [More]
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