No we don't.
Look, I don't know the truth of this Obama birth certificate matter.
On the one hand, you have the smartasses sneering "tinfoil hats." Sorry, but that's not an argument and it doesn't serve well the cause of those who offer it.
On the other hand, you have people with all sorts of versions, some appearing at least plausible, others fantastic. Sorry, but that's not proof.
It seems the simplest thing would be to just produce incontrovertible evidence for expert examination by all sides. And no, what we've seen so far is not.
This avoidance does nothing to increase confidence in government or diminish distrust. All it does is widen the divide and fuel the conspiracy theories even more--from both sides, including the one that of course BO can prove it, but by not doing so he can draw out making his political enemies look like fools.
It seems a simple enough question to deserve a straight answer for.
Monday, December 08, 2008
'Gun Control'? One Jewish Group Says 'Never Again!'

On Friday we discussed the anti-gun efforts of the National Council of Jewish Women, a group that claims to be "inspired by Jewish values."
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership would disagree.
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...
Tell a friend.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise
Click on title link for what is purported to be an actual sign from a UK store.
This lends it credence.
[Via Zachary G and Thomas H]
This lends it credence.
[Via Zachary G and Thomas H]
Ignoring Gun Owners
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin was recently on PBS, and made the ludicrous claim that the Heller decision somehow has something to do with tanks and SAMs. Toobin went on to say that gun control wasn't an issue for voters this year, because "swing voters don't care about it".That, along with the "Republicans weren't moderate enough" lie are the two big delusions being pushed.
Perhaps it will result in overconfidence, and too much will be reached for too soon.
Regardless, some of us are through obeying.
[Via The Bitter Clinger]
The Wrong Hands
One man brought in a Soviet-era semiautomatic carbine.Good grief.
"If that got into the wrong hands of gangbangers, they could kill several people within minutes," Woods said.
I guess taking advantage of poor people who live in dangerous neighborhoods is one way to disarm them and ensure gang supremacy. But along with, or perhaps in lieu of the food card, they ought to be passing out some guarantees .
Perhaps that's a tack to take with these gun "buybacks". The following could be printed out:

It would be funny to see what they'd say. You don't think their refusal to sign this would indicate anything, do you?
[Via SameNoKami]
What Happened at the Co-Op?
An Ohio Department of Agriculture agent seized food, electronic devices and documents from a Pittsfield Township organic and natural food cooperative believed to be unlicensed, according to a search warrant filed yesterday in Lorain County Common Pleas Court.I've been following Internet accounts of this over the weekend and haven't been able to verify what went down.
Some accounts are reporting a SWAT raid.
I haven't been able to confirm this, so I've been hesitant to comment. It would not surprise me to learn the "Authorized Journalists" have once more failed at government watchdoggery, but at this point not enough is known to make a judgment. Just like it would not surprise me to see organic food distributors treated like homegrown terrorists.
[Via HZ]
We're the Only Ones Still Clouded Enough
It's unclear whether Anthony Abbate, the officer charged in the beating, will stand trial...What's to plea? They've got the animal attack documented on tape.
"I have to think it is important to get past (the case)...Yeah, that's what the Boundary Country prosecutor said about Lon Horiuchi...
Chicago officials already have set about to change the police department's image...Ah yes. Change the image.
Hog butcher for the world "Only Ones."
Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.
If Each of Us Carried a Gun
For anybody who still believed in it, the Mumbai shootings exposed the myth of “gun control”. India had some of the strictest firearms laws in the world...Some of you have pointed out the Gandhi quote at the end of this column. I've been hesitant to emphasize it only because my understanding is he was advocating government, not private arms. If anyone can document differently, I'd appreciate the education.
Incidentally, my take on Mumbai will be out in a few months--I submitted a piece to GUNS Magazine at the beginning of the month.
[Via Doug H, cycjec]
This Day in History: December 8
Beginning on this day in 1775, Colonel Benedict Arnold and General Richard Montgomery lead an American force in the siege of Quebec. The Americans hoped to capture the British-occupied city and with it win support for the American cause in Canada.
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