First Gun Grab Bills For 2019 Announced [More]The enemy plans and lays groundwork because it understands the long game and that it's not really a game.
What do most gun owners do?
Notes from the Resistance...
First Gun Grab Bills For 2019 Announced [More]The enemy plans and lays groundwork because it understands the long game and that it's not really a game.
Jane Fonda to volunteers: Canvass as if your life depends on it [More]She never has been much on young American men being the ones that are armed.
The police will be firing blanks to expose everyone to the sound of gunfire in the building. [More]If the object is to approximate a real-world scenario, it would be more realistic if they hid outside instead.
Taco Bell employee refuses to help client who doesn’t speak Spanish [More]But what they lose in sales they make up for in cheap labor...
A man, armed with a BB gun, attempted to rob a Waffle House in Villa Rica. But he was the one who ended up getting shot, authorities said. [More]I find that whole scenario pretty damned implausible.
Carrie Underwood Pushes Her Boundaries And Addresses Gun Violence On 'Cry Pretty' [More]I doubt that many hearing it will pick up on that.
Cicero's top cop praises concealed gun holder who fired at suspect after officer shot [More]Singing a different tune these days, are we?
Tracie Hovermale: If elected delegate, I will address complex issues surrounding gun violence [More]Everything except what allows this and this to take root. Mustn't upset needed Democrat constituencies.
Stormy Daniels' husband files for divorce - Glendon Crain alleges adultery by adult film actor [More]What was your first clue?
Was Jared Kushner behind the anonymous New York Times op-ed? Ann Coulter thinks so [More]I can believe it. But I'd need to see proof.
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A Virginia federal judge has prevented prominent Dallas attorney William Brewer III from representing the NRA in a contract dispute with an insurance company after the lawyer failed to disclose to the court that he was sanctioned for ethical violations in Texas. [More]The enemy crows.
David French Contradicts Himself [More]He contradicts a lot of things. And often.
If the answer to either question is "yes," then she's guilty. If the answer to both questions is "no," then she's not. [More]Seems pretty clear...
Evidence of Crimes Irrelevant to Impeaching Trump, a Texas Democrat Insists [More]It's the Totalitarian way.
The cause of the blaze remains unknown, but investigators have said there are no indications that anyone broke into the building. [More]So...inside job?
Milwaukee officer fired for what police chief calls ‘racist’ social media posts [More]He should have just been fired for being stupid -- don't these guys realize past statements will be used against them on future actions?
“At this point, I’m flabbergasted, dude. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I’m really at a loss. I am just at a loss. I don’t even know what to say anymore,” Price said. [More]And he was such a promising addition to the swamp...
Where is the scientific, historic or empirical evidence that the greater the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes? [More]The paradox of "progressivism" is that its goal is to transform the New World into the Old.
China promotes anti-Trump book [More]You want evidence of foreign collusion to affect the outcome of an upcoming election?
Is explanation really neccessary? Goes like this….because she is a public figure to whom some hold very strong oppositions to, she could very possibly be targeted by those who wish to do her harm. Me? Not so much. I dont need security. See the difference? One can be smart and know that every situation is not the same or one can have a thick skull and pretend like it is for politic arguments. [More]That's pretty Small-minded...
Dalai Lama: ‘Europe Belongs to Europeans’, Refugees Should Return and Rebuild Homelands [More]Well we knew he was a gun nut, so it just makes sense he's a hater.
Some Willie Nelson fans are seeing red after learning the country musician will be headlining a rally for Democratic Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke. [More]What, they're just now figuring out Willie's a Red?